June 1940 School Magazine

June, 1940

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

June, 194(t

mittee has received letters from Miss Lilley and from the Head Girl of the School telling of the School's gratitude and pleasure at the gift. The cost to the Association was £55. The Ball suggested was held at the Trocadero on 29th April, and was just as pleasant a function as last year. The atten- dance was about the same as then, and the profits are again in the region of £50. This is to be shared between the Library Fund and War Work Funds. The War Work Group has been established and a report of its activities will be found below. It is hoped that members, and in fact all Old Girls, whether members or not, who are not a lready engaged in some form of this work will give this branch of the Association's activities their support. ANNUAL DINNER. The Annual Dinner was held at Rowes' Cafe on Friday, lst December, 1939. It was well attended and those present seemed to enjoy themselves very much, in spite of an exceed- ingly hot night. The toast of the School was proposed by Miss Lucy Dimmock, and responded to by Miss Lilley; that of the Association by Miss Macmillan, and replied to by the President. Three five-minute addresses were given-Mrs . Percy Cox spoke on "Meeting Miss Wilkinson", Miss B. Forster on "Being a Secre- tary", and Mrs. W . Puregger on "How the Other Half Washes". Miss M. Cross proposed a vote of thanks to the speakers. OLD GIRLS' DAY. Old Girls' Day was held at the School on April 6th. The customary matches were played against the School teams and resulted in much fun and not a little stiffness, at least for those Old Girls playing Net Ball. A committee convened by Miss Joan Wells arranged a most beautiful display of flowers in the Hall and the dining room; and the tea arrangements were in the hands of a committee whose convener was Mrs . A. McLucas (whom some of us know better as Beth Beeston). These committees, together with Miss Dorothy Bowden and Miss Margaret Morris who looked after the tennis and the net-ball respectively, had an exceedingly strenuous afternoon and even- ing. They are to be congratulated on the result. We are indebted to Miss Felgate and to Miss Patricia Steedman for arranging p lays for us in the evening. This year Old Girls present were asked to sign a book as a record of their presence and interest. One hundred and 31


President: Miss Rhoda Felgate Vice-President: Miss Joan Allsop Secretary-Treasu1·er: Mrs. R. K. Macpherson

Assistant Secreta1·y-Treasurer: Miss Dorothy Bowden Committee: Misses K. M. Lilley, Betty Mitchell, Evelyn McKellar, Betty Fraser, Dorothy Donaldson, May Cross. This is the forty-second year of the Association's existence and it is pleasant to report that its membership shows a steady increase. Thirty-seven new members have joined so far this year, and they, no doubt, will be able to induce others to do so. Some foundation members are still regular in their atten- dance at meetings and social functions and their enthusiasm seems to have communicated itself to the younger members. In this most difficult year, the Association needs all possible enthusiasm, that it may be strong enough to carry out the double task it has before it-the task of maintaining its tradi- tion of service to the School, and the wider task of its service to the country. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting was held at the School on Friday, 9th February. The attendance was not so large as in the previous year. In addition to the reception of the Annual Report and the election of Officers, the chief business of the meeting was a discussion of the Library Fund (which now stands at £291/l/4) . It was reported that the Trustees did not at present view with favour the proposal to attempt to build a separate library and after discussion, it was decided to con- tinue the Fund that, at so!r!e future date, the matter might be again brought up for consideration. Meanwhile, it was decided to advance from the Fund, sufficient money to supply the School with bookshelves urgently needed. In order to replace this money, a Committee was appointed and it was suggested that its first effort might take the form of a repetition of the Ball held in 1939. I! was also decided to call a meeting of all Old Girls interested in the formation of a War Work Group. The shelves decided upon by this meeting have been made and installed at the School in the hall lPading from the front hall to the Science wing. R. L. Gordon Pty. Ltd., of Charlotte St. were entrusted with the work, and those Old Girls who saw the result on Old Girls' Day felt justifiably proud. The Com- 3C

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