June 1940 School Magazine

June, 1940

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

June, 1940

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

was not quite alone. And my thoughts sped ahead of my footsteps, and in spirit I entered that small cottage and under- stood, as only a spirit can understand, the thoughts of the humble farmer. How, with the first bird's song that heralds a new day, he rises and toils long hours in the sun. But at night, he enjoys the same pleasures as men the world-over- the quiet companionship of the darkness and the stars. What a great inspiration, I thought, would his silent friends be to that lonely man. He would feel that God had remem- bered him, the lowliest of h is worshippers, and sent n ight to soothe him in its restful silence, and the stars to send him their message of hope and eternal life. For the stars have smiled down on men since the beginning of time, and their message is just as bright and inspiring as it was then. In continued my walk, lost in the winding labyrinths of my reflections. Was it my imagination, or did the stars seem a little sadder to-night, hurt that man should have so violated the laws of love and peace, that he should have disregarded the message of the stars, and given way to a mad desire to kill his fellow-men . Perhaps, in a distant land, the stars were looking sorrowfully at the terriblE? destruction man had wrought, and the unhappiness he had brought about by his own folly . My footsteps wended their .way homewards, and I offered a silent prayer to the Night, that her beauty and understand- ing might at last prevail on man, and claim victory in God's name.


The summer sky is darkening, the wind blows wild and free, The birds are homeward flying to their nestlings in the· tree. The storm is slowly rising , the thunder loudly roars, The lightning brightly flashes and lights the purple moors. But now the clouds are passing, rain is gently falling, Listen to the storm birds to each other calling. Now the rain is ceasing, the sun is peeping through Upon a world of glory, glittering anew.



Denise Harvey, Com. V.

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