June 1938 School Magazine
* f, Copging lleuice for Euerg Usq NO MATTEfl #trar your business, your cornmonest need is lor I to 100 copies.-And this is c "Ditto" Job.
The "Ditto" copying device provides up to eiqht colours lrom hqnd-written, type-written, or drqwn mqster sheets, qnd these mqster sheets mqy be mqde Irom the Iollowing mediums;- "Ditto" cqrbon pcper, "Ditto" writing inks, "Ditto" pencils, "Ditto" tYpe- writer ribbons, "Ditto" printing ink. AU in eight colours: red, blcck, blue, green, orqnge. purple, yellow, brown. "Ditto" is c simple nethod of dupli- cating, qnd there is no ink used on the mqchine.
The "Ditto" Hcndy Kit is especiolly de- signed lor the smqll users ot "Dilto", such qs Chulches, Tennis Clubs, Schools, Sporting bodies. This set comprises all stcndcrd equipment with two "Dillo" Iilms. Price,42/-. l}ris compacl liltle set provides reclly wonderlully cleqr work. W. R. SMITH & PATERSON Pty. Ltd. MARSHATL STREET. THE VAttEY, BRISBANE, N I. Telephone: B 3438 (3 lines) OFFICE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT
KING TEA Tender, dew-loderr leoves, oll plucked in the eorly }lorning Sun- shine ol the Eosi.
So it comes to yor-r iis excellence of flovour ond oromcr hoving origin in the tiny leqves thot qre especiolly pluck' ed for KINIG TEA only. illnE IER GOOD TO THE I,AST DROP (Pocked in Queenslond)
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