June 1938 School Magazine

The Best in Sporting GOOdg-.fu asonably pr ice d. "Everything Good in Sporting Goods" is our slogon, so no motter whot Sport you follow, get complete sotisfociion ond long service by buyinq your equipment from ihe BRISBANE SPORTS DEPOT_ Lcrge Stocks oI Malerial lor- TENNIS VIGORO GOLF CNICKET HOCKEY BASKET BALL, etc. Specicrl Discounts Offered lo Schools ond Clubs All Sportinq Repoirs Promptly crnd Efficiently Attended to. Price Lists of A1l Goods Free on Applicotion. BRISBANE SPORTS DEPOT "Everything Good in Sportinq Goods" 342 QUEEN STREET BRISBANE


If it's for Tennis, Iet BOB HOOD

'Phones; B 8705 crrd I 3780 l0Hil HtsLoP er SONS Qremation and Ql'uneral "Directors 544 QUEEN STREET BRISBANE and 17 PEEL STREET SOUTH BRISBANE

the populor Tennis Ployer Advise you obout oll mot- ters reloting to Tennis SPECiAL SCHOOLS Restrins onlv 7 /5, ond the Motchflyer Rocket sells at 2l/-, complete wj.th cr nice cover, ot TAYL0R & W|[S0N SPORTS DEPOT 158 Adelqide Street City B 7905

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