June 1938 School Magazine
Bti"l*r Gi"I"'ct.
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"Silver" qlittered qbove the other floots representins noturol resources, ond the droperies of the riders were in the colour of this metol which hos helped to enrich Austrolio. "Federqtion" wos inspiring, with huqe cornucopios pouringr out ripe fruits. Queen Victorio was seen signing ihe preclous document which mode Ausiroliq one. "Britqnnio" rode with her escort of lions; ond close behind come "Peoce" led by a dove with outspreod wings. And so concluded the One Hundred ond Fifty yeors o{ Austrolio's lt4orch to Notionhood; truly o wondeifui record, vividly portroyed. " ]oon Godfrey, V. tIFE Our life is like o blozing fire briqht,
Thot kindled is ot first by one smoll sporr, Which fed, continues still to grow eoch dov Unril it reoches such tronscendoni light Thot o11 qround ore wormed by its glow; And men qre thonkful for its wormth ond 1ight. Like to the.shivering noked mon Who crouches o'er the fire low ot night, And from its heot derives his soving breoth, His wormih, his food, ond oye, his very life, And in the morn lvhen he is gorie his wov. He blesses it with fervour, in his heort; So do these comrodes cluster round its bloze, And go their woy, up-lified in their souls, And proising God who sent thot cheer{ul flome, To light them in their weoriness ond toil. But not for ever con this {ire burn, For soon its flome begins to Ilicker low, And, costing but o feeble light oround, ii slowly burns itseif owoy, until A heop of briqht qnd glowing embers ore Of thot bright {Iome, the only poor remoins. And they, too soon,. begin to fode ond die, And oli the glow goes out, ond leoves them cold. So thus it is with us, our course is run. Our fleeting footsteps corry us olor Into the lond where o1l the spirits go, To live ot length in everlosting peoce.
N. Moorhouse, V.
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