June 1938 School Magazine
fune, 1938
Brisbme Girls' Grammar School Mcgczine
cold is ihe seo:::T""" And the ice-bergs closhing Grinding, grooning, {loshing In the weory Arciic night Strong is the wind ond {ierce And the storm wrock flYing Scudding, lleeing, dYinq In the drenching Arctic roin. Sod is the wond'rer's heort And his senses ) eornin 1 Croving, longing, burning In the icy Arctic blost. Worm is his heorth ond home And the firelight doncing Flick'ring, shining, gloncing- From the Arciic wostes ofor'
Julio Stringer.
OF GARDENS. Everyone loves to wonder oround o well-kept gorden, cd- miring the qoy fiowers, trim green lowns with here ond there o potch oJ dorker green clover, ond neot poths, to wotch for the firsi buds on the spring {lowers, or the {irst timid green shoots of the winter bulbs, to smell the deliqht{ul scent of eorth freshly wotered, ond to see the dew sporkling on the leoves, the gross ond the spider's webs in the eorly morning. To be o good ond e{ficient gqrdener, one must hove o delinite temperoment, potient, ond {ree from impetuosity. A11 the disoppointments of the hobby-plonts dying becouse oI poor soil or insufficient moisture, onts eoting ihe seeds one has corefully sown, ond numerous other petty onnoyonces--crll must be borne potiently if one is to succeed in the end. Beverley Nichols, in his book "Down the Gorden Path", gives cr very omusing occount of his ottempis to moke c gor- den. He tells one entertoinins story of his attempts to build o fish pond. He duq the hole himself, ond succeeded in build- inq quite o creditoble pond, when his neiqhbour domped his spirits by oskinq whot he intended to do with the huse mound of soil he had dus out o{ the hole. Noihinq dounted, he replied thoi it wos going to be q rockery, ond to mqke his boost good, he ordered the stones, of which he eventuolly bouqht q ton, there beinq o reduction in price for lorge quontities. At lcrst, ofter mony poinful incidents, his rockery wos built, ond wos imposing indeed. Consisting of d ton of stones ond much soil, it towered crbove the {ish-pond whence it originoted, ond hod to be removed ofter ol1. 20
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