June 1938 School Magazine
Stott, Hoare & Dobefl's Business College CREEK STREET, BRISBANE (OnIy Address) (opp. E.S. & A. Bonk) 'Phone: B 1806
OIIers the Best Commerciql Trctining lor Young Lcdies. When your doughter leoves school, ossute het fuiure by giving her o sound BUSINESS TRAINING. There is o constont demond for our quolified students io fill positions in the leoding Business Houses of Brisbone. Subjecls Touqht-Individuql Tuilion Shorthqnd, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercicl English, Arithmetic; clso Complometer, Wqhl, qnd Cross Adder Tuition. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE ALL COMMERCiAL SUBIECTS, olso SHOW CARD AND TICKET WRITING osk for porticulors. Thorough Troining all Office Routine Correspondence Course qll Subjecis. Free Prospeclus on crpplication. Principcl: (Miss) C. Il. MARTIN
Gimber of Qualiry At th.e Lowest Cosr
Experience hos en- obled us to supply the right kind ol Timber thoi will give losting sotisfoction for ony poriiculor ;ob. When building or modernising your home, use our Queenslond LUSTER Flooring. Looks beoutiful, ond mokes floor coverings unnecessory. We hove it seosoned in sizes 3 x I ond 4 x l. Richmond Timber Co. Pty. Ltd. For all Building Timbers crnd Plywood STANLEY STREET (next Dry Dock) SOUTH BRISBANET Phones: I 1536 ond I 1537 Gicnt Lusler Loq - Jrom Loq to Seqsoned Flooring
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