July 1967 School Magazine

1{U1I1{ E TRIYETT'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE All coaching under the expert and personal attention of the Principal, Miss J, M. Davidson. Personal interviews invii.ed _ day and even- ing classes. Shorthand, Typing, Commercial English, Commercial Arithmetic and Book_ keeping. ANNE HATHAWAY BUILDTNGS - T25 GEORGE ST. (opp. Executive Building) Phone 29529

Mmmm... super cream vanilla ice cream with twists of passion-fruit and strawberry sauce


Mmmm.. that's good . . that's Peters

C. KII]IGTER PTY. LTD. 925 Ann Street, Valley Brisbane Licensed Plumbers, Gasf itters Sheet Metal Workers Electric & Oxy Welders a Manufacture and lnstal- lation of Air Ducting for Air Conditioning

- Free Park while you shop

o&* Effi By Appointment to H.M. Queen Elizabeth SILVERSMITHS Hardy Brothe LIMITED IIB Queen Street Brisbane '+S/ Jewellers Watchmakers

WE'RE WEtt SCHllllTED 11{ GIASSR(IIIM tASHl0t{S Send them off to school smartly turned out in smart fashions that merit honours in conduct and appearance! Hardly seems any need for polished apples. We've been well schooled in classroom fashions for so long now that its become second nature for us to go into all the finer details when outfitting a youngster. That's why we are Brisbane's largest Schoolwear Outfitters. Enquire about our Credit Plan designed to make shopping so very easy.


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Si/versmiths Phone 28452

C. & C. R. Klingner, 6 3591 Foreman A. Kearney, 78 2016

MeDonnell & [ast Ltd., 0eorge St. Phone 32 0111


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