July 1967 School Magazine
Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School Magazlne
July, 1967
Brisbane 6irls' Grammar $chool Magazine
Julv, 1967
DAY DREAMING I could see the early morning sunshine throwing golden shafts of- light on the icy glaciers ai I and my party b-.gi'" tlr" ascent of the steep and terrifying peak. This peak -u, Eu.r.rt. and never before in the history of mankind, had-it been climbed- and conquered-by a woman. \ile were all heavily clad as protection against the bitter cold, and because o{ this extra weighi, we founJ the actual climbinj difficylt.. The st-eep and treacherous ravines yawned below us, ai we slowly gained more height, but being experienced mountain- climbers, we were not affected by this frightening sight. The ropes were stout and ffustvrorthy, as as we swung from one side of a va.lley to another on our improvised.,bridge' ,i. ,u* that every visible thing was enveloped irrthick white Jrow. Such magnificent sights we would not soon forget. The air was sharply .exhilerating and with every step, we drew nearer to our goal.. From vrhere we .were,- the^ peak seemed surrounded by brilliantly shining lights-tricks of rhis upper world-and jlst that sight .ncorrrag.J us to quicken our steps in the hope of reaching the peak before darkness fell and blotted out this beautiful view. The higher we climbed, the more tiring it became. Hovr- ever, nothing would prevent us from fulfilling our hearts' desires. As the. sun_ slowly .lisappeared, vre drevr cloier to the peak and by nightfall we had achieved our longed for desire and con- quered the unconquerable. With full hearts we erected our country's flag on the top of the highest mountain in the world. Slowly these. visions faded, and I became aware of my true surroundings, The tees overhead were softly rustling, telling me I must not linger by the creek any longer. As dakness drenched the earth with shadows once more. I made my way home, rcalizing I had ben day dreaming, but not tegrettilg it. The "whole adventure had seemed so real, so wonderful . . and it had come to me through a day-dream. -ROSLYN McNAUGHT. lVC. Lilley House
I read. in the paper tod.q),
Of "learned" people w/to say, That teenagers' rnodern ways and dress Should. be put auay and kept suppressed. Ol riots, and. rnurd.ers, dnd "gunning-downs", Cornxtitted by "Adults" in less respectable towns. It is "Adults" uho rnake crime mouies ls 5ss- And youths who uatch the.m, innocently, Are, alrnost euery siftgle d.oy, By these rnouies leti astray. And, eaer iealous ol the zeal ol the young, "Adults" peruert and distort tbern by use ol the toftgue. But, be patieftt, uith "Adults" I plead, For the blind can neuer the other blind lead.
MATHISON, VB, Gibson House
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