July 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

July, 1967

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

luly, 1967

Lyric Frize in the Middle and Lower SchooL, l9b6 Fire ! FIRE ! Tbe word. ptsses aroand. the gaests. Blind, unreasoning panic grips thent, Driues them all into headlone lliebt Out of tbe bouse. To saleti. - Fire ! And the llamine tongues Lick the Edwardian portals like hungry d.ogs: The starry sky rellects their sauagery, Deuastatiorc, uoracity, ruthlessness. The old bome shud.ders and. half crumbles to the ground. Fire ! The burnt-out debris ol the upper lloor Mingtes witb tbat ol tbe one belou. And asb of timber, charred black, Settles, then rises witb tbe auid. srnoke Fouling tbe air uith the flanues' dying gasps._ELATNE DoN PROXIME ACCESSIT SNAKE On the top ol the rise the headlights caugbt it. Green and black it oozeti on the road, Slirned its uay, glanced up-and was caught In a spell ol lieht; siluer in gold. E u e r y irn p ul s e, e a e / y I e eli n g-f e ay-g s yy s y -h at e-

THE SIR SAMUEL GRIFFITH HISTORY ESSAY COMPETITION THE FOUNDATION AND GROWTH OF'THE, AUSTRALIA.N LABOUR PARTY 1890 - 1913 - I! i. now generally agreed that the Second Great Maritime Strike of 1890 gave the final impulse to the idea which had long been revotuing in the minds of the leaders of the workers - direct taSour represenia-- tion in Parliament. There had, from time to time, te*n iiaivia"ut members from Labour ranks who had been elected'as the cttoi.e oi one or other of the political parties. William Trenwith had been ele,cted in Victoria, Angus Cameron, Jacob Gallard and Edward O'Sullivan in New South Wales and in eueensland, Thomas Cfu.r&; but these were mainly instances of individual force of character and popularity and the men elected were adherents of the older parties. The Great Strike of 1890 changed the face of the politicat woita. At the end.,of _the struggle, capital emerged triumphani. ..The failuie oi this strike had convinced the unionista of the firtitity of attempting to extort reforms by direct industrial action in the teeth of a hoitile government and all the powers of the State',l It had further shown that, howevel ready__bourgeois ministries might be to receive depuii- tions from Trade Unions with smiles and to promise reforms in return for working-class votes, when the fundamental issues of the class -struggle were raised, they would be solidly behind the employers and lend them every assistance to defeat the toilers. The wori

Ureed. rne to beat it Reduce it to a pulp (Eaen its d.eatb would repel) Syraboloteuil .... Something in the coil-

Yet a beauty was there:

Sbeathed ligbtning poised to strike.

The beady eyes shilted. Blackest rnagic from their depths. The queen rnoued o/1, supple sinews glistening In tbe golden light. She left. A uague stirring in the pit ol rny stornach, An upuelling of reuulsion My lace green, foreheati wet. A taste of bitterness in ruy moutb. - Snake ! l4 -KAYE GRAYSOI.,I


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