July 1966 School Magazine

It's Easier to Shop at . . .

Mmmm ... super cream vanilla ice cream with twists of passion-fruit and strawberry sauce

.l -.

"Queenslands Own Store" * FREE CAR PARK No Parking Worries while you shop - drive in from Turbot ?t. or entrance in North Quay, and avoid traffic congestion. GIRL'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL OUTFITS We have complete stocks of correct Uniform require- ments, and our prices are keenest. You'll Find Service and Values Best at McDONNELL & EAST GEORGE ST., BRISBANE

Mmmm .. that's good .. that's Peters

STREET'S CURES Are the most effective extermin- ators on the market WHITE ANTS, BORERS, ROACHES Cleanly and permanently eradicated Economical-easy to use NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL For Free Advice Write or Call at Wm. Street & Son 176 ANN ST., BRISBANE Canberra Buildings. Phone 2 8595

C. KLINGNER PTY. LTD. 925 Ann Street, Valley Brisbane Licensed Plumbers, Gasfitters Sheet Metal Workers Electric & Oxy Welders • Manufacture and Instal- lation of Air Ducting for Air Conditioning • Telephone .: 5 2335, 5 2336 After Hours : C. & C. R. Klingner, 6 3591 Foreman A. Kearney, 78 2Q16

By Appointment to H.M. · Queen Elizabeth II SILVERSMITHS , Hardy Brothers LIMITED l l 8 Queen Street Brisbane -<::><:::::,, Jewellers Watchmakers

TABLE TALK the puri/ied honey

Silversmiths Phone 2 8452


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