July 1966 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazin·e

July, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

July, 1966


MURDER Her eyes were afire with wild intent and strong determination; her mouth was set in a vicious grimace. She would get him this time. Murder was in her mind and smouldered in her eyes. Slowly and cautiously she approached her victim. He must not escape. He would not escape. She hesitated. Was this the time? Should she wait? She · must be sure. Suddenly she knew. She must act. He had started to move. Now was the time. A single purposeful lunge and it was done . Gasping, he struggled against forces he could not comprehend. Unavailingly. Strength ebbing, his futile struggles grew fainter, and fewer and weaker, until with a last shudder he surrendered the struggle and released his last tenuous hold on life. The mouse was dead. With tense muscles relaxing under shining fur, our cat resumed her place at the hearth. -M. REA, VIE, England House. SOLITUDE Those long, thin, work-weary fingers stretch out And appeal to the fleeting , gay colours of youth. Be gone! they shout with scorn and contemptuously look. At the ragged, grey figure whose cloak is the doubt That friendship and laughter will once more flock about her desperate person. At the hate that is tossed for her keep . The light of her day is fast waning and now She has only to pass through the night cage. Of Demons and Devils that pluck at her hair and jeer at her age - this desperate person. In her heaven there still will be no friends but The light to guide ·her on a straight path with bar.many Calming the nervous, quaking sout No longer wilt she dart from cold eyes. So cold as to burn through the aching heart of her desperate person. -MARGARET PHILLIPS, IVC, Woolcock House. Those dark, flashing eyes - once beautiful - now rage Yet, there is rest and peace - yes, even for this evil start.

A brown girl stands where the waves stretch out their formlessness To the still wastes of sand . ... She melts into a statue with the grey mist of dust. And her brown hair, like seaweed, whips and floats in the cool, salty gusts. Motionless, green eyes roaming the crests and hollows- Her bare legs and arms seem created by the sea she loves.


She is a symbol . Of worship to beauty.

The Sea is the most beautiful thing in Creation . The wild, free sea at her feet - The lonely sands behind - And the blue-grey arch of the sky

Are a chapel

.To a soul filled with wildness and understanding.

- M. D., . VIE, Gibson House.



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