July 1963 School Magazine

July, 1963

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girl~' Grammar School Maqazine

July, 1963

Appaloosa was particularly appealing to these people. The Appaloosa was especially valued as a war horse, and possessed the speed to chase buffalo. When the Nez Perce Indians surrendered in 1877 to the American Government, the herds of Appaloosas were taken from them and scattered all over the west. Even the name of the Appaloosa stems from the Nez Perce Indians - it derives its name from the Palouse River which flows in the region where the Indians lived. White people came to call all spotted horses "A Palousey" and this form degenerated to the form Appaloosa. When you watch the popular Western on television and see a spotted horse, ridden by a cowboy, remember that this horse is the Appaloosa, and was known and recorded · in history as early as 480 B.C. when the sacred spotted horses used to pull the chariot of the Persian king, Xerxes as he invaded Greece. -MARY NUNN, VIA.


A delectable little morsel! What is it? I'll tell you in a few short sentences. It supervises the drainage at the end of the kitchen garden, where there are trees almost three feet high to climb, and "borders to hurdle. It loves butterflies, is a · stealthy stepper, gregarious yet retiring, and loved, un- doubtedly, by everyone in the school. It is, of course, none other than the school kitten. It leads a life envied by forty-one other "kittens". Under no obligation to attend Assembly or classes, it lazes and sleeps in the sun. while the. rest of us tackle the problems of Maths A. Yes! this little bundle of fur, this tiny heap of brown fluff, comonly referred to as "the school kitten," is a must for every paradise for learners. I feel very disturbed to think that such a small, innocent cat-sample like this has been named "school kitten" when other Brisbane kittens have been christened Whiskers, Cuddles, or even Tom. It has the sweetest little whiskers, an adorable, damp, black nose, and like all babies, he wears a tiny white bib round his neck - genuine cat's fur too - which is more than normal babies are accustomed to. In mischief - as always- he has acquired a liking for his mother's fascinating tail, and practises skipping and jumping, pouncing and spring- ing, most conscientiously. . Ah! kitten, stay small, because between you and me, all the other "kittens" love you - N.E., IJIE. With apologies to Shakespeare, also the Readers Digest Magazine "Tis not a time for private stomaching." Mistress to day-girl eating during class. "I have done, my work ill, fr iends : 0, make an end Of what I have begun." Despairing Zoology student while pithing a toad. "I h ourly learn a doctrine of obedience." Disgusted third-former on her first day at Grammar. "Pray you, stand farther from me." Day-girl to hungry boarders. -DIANNE KING, VIC. 25 QUOTABLE QUOTES

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