July 1961 School Magazine
'o The House of the Pgople
ff, €. BEnmffiE"s Give your dcughter the advqntages of this SMART, WEII-TAILORED SCHOOL-WEAR
Bring ycur doughter to our speciolised Girl's College Weqr de- portment, and outfit her with everything she needs in the wqy of College weor. You wrll f ind eqch gorment is correctly ond expertly cut from the highest-quolity moteriols. She benef its from its enduring smortness. You benef it from the quolity wh;ch spelis o true economy both now, ond in the long run. Girl's College Wear Dept., IN THE YOUTH CENTRE _ SECOND FTOOR T. C. BEIRNE'S, THE VAILEY, BRISBANE 5 O15I A. Sparkes Pry. Limited MEAT SUPPLIERS Oldest Estoblished Business in Brisbone
$H0P for aXI your $chool Needs
The Chermside Drive-ln ccters for the whole fcrmily . . . you'Il find everythinq you reguire crII under the one roof. Ycu pcrk with effortless ecrse completely free then you shop in oir-conditioneC comfort. \Me've your full unifcrm, sports geCIr, school coses, text books your complete school outfit. You ond your fcrmily will love shoppins of the ChermsiCe Drive-ln. You'll find o friendly stoff crlwcys hoppy to crdvise you, ond, of course, everythinq qt purse- pleosing prices.
TEICHHARDT STREET, Phone 2 3261 (4 lines)
Brcrnch : 187 Wickhqm Street, Vcrlley
Cnly Choicest of Meots Stocked
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