July 1961 School Magazine


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. . . thot's the only word thot could possibly describe the wlde range o{ Lod.ies' Weor in our third {loor Lodies' Weor Dept. And our pri- ces reolly pleose too !


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f Action Pictures ll illustrolicns which hove on oppeol creqte atiention. They ore the silent solesmen. Your slory in picture leoves nolhinq untold. We ore speclolists in Commerciol photo grophy, Commerciol Art, Line ond Holl Tone Blocks, Slereos, Electros, Nomeplotes ond Offset fV"n"tl":"r ond plotes. : --r li Ri\t 51 1221-2 ond our representotives il wlll ccrll ond give you every ossistonce ft with your requirements. S. A. Besr Ft)'. Ltd. crPPs STREET. VAITEY Also qt TOOWOOMBA. NEWCASTLE AND SyDNEy lt lt tt l l| ( || ll ll tt

Brilliant Selecfion of World Famous PIA1,l0S,. E, i:rcluding such {omous nomes os ,,STEINWAY", "DANEMANN", ,,PETRCF'" "AUGUST FORSTER". ,,WE]NBACH", "MIGNON" ONd "PEALE". S-e ond oloy them in our George Street showrooms or wrile lor full detoils. CONFIDENTIAL EASY TERMS


Are lhe most elfective exler ators on the morkel WHITE ANTS, BORERS, ROACHES Cleonly cnd permonently erqdicoled Econcmicol-eosy to use NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL For Free Advice Write or Cq Wm. $treet & $r 176 ANN ST., BNISBANE Ccnberrcr Buildinqs. Phone 2,

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