July 1961 School Magazine

Brisbcne Girls' Grmmur School Mcgczine

July, 196l

Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mogozin e

luiy, 196l

A mon olone connot decide his fcrte: His destiny is held within the sreot And lovinq honds of God-the One who knows The tests ond triols which eoch mon undergoes Who seeks to do his best for God ond Kins; "His best," the words thot with true honour-ring Out so vibront-wild, o peolinq beIl Shorp throush o frosty niqht: Whose echoes tell Cf men who for thelr hgnour qrimly trled And {oilins, fouqht untifthe lost-ond died . The desert's stoined with blood Jrom those who sought To poy the hiqhest price; V/ho brovely fousht, But foiled io soin their qloried hiqh ideol. N'o crime thoi foilure-but o fotol seol. A mon's success is meosured by the mcJn- His life, his octs, his oims o11 fit the plon Which {ormed the world from ooze, ond sove io Life A restless yecrning, onci the noturol strife It coupled with Ambition. Men must seek To live, ond live to seek; but Strenqth is weok Aqoinst the power of Fote, ond Fote decrees Thoi mcn moy foil or, swept upon the seos Of Fortune-rise, qnd bosk in Honour's glow. It is not crime to foil-bui oim too low, Fcr much-sought Honour is the greotest son Of Foilure-ond its noble, qilded seot Wos once the roush-hewn throne of dork Defeot. And when ot lost o11 petty strivings ceose, And Mon hos worked out to the full, his leose Of eorthly life-ond but cr {resh-turned sod Remoins s witness of o soul to God Returned; And when no worldly Judgement Seqts Remqin to stir up wronqs of post defeots, And no folse pride remoins within men's heorts, And quenched ot lost ore oll the fiery dorts Of ruthless men-there sholl be shed obrood Greot love-ond deep within men's souls the chord Of pecrce sholl sound. Then Eorth sholl tremble, swoy And Joll, ond God shoIl, on His Judqemeni Doy O'erlook His yesierdoy dimensioned tlme And judse not foilure, but low oim os crinre.

Gl', Knrlrll Sroallen (Llotrrol Glstory 6ssoy, ,e6o Some Mqrine LiJe in the Broqdwater There were severol fish splutterlng merrily in the frying pon ond my thoughts turned to those exciting hou., .p".rt in the. boot. My mind wos filled wiih post experiences ond it soddened me to think ihot such beouty should be destroy.J. Toiler (Pomotomus pedico), my fovourite fish, ore seogreen on the bock, silver on the sides, white ,-rrrd".rruoih, ;"d A;k;; on the heod thon the bock. They hove o firm, t".ty ti".ti lyhi_ch is superior to thot of ihe Solmon ond hove much'br;;; flesh with o rich oily quolity ciinqinq close to the skin. It is from their keen jows, whi"h "t-. t"s.iL", ond con lite ihrous-h line or net like toiior's sheors, thol they derive their nome. They ore rovenous, lokinq food, consistinq olmost ."it.fv--"i l:]., pre{erobly Yellowtoll (Trochurus mtcullochi), ii."tf# (Usocoronx nobilis), ond Gor (Reporhomphus Ausi.crft.l, ""i even Toiler itself, in one bite. Thus, they dre regcnded qs one 9l ]he most destructive fish. Fishermen iir.d th.* "" ."".rr""1 bqlt. . Thelr presence, I hove found, is often indicoted by schools of smoll fish leopinq into the oir, dolphins divins, ;;";;;;i; under ihe surJoce or briqht floshes. Terns, too, occumulqte, screoming overhed eoger to gother the remolns of the p.;t: Sometime in Moy (Winter), like lr4ullet, shools o{ Toiler enter the boys in pursuit o{ Sprots (Sordinops ".opit"noiJ"s), to spown since, ot thls iime, their stomoCt . """t"i" .itnJ, lorse oronge roes or smoller whitish miits ond .r"". *""v .*l]l fish aFound in Sprinq. Althouqh they ore soid to b. "';i;b, fish, for mony yeors I hove found lhem just o, pt"r.tit,ri--ir-, summer, but they seem to be of cr greoter depth. - They tend to congregqte qround debris in shollow wqter bordering.on deep oreos where there ore strong currents fri"sl ing plentiful supplies of plonkton, ond once ."itl.d i" "" ;;;L generolly do not move. Rouqh seos ond hish tides ore ;;J fovourqble. Movins objects crlwcrys ottroct tfru- ""J -tt ". one method of cotchinq them is troljing; ond mony "r"".." ore shoped like fish, their silver colour ond the ho;ks;wi;ic; spln oround like o toil, sive reolism. Once hook.J; T;-r1", often run ond con "throw" the hook if slock il l;-;i";;-;; sever the line if cr steel troce or some other .{f""ti"" ;;th; is not employed. They ore ge6d {iqhters ond mony ";. ;;;hl with pieces out of body ond toil.

Lynette Homilton.



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