July 1961 School Magazine
IULY, T 961
Registered st the G,P.O., Briabcne, for trtrnsmieslon by. post crlt €r kriodieEl
Mrs. H. M. McDonold, Brisbone Girls' Grommor School -cnd - p{nt^eg !I bromU, Alboi Site"t, Wovell Heights, for The Reod Press Pty. Ltd., 610-616 Ann Street, Volley, Brisbqne.
Published by Allon Willicm
AJ*h vou were AtaddinT He was the lucky fellow. who found a magic lamp. It gave him everything he wished for - f iamonds galore, to a Sultan's daughter as his bride. Many a time you've probably wished for a rniracle such as this to happgl- to yori. wishing for things to happen however, will not provide for the fuiure. Hard -work, prudent saving and mal froln Qr Br Dr lhe Studenls Boohstore PURCHASE ALL YOUR O ' . BOOKS STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS ART MATERIALS if's everyone's FAYOURITE PAU]H,'ffi ehoG-Gesfed HAV.A.IIEARf Deliciousiy crisp choccicte with o biq heort of hiqh OUOlitY EXTRA CREAIVI ICE CREAM. FUN tO EOt, ANd gcod fcr you. Ccnsult the Optometric Institute ol l{. H. MILL]6AN & SONS F.r.o.e., L.o.e. OPTOMETRTSTS and SPECTAGLE MAKERS Head Cffice: 152 Ade].cride St", Brisbqne Phone zgThg Cons_ulting _Rooms; Pub1ic Curqtor Arcode, Edword St., Brisbqne. Kinne,s Byildings, Moryborough. Gordon Club, Bundoberg. 'Bcnk of N.S. \Moles Chombers, Brisbqne St._,__Ingwich (Successors to E.- E. Bromley). Copper St., Goyndoh. I7I Holey Street, Kingoroy, olso qt Monto. AII Spectocle qnd Wctch Repoirs Expertly Executed. LOOIrS alwoys on hand- readily aYailable ComPlete Stocks expert assistance QUEENSLAND B00K DEPoT 6I ADELAIDE STREET, BRISBANE are right in style in any type of buildin$ . . . lowest cost hon:es can afford them, yet their beauiy is appropriate for marrsions. ' PARQUETRY ' LINO, RUBBER, CORIq PLASTIC, ASPHALT T ILES . SAND. TNG . "PEERLESS" SEATERS Queensland's Original SandinS and Flooring, Specialists A/H s6 sr04 DOUGLAS ST., MILTON PHONE 36 4251 2 'o The House of the Pgople ff, €. BEnmffiE"s Give your dcughter the advqntages of this SMART, WEII-TAILORED SCHOOL-WEAR Bring ycur doughter to our speciolised Girl's College Weqr de- portment, and outfit her with everything she needs in the wqy of College weor. You wrll f ind eqch gorment is correctly ond expertly cut from the highest-quolity moteriols. She benef its from its enduring smortness. You benef it from the quolity wh;ch spelis o true economy both now, ond in the long run. Girl's College Wear Dept., IN THE YOUTH CENTRE _ SECOND FTOOR T. C. BEIRNE'S, THE VAILEY, BRISBANE 5 O15I A. Sparkes Pry. Limited MEAT SUPPLIERS Oldest Estoblished Business in Brisbone $H0P for aXI your $chool Needs AT CHNRMSIDA !! The Chermside Drive-ln ccters for the whole fcrmily . . . you'Il find everythinq you reguire crII under the one roof. Ycu pcrk with effortless ecrse completely free then you shop in oir-conditioneC comfort. \Me've your full unifcrm, sports geCIr, school coses, text books your complete school outfit. You ond your fcrmily will love shoppins of the ChermsiCe Drive-ln. You'll find o friendly stoff crlwcys hoppy to crdvise you, ond, of course, everythinq qt purse- pleosing prices. TEICHHARDT STREET, Phone 2 3261 (4 lines) Brcrnch : 187 Wickhqm Street, Vcrlley Cnly Choicest of Meots Stocked THE CHCICEST MEAT YCII CAN EAl' BISHOP'S DYERS CLEANERS LAUNDERERS CANNON & CRIPPS LTD. Funeral Directors MITITARY TAUNDRY KETVIN GROVE BNISBANE TELEPHONES 2 3903, 2846A STILL, BISHOPS ARE BEST + ilf cf-BOID e S FCR THE LARGEST STCCKS IN QUEENSLAND OF TEXTBOOKS, READING AND REFERENCE BOOKS m cLEOID e S Ig ADELAIDE STREHT, BRISBANE AND 11 DENHAM STNEET, ROCKHAMPTON ltt cI'-mOD e S EDUCATIONAL, TECHNICAL AND GENERAI BOOKSELLERS T NEW AND SECONDHAIVD 45 IT,DETAIDE STREET Phone: 2 L97L * 6 7 A /Aesscge to Parents- Brisbqno Girls' Grcrrnmcrr School Mcrgczine fuly, l96t AII pCIrents ore grectly concerneC r'vith the security ond future hoppiness cf their douqhters. Nothinq offers grecrter security thon o sound Secretoriol Troining. However, before undertokinq such cr trcrining, CI sound generol eCucction, CIt leost to Acodemic Junior Stondord, is essentiol. Never before were so mcny qirls in the 15-17 yeCIr old group seeking employment, without success. This is due, in mcst coses, to their foilure to reach the necessory stondcrrds. Employers to-doy ore demondinq greoter efficiency. No longer will on inodequote educqtion qnd CI smottering of commercicrl subjects suffice. STOTT'S Secretorial Course is plcrnned to enoble ycung women of qood educotion to quolify for the most desir- cble positions in the business ond professionol fields. Enrolments ore limited qnd preference given to clppliconts vrith the necessCIry bqsic educotion. * gtoTT's BuslltEss COt t EGE 290 ADELAIDE BRISBAN STREET E 6lt, A//ooazllte t/ 6lr, fiuirlonn Q,rlr' Qro*rnar Srlrool EDITORIAT Knowlecge is the key to the wonderful world we live in. Lock thrcuqh cr micrcscope of its hidden beouty-gaze of the universe onC behold the multi- iudinous stors. The wonder ond qlory of the world ore ours. Let us not be lost in petty strife crnd con- fiict but hosten to ocquire knowledge, to better under- stond ond so ottoin more sotisfoction from God's universe. Science ond progress should constitute ct common bond between nctions, ond not result, os so often, in bitter rivolry. Unless we hove knowledge, ond throuqh ii toleronce, this bonC connot exist ond our humon roce will not be grect unless it is united in one froternity. Mon is succeedinq in his conquest of spoce ond soon our horizons will no longer be bounded by the norrow confines of eorth. If our minds have not been elevoted ond enriched by educotion, our out- iook will still be but o restricted one ond we will deny ourselves much hoppiness which would otherwise be ours. No moteriol weclth con compensote for CIn inoctive broin, while even the diresi poverty moy be oilevicted, hos the sufferer his own fertile mind into which he moy escCIpe-CI trecsure-house indeed. Let us keep it undefiled, thct it moy be CI plecsonter retreci. In these yecrs of pecce ond opportuni.ty, let us not neglect our respcnsibility to the world of to- morrow, ond throuqh the knowiedge we now goin, mCIy we "disiil the precious drop of oii thot is our ultimote essence" ond so rnoke the heritoge we poss on o little richer by our hcxvinq lived. -E.R. Telephone : Bl 1627 Brisbqne Girls' Grcrmmqr School Mcgazine Iuly, 1961 Srisbqne Girls' Grcrmmqr School Mcgozine Iuly, 196I CURRENT EVENTS The first six months of this yeCIr hcve brouqht severCIl cironses to the school CInd hove been filleC with mCIny activities. We \^relcome to the school Miss Corr, Miss Corfield, Mrs. CorselCine, Miss Denmeod, Miss Eckermofl, Mrs. Fiorence, Miss Forster, Mrs. Kniqht, CInd Mrs. Jones, CIll of whom joined us of the beginnins of the yeor. We would like to extend o speciCIl welcome to Miss Liiley, o former heod mistress of the schcol, who hos come bock to teoch French CInd Enqlish. Cur thonks CInd best wishes go to Miss Brown, Miss Burnett, Mrs. Melzer, Miss Michod, Miss Munro CInd Mrs. Todd, whom we forewelled CIt the end of lost yeor. \Me will soon be moving into our new chcrnging rooms- cI move which will be wormly welcomed by the Fourth CInd ThirC Forms, especiclly, who ore rother crompeC in their present chonging rooms. V/e ore crlso eogerly owoiting the opening of our new modern Tuckshop. We CIre very groteful to the Porents ond Friends Committee who hetd tuckshop under o smoll conopy since the beginning of the yeCIr. The n.* loundry is in the some buildinq, ond this hos been functioning for severol months. \Me worked horC to moke o success of our concert which wos held of the Albert Hcll on 7th ond Bth June, ond wos ortisti- colly cnd finonciolly o success. Eorly in the yeor, the Fifth ond Third Forms ottended cr ccncert held by the A.B.C. in conjunction with the Queenslond Symphcny Crchestrcr. A11 who ottenCed enjoyed on excellent cfternoon's music. Loter in first tetm, the Fourth Forms were fortunote enough to see CI film version cf "Juiius Ccesor", the plcy they ore studyinq for Junior. The Sixth Form ond some of the Fifth cttended Twelfth Niqht Theotre's production of "Mcrcbeth", the ploy for Senior this yecr. This wos enjoyed bV oll who ottended. Cn ihe 22'nd Morch, the interform Lifesovins Ccmpetiiion wos held, Fourth Form beinq the winning form. This yeCIr for the first time, we were oble to hcld it of our own pool, which wos frequently used onC CIpprecioted by the qirls during the summer months. The Vcrlley Boths were the scene of the lnterform Swimmins Competition on the 27th Morch. The ofter- noon wos enjoyed bV ol1, especiolly VA, who were the victors of the doy. In Inter-School Competitions, we hove been most successful, ooinins second ploce in both the Swimmins Cqrnivol on l8th Morch, ond the Life Sovins Competition on 5th April. Cur Con. T d U .$ d U) L g o o a a) .- t{ F o U U a4 o 3 ct cg Ot . .'r -{o6 "i H.E E6 Hufi Z ct F#= eE b' usEa fr:,g t Fl C-rJ oE * E H r.E Bug,; -.1 2iE-.n hcLilc q) o H.'E' g dEO O6.l -qo3 # '+; P(iF -Ll ^V r aaS H0)-r FZH ssE hc. E 8& 0) t-'H cqc c "c) ,.FF_ vz UO 4tr Fq Fq 11 Srisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcrgcrzine Iuly, 196l qrotulotions go to St. Mcrgoret's, who won the former CInd St. Hildo's, who norrowly defeoted us in the lotter. We were deliqhteC of winning the Brockwcry Cup CIgoin ofter mony yeCIrs" Inter-School Bosketboll ond Tennis mctches ore now being contested CInd troining for Inter-School Athletics hos begun. Althcuqh the next six months promise to be even fuller, we CIre lookinq forword to them enthusiosticolly, spurred on by the pleosure CInd success of the first hoif of the yeCIr. TADY MAY ABEL SMITH'S ADDRESS AT SPEECH NIGHT, 1960 ]vlr. Clhcrmofl, Mrs. McDoncld, icrCies , eefitlemen CInd girls, it is CI very greCIt plecrsure to me to be CIt o Brisbone .1t^l r 'l ^{ Girls Grommcr School function once CIq'oin, ond I must scly I wos quite surprised to be osked to oddress the school cr second time on o Speech Niqht, CIs I never reolly consider myself hiqhly quolified enoush to do so-onywoy beinq here, I wiil do my best! Mory's mother hod just presented the fomily with twins. "If you teli your teocher, I om sure that she will give you CI holidoy," odvised her fother. Mory returned home rodiont- "No school for me tomorro\M," she onnounced proudly. "You told ycur teocher obcut the twins?" osked her fother. "I told her obout one.. I om soving the other until next week," soid \4ory. I know thot this beinq the end of ierm, oil your thouqhts will now turn to ycur hclidcys ond the coming ChristmCIs festivities, so I won't give you o long discourse, CIs I knovrr thot this is the worst crime to commit from o school-girl's point ,of view! But I should like firstly to consrCItulcte oll those of you who hove successfully possed your Junior ond Senior Exominq- tions ond especiclly thcse who hove qoined Scholorships, for these very exceilent results. I know it meCIns o lot of hord work during the post yeCIr ond you ore much to be commended on these successes. The Brisbone Girls' Grommor School hos crlwoys, during the 85 yeCIrs of its existence, turned out o number of very excellent scholors, who hove mode their nCIme in the world, ond the school is duly proud of thern. Now you ore following in their footsteps = ': '1: ';l lf 1-- i :- F 0i o ,+- -g 3,- 'UJ ::)_. tr- Fi 'H a) of] A- b o6 ).8 (U gt' UH OE trh. trl FX -l CO(u sr'5 ,-6 t- (-) FIH oa tas rEir. FIF zq zz Hm Fi t-r o t{ 2U\ Fl >' C) F.{ u) C) -I 13 Srisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgozine Blisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr Schoo1 Mqgqzine Iuly. l96l oll of us qs individuols to moke the best of whot we hove got, ond leorned during our school li{e. For whot we leorn of schooi is not just to crom our broins full oJ Jocts ond figures, but to troin ond fit ourselves to toke up o useful profession ond ploce in the community when we ieove schooi, ond to leorn to live omongst our fellow men ond to moke us better ond more thoughtful people. In these doys of growins mobility ond fost trovel, when people from oll poris of the world con get oround ond meet eoch other, it is even more imporioni thon ever before to be cleor minded-know whot must be done, ond well dcne, ond do it, crnd give cr ieod to the fost developlng bockword roces. Here in Austrollcr you crli, ds the comlng generotion hove cr ierrific port to ploy in the development o{ thls enormous country. It is only so for portlolly touched, bul with ojl the modern scientific methods ond equipment cvoiloble, thinqs should go foster now ond there will be endjess jobs ond woys in which you con o11 ploy your ports ond moke this greot continent on even greoter one in the yeors to come. Now, I do not recommend oll work ond no p1oy, life is to be enjoyed in oll its different woys, so ploy os mony gomes os possible ond especiolly leorn to swim, for I heqr thot you now hove your new swimming pool, which is such cx wonderlul qsset, especiolly here in Queenslond where one hqs so much sunshine qnd hot weother in which to enjoy it. Now it is o{ greot importonce to ]eorn to swim well-to be obie to life sove, os still so mony lives ore lost eoch yeor in this Stote, owins to people noi being obie to swim, ond now is your chqnce of becoming reo11y proficient ond moybe one of you might even one doy become on Olympic swimmerl Now there is one other point I would like to stiess, ond thot is in these doys of so much scientific leorning, do not neglect the-more homely pursuits of cooking, housekeeping, loundry ond how to boionce o budqet for o fomiiy ond home. Mony o{ you, i hope, will no doubt loter get morried, so it is ol the utmost importonce thot you should be fully quoli- fied olso in this respect. For the strensih of o notion lies not in the numbers o{ its people, but in hovinq good Christiqn homes, run by qood Christion mothers qwdre of their responsi- bilities to their fomilies ond country. To those of you who hove ortistic tendencies, do not neglect them, os we need ol1 ihe music ond ort of every kind, for pleosure ond reloxotion. Then there is onother jine of country which does not seem to be mode full use of here in Austrolio, so I should 1ike to t4 o ts oo o o o o g) o 6 A o 6 0 t{ o H U o o o o b U Brisbcrne Girls' Grqmmqr School Magcrzine Iuly, t96l Iuly, 196[ Brisbqne Girls' Grcrrnmcrr School Mogazine (C' o> qr' tr (o ot g co o H 5 I N c, I E\ L o (, a o () o o ,c3 u o (1) t{ o u tr o D o o u a d U Fl d i{ o U k a o ,-C! E{ E4, o u U U P* d q) {r c 6 r) lrl o F+ >, U t' o t o A A o a o U o tr a q> k u Ir+ 3risbqne Girls' Grqmmcr School Magazine Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgczine July, 196l July. 1961 urge those of you who hove qot the obility to enter the politicol Jield! Storting by becomlns cr member of o loccrl council. Don't toke it from this thot I om o greot odvocote of women suffroge but here in Queensiond ond in Ausirolio, women do not seem to toke o {ull enough port in the running dnd moulding of o{foirs by tokinq port in Lccol Government ond Porlioment, ond so helpinq to shcrpe the destinies of thls country. And I om sure much gocd could be contributed to the deliberotions by women members both in Locol Government ond Porlloment ond I give ycu os on exomple to follow, our beloved Senotor Dome Annobel Ronkin. There ore countless lcrdies I know who run most proliciently so mony very excellent chorities ond insiitutions lr,ho I om sure would be equolly sood ond forceful in politlcol life. W'e11, to you girls who ore Jinishinq your school li{e ond cre going out into the world, I wish you oji very hoppy, useful ond prosperous iives ond to you the younger ones, who stiil hove some time of school, moke the best oI your tlme there ond profit by its excellent tuition-ond to you o1l I now soy o very N4erry Christmos ond o very Hoppy New Yeor. Berty Q))oolrorl, 6rro11 Cotnpett'tion, t96ct "Not Fcrilure but Low Aim is Crime" My life wos cleor: To preoch the Word of God to oll monkind; To leorn Hls Will; To fix my eyes upon the shining Cross Thot liqhts the windinq dorkness of the Woy. I loved my iittle irust ol men, My fumblins fold of men; I thousht to leod their spirits to the greoter Truth, And held their honds. I stumbled, ond they fell; And when I fell, I drossed them down. Then, one doy, I turned my eyes from God And sozed behind. I lost His quldinq liqht, And plunoed. deep in the swirllng blockness by the rood. All round the turbid murk sloomed block; The dork bound my sore soul with bleok despoir. I souqht my broihers in the choos of the world, The endless siruggling yeors of weory seorch groqned by, And siill I wos olone. The tcuntins voices joded; Stillness come. God colled ogcrin, ond in the colm I heord. Alone, olone, my hope was deod. Sick to the heort I crowled riqht up the cruel cros o{ shome ond suffering, And reoched the Rood once more; And sow the lisht; And wept, Becouse I hod Joiled my God. My li{e wos neor its end. The Cross loomed ]orse ond filled my siqht. The lisht of oli the world shone Jorth; The liqht of beouty, ongels, creotion, oll wos there. It grew ond grew, in glory woshed my soul, And then, O Wondrous God, become the Iiqht of Love- And on the Cross hunq Christ! I wept, ond hid my heod, ond cried in proyer- "O God, my Godl forsive my Iife," For I hod foiled my God. I heord God speok; His voice wos Love; it filled my soul with peoce. "My child, my son, Not Fcilure-But Low Aim Is Crime To seek the heiqhts ond {oil, this motters not: Mon lives thot he moy seek. His destined lot To strive, ond lollen rise to strive ogoin. Mqn metes not li{e by losses but by qoin. Know ye thot they which run the roce of liie Run o1l, but one receives the prize? All strlfe And striving for o couse moy foii. 'Tis meet Thot triumph {ollows for behind defect, And Mon must toste the bitter dress of shqme Be{ore ihe sweetness of the cup o{ {ome. pun to obtoinl 36+ alr the worlC of nought_ NTo mon is cholned who hos the wjngs of thouqht. Think not on thinss which Ecnth or Men moy mor, But rend the veil oJ cloud qnd seek o stor 19 There is no sin; there is no shome; Not foilure but low oim ls crlme." Jenifer Kelly. And strove to leod them bock to God. But in my eors o thousond voices colled, And. clomoured in o thousond different tones. They fllled my eors with tortureC hope; Their echoes moddened in my broin. ]E Brisbcne Girls' Grmmur School Mcgczine July, 196l Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mogozin e luiy, 196l A mon olone connot decide his fcrte: His destiny is held within the sreot And lovinq honds of God-the One who knows The tests ond triols which eoch mon undergoes Who seeks to do his best for God ond Kins; "His best," the words thot with true honour-ring Out so vibront-wild, o peolinq beIl Shorp throush o frosty niqht: Whose echoes tell Cf men who for thelr hgnour qrimly trled And {oilins, fouqht untifthe lost-ond died . The desert's stoined with blood Jrom those who sought To poy the hiqhest price; V/ho brovely fousht, But foiled io soin their qloried hiqh ideol. N'o crime thoi foilure-but o fotol seol. A mon's success is meosured by the mcJn- His life, his octs, his oims o11 fit the plon Which {ormed the world from ooze, ond sove io Life A restless yecrning, onci the noturol strife It coupled with Ambition. Men must seek To live, ond live to seek; but Strenqth is weok Aqoinst the power of Fote, ond Fote decrees Thoi mcn moy foil or, swept upon the seos Of Fortune-rise, qnd bosk in Honour's glow. It is not crime to foil-bui oim too low, Fcr much-sought Honour is the greotest son Of Foilure-ond its noble, qilded seot Wos once the roush-hewn throne of dork Defeot. And when ot lost o11 petty strivings ceose, And Mon hos worked out to the full, his leose Of eorthly life-ond but cr {resh-turned sod Remoins s witness of o soul to God Returned; And when no worldly Judgement Seqts Remqin to stir up wronqs of post defeots, And no folse pride remoins within men's heorts, And quenched ot lost ore oll the fiery dorts Of ruthless men-there sholl be shed obrood Greot love-ond deep within men's souls the chord Of pecrce sholl sound. Then Eorth sholl tremble, swoy And Joll, ond God shoIl, on His Judqemeni Doy O'erlook His yesierdoy dimensioned tlme And judse not foilure, but low oim os crinre. Gl', Knrlrll Sroallen (Llotrrol Glstory 6ssoy, ,e6o Some Mqrine LiJe in the Broqdwater There were severol fish splutterlng merrily in the frying pon ond my thoughts turned to those exciting hou., .p".rt in the. boot. My mind wos filled wiih post experiences ond it soddened me to think ihot such beouty should be destroy.J. Toiler (Pomotomus pedico), my fovourite fish, ore seogreen on the bock, silver on the sides, white ,-rrrd".rruoih, ;"d A;k;; on the heod thon the bock. They hove o firm, t".ty ti".ti lyhi_ch is superior to thot of ihe Solmon ond hove much'br;;; flesh with o rich oily quolity ciinqinq close to the skin. It is from their keen jows, whi"h "t-. t"s.iL", ond con lite ihrous-h line or net like toiior's sheors, thol they derive their nome. They ore rovenous, lokinq food, consistinq olmost ."it.fv--"i l:]., pre{erobly Yellowtoll (Trochurus mtcullochi), ii."tf# (Usocoronx nobilis), ond Gor (Reporhomphus Ausi.crft.l, ""i even Toiler itself, in one bite. Thus, they dre regcnded qs one 9l ]he most destructive fish. Fishermen iir.d th.* "" ."".rr""1 bqlt. . Thelr presence, I hove found, is often indicoted by schools of smoll fish leopinq into the oir, dolphins divins, ;;";;;;i; under ihe surJoce or briqht floshes. Terns, too, occumulqte, screoming overhed eoger to gother the remolns of the p.;t: Sometime in Moy (Winter), like lr4ullet, shools o{ Toiler enter the boys in pursuit o{ Sprots (Sordinops ".opit"noiJ"s), to spown since, ot thls iime, their stomoCt . """t"i" .itnJ, lorse oronge roes or smoller whitish miits ond .r"". *""v .*l]l fish aFound in Sprinq. Althouqh they ore soid to b. "';i;b, fish, for mony yeors I hove found lhem just o, pt"r.tit,ri--ir-, summer, but they seem to be of cr greoter depth. - They tend to congregqte qround debris in shollow wqter bordering.on deep oreos where there ore strong currents fri"sl ing plentiful supplies of plonkton, ond once ."itl.d i" "" ;;;L generolly do not move. Rouqh seos ond hish tides ore ;;J fovourqble. Movins objects crlwcrys ottroct tfru- ""J -tt ". one method of cotchinq them is troljing; ond mony "r"".." ore shoped like fish, their silver colour ond the ho;ks;wi;ic; spln oround like o toil, sive reolism. Once hook.J; T;-r1", often run ond con "throw" the hook if slock il l;-;i";;-;; sever the line if cr steel troce or some other .{f""ti"" ;;th; is not employed. They ore ge6d {iqhters ond mony ";. ;;;hl with pieces out of body ond toil. Lynette Homilton. 2A 2l Erisbcne Giris' Grommcr School Mqgdzine July,196l Brisbdno Girls' Grmmqr School McAczine July, 196l Since the flesh deteriorotes very ropidly, they must be bled upon being cought ond eoten os soon qs posslble. They cre dn excellent smoking ond conninq fish, ond now mqny olso recch the morkets in this form qs weil os fresh ones. But the seo does not only horbour Tcriler. Controsted with these sur{oce lish qre the plocid bottom dwellers-the Flounder, whose eyes ore close together on one side of the heod. When the fish ore hotched, the eyes ore on opposite sides but one migrotes towqrds the other before the bones ond tlssues hqrden. The underside upon which the fish rests is colourless but the upper surfoce moy olter its pigmentotion to suit its surroundings. This carnivore diifers from o Sole in thot its {ringe oround the body does not join up with the toilfin. Some fish crre venomous os distinsuished from poisonous ones. The former inflict serious injury but ore quite qood to eot, while the loter moy not be eoten. A qood tesi is to ploce q silver coin in cr slit in the flesh while it is boilinq ond, if it is blockened in ony woy, the fish is poisonous, but these qre rother rore ond comprise moinly toods. The Butterfly Cod or Red Fire Fish (Pterois voliions) belongs to the venemous sroup in thot it possesses needlelike spines on its dorsol surfqce which couse o most serious ond ogonizing condition. It is very beoutiful with streomer-like fin roys ond membrones ond is Jound in corol regions. Another is the Cotfish, which hos borbels oround the mouth which resemble cot's whiskers. The spines .qre on dorsol ond side Jins. An interesting thing to notice obout them is thot the femole corrles the eggs in her mouth until they hotch ond refroins from eoting during this period. Reloted to the Scorpion ond Stone Fish (Synoncejo horrido) sroup is the Bullrout (Notesthes robustus) o most desiroble pon-fish which is olso found in the estuory ol Bigqero Creek. With lcrqe spines on the side of the heod it moy inflict o poisonous liquid which couses the recipient consideroble poin. Not to be con- {used in ony woy with these ore the Porrot Fish (Pseudoscdrus pulchellus), which, os thejr Lqtin nome suggests, ore exiremely ,colourful ond beoutiful, ond live in the corol reefs. They hove lorge, sharp, ond very uqly teeth, which they use for rosping olgqe ond crushing corol, but their most remorkoble feoture is their blue bones. They ore not poisonous. It probobly s^^?ns stronse thot such Jish os Cod and Porrot Fish live in the Broodwoter, Southport, but in {oct there is on extensive "hole", some ports of which reoch sixty feet in depth, qnd where oll monner o{ deep seo ond reef {ish ore to be found. Surrounding thls ore seoweed "flots" which seem to be breeding srounds, but within is the home of o lorge iurtle (severol feet ocross the shell) which olten surfqces to breqthe. It is quite pioyful ond tome to the extent thot it will come very close to the boot. Recently c young turtle wos olso seen. A Remorq (cr sucking fish, with on ovol sucking disc on top of the heod) wos cought here. These ore ossocioted with shorki ond turtles by ottoching themselves to them ond thus obtoining free tronsport ond olso shoring the food of tho host. Notives use them to cotch turtles, which hove greot commerciol volue in the North. SquiC, Schnopper, Sweetlip. ond Iew hove been cousht ot tlmes, qs weli qs reef-fish of less likeoble noture such os the Moroy Eel, cr lonq thick-bodied lish with fins reduced ond covered with touqh slimy skin. They bite viciously ond hove o continuol wrlthing movement which renders them more revolting. JMherever there ore fish there ore certoin to be predotors- Shorks. They hove roush skln (no scoles), five or more gill slits with o mouth well below the heod. Eoch species hos different teelh but eoch hos o replocement set behind the feorful ones in view. Certoin chemicols ond dork colours, it is soid, do not atiroct shorks. Their commericol volue lies in the ]ivers (mcrnufociured into medicinol oil), the skin which is the toughest leother known, ond the flesh mode into "{loke" meot. The Grey Nurse (Corchorios orenorius) is the most common ond not mcrny lqrge ones hove been seen. Cnce there wos o lorge Hommerheod Shork (Sphyrno Cuvini) Iurking oround, which become stronded on o sondbonk in obout nine inches of woter. Ii throshed the woter, leopinq hish into the oir, disployinq its chorocieristic heod with the eyes ot the extremities of the hommer. For obout fl{teen minutes lt strugqled with its greot body (obout nine feet in lenqth) uniil it monoged to get into deeper chonnels. Colled o shork by most people, but reolly oi the roy fomily, is the Shovelnose with its semitronsporent snoui ond thicl< toil. Sheltered from the surf by Strodbroke Islond, the Brood- woier is o colm exponse of woter which is o hoven for mony mqrine creotures-on onglers' porodlse. -Volerie Gibson. _T Brisbcne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgozin e luly, Brisbcne Girls' Grqmmar School Mqgqzine July, 196l 196l Winner of Short Siory Section o{ Asslstont Mlstresses, Asscciotion Lilerory Competltion. WHEN THE STORM BROKE. The sun beot down on the duslcovered eorth ond the qrey-green leoves of the gumirees hunq lifeless. The oir wos iilled. with the monotone of clcodos, ond in the sky, so"i ft".k clouds gothered to the west like on odvoncing ormy. .The drone of children's voices reoched the lor corners o{ the school poddock. They were recitins the multiplicotion toble-"six twos ore twelve, slx threes ore eighteerr, .i" io._,.. ore iwenty-four" . . The schcol wos smoll ond romschockle, of grey, weother-i:eoien wood, ond odd pieces of golvonized iron with bork slobs covering the more ob.riorr" holes in the rooJ. Two irees hod been plcnted by o hopeflrt p.ua""n=.oi cJ ihe school's single teocher. Cne stood limp, its leoves scorched; the oiher wos a blockened skelton beoiirrq o rusteJ ploque with the dote t9l0 scrotched on it. Inside the schooi, the heot wos unbeoroble. Six of the children were bending over mops of A{rico. Tf."ii to"sl,r., were lollinq out in concentrotion ond their honds *;;i;; occosionolly to beot owoy ihe flies. The others were recltln'q the endless tobles, ihelr eyes fixed on the young teocher who stood before them. . Sle wos pretty ond youn9, with cornilower_blue eyes ond lo'g floxen hoir thot wos ormost white in its folrness, qothered into o simple knot on the bock o{ her neck. How Dick hoJ teosed her obout thcse conventlonol story_book t.otr.". . . . . Her ihouqhts stroyed {or from the heolworped school room_ ocross the blue Pociflc ond the orey Ailontic. to o cool, pleosont white house in Sussex, surroundeb by toll green p.pi"* L"J on old orchord. She plctured it to herself ogoin, os she hod thouqht of its so o{ten since when together with her fother, she hod come to t}ris country. She wished she could turn bqck the clock to the dovs of her chlldhood in thot bis white house, where .t " o"J nli young brother hod ted such o corefree existence, wotched over by on olmost semi-involid mother, who hod been injured in o rldinq occident. So often the gentle-foced womon hoa rockeJ hersel{ in the sreot, grey rockins chqir, hummins to herself os she sewed-ond the number of thinqs she used to sewl_Foncy work, ruJfles for dresses, or dornlng socks. Her finqers hod never been still. But now, the little blue sewing cosket wos twelve thousond miles ora,'oy in Austrorio, sitting in the ploce ol honour on her husbond's desk, Jor the liitle whlte honds moved no longer. 24 Within o monrn ol her deoth, fother ond daushter hod leJt for Austrolio, hoping {ro greoter opportunities. She knew her {qther couldn't beor livinq in thot rrvhite hcuse without her mother. Dick hod promised io {ollow them os soon os he hod soved. suf{icient money. Her fother hod onnounced her en- gogement to Dick only o few doys before they couoht their lost glimpse of Englond's shores. She remembered thot night so cleorly. The onnouncement oi the porty, the excitement ond congrotulotions of her fomily ond friends, the music, the doncing, the loughter, ond obove o11, the plons she ond Dick hod mode for their {uture ln Austrolio. The poth before them hcd seemed so strolght ond sunlit, ond they could see the roinbow ot the end thot doy. Roinbowsl Her lower hp quivered crnd she bit it to regoin control. "Fives threes ore Jifteen, six threes ore eighteen". She.looked up ot the clock. Holf post twelve. She reoch- ed outomoticoiiy {or the hondbell on the toble. "Seven threes ore twenty one". Her hond tiqhiened on the bell ond fifteen expectont poirs of eyes followed her movements. The lonq, resonont noie sounded out. On the school fence, o sunning lizord- stirred itself ond scuttled under o los. Inside the school- room books were hurriedly put owoy, mops o{ Africo were stuf{ed into knopsocks ond the pupils stood up reody to go. "Pieose, Miss Bennet?" She looked up {rom the toble ond smiled ot the speoker, o little freckled qirl with pistoils. Mory grinned bock-o rother "gummy" smile, {or she wos of the "no teeth but lots of promises" stoge. "Whot is it, Mory?" "Moy we go qnd qet the moil {rom the troin pleose?" "Yes, of course. Now run olonq oll of you." She shooed them be{ore her. She briqhtened o little, os the boys ond glrls rqn out, chottering ond loughing. Pickinq up o ruler {rom o{f the floor, she wolked to the open door. "After oll", sh> thouqht, "there would be cr letter from her fother, crnd moybe one {rom Dick". The loneliness of the empty clossroom wqs olmost unbeoroble. Outside, the clouds were rolling closer, swollow- inq the brossy biue of the sky. The sun disoppeored ond she stood ond shivered in the deodly cqlm beiore the storm. Suddeniy, her mind wos wrenched from its thoughts by the return of the children. They were suckins gioni pink ond white bull's eyes given to them by o thought{ul possenger {rom o window of the troin. Cheeks bulqed to occommodote the delicocies ond eyes shone. "Poor mltes", she thouqht. "Thonk heqven {or the doily possins of the troin ihrough the little sidins. .B"t"b""" Gt"t"' G Brisbqno Girls' Grqmmcr School Maqczine it wqs one ol the iew contocts with clty li{e thot she hod le{t. Vr/ithout the news it brouqht, she would hove gone mod in thcse Jirst lonely weeks, boording with cr {omily she hod never seen before, livlng in o country full of gount sod trees, fence- less ploins ond hcrrsh, cruel sun-so di{ferent from the 1riendly sun thot wormed ond mellowed the fruits in the orchord beside the cool, white house with toll green poplors. Mory ond her friends were quorrellinq heotedly over who should give Miss Bennet the moii. They orgued qmonq them- selves in the hlqh-pitched tone of country children's voices. At lost they reqched their declsion ond Mory, pistoils triumphontly sprouting of riqhlonqles from her heod, stoggered up to the young teqcher, with o bundle o{ newspopers, moil, ond porcels, thot she could not see over. "The mon on ihe iroin sold to give these io you, pleose, Miss Bennet." Miss Bennet smiled in reply. "Ah, the mops hcrd orrived". She looked with sotis{oction ot the tonq, cylL- dricol porcels ond thumbed through the letters one frorrr her fother, one from o friend who wos now o nurse in o Lon- don hospitol, ond one from Dick. _ She iore it open eogerly. "Deor Helen,,, she reod, ,,1 do wish you were with us oll now. There hove been two oloriously heovy {olls of snow in the lost few doys. Everything is foof.i"s like c foirvlond. But I don't suppose ii wiil rook rir.. tn"iw["" it storts to melt. Didn't we hove wonderlul fun in the snow when we were kiddies? Remember the snowboll fishts, cnd the time thot younq brother of yours mode o t}rr". poi"f 't""a- ing on the ice when he tried out hls skoiinq less? . . . ,, A smile hovered oround her mouth. Of course she lemem_ bered. Whot fun it hod been then. She reod quickly on. He wos comlng to Austrolio very soon now. He hod .o,r.d .rr..y penny qnd soon they wculci be oble to stort ofresh in Austrolio, buy o pretty llttie suburbon house ond settle down. Oicf< woula sive up his job in the Airforce ond they would 1ive hoppily ever ofter. For the {irst time in mony long. months, she believei thot she could see the roinbow oqoi.r. Outside the schoolroom, oll noise hqd ceosed. The oir wos- siill. Nothinq stirred crs the greot block clouds of losi reoched the eostern horizon. The liqht srew dim o"d the qret gumleoves qulvered. She put down the letter with o hoppy siqh. Soon, oh soon, she.would be owoy Jrom the ".ln-..o.."d outbock oi err...r._ lond, bock where she belonsed in ihe city. She worlld weor pretty dresses ogdin, go to donces, meet people. How she longed to meet people osoinl Noi the rough qnd hordened pioneers ol the outbock, thouqh, even in her prejudiced mind, she recognized their qreoi quolities of couroge, humour ond potience. But city people, olive ond owoke to the beouties qnd pleosures ol the world. She picked up o newspoper ond opened it-ond then sow it. The heodlines stood out in three inch letters, blozinq them- selves inio her broin, demondlnq her ottention. "Enqlond De- clores Wor on Germony." "Worl"-ns, she fousht osoinst it. "lt must be o niqht- more," she thouqhi. Above,the little school, the sky wos sud- denly rent by q giont white Jlosh, ond the storm poured forth in o11 its fury. The dork hills echoed ond re-echoed with he crosh- ing thunder. "Dick, Dick who wos on o{ficer in the Air{orce". she thouqht.-"Wor.-He wds coming so soon, ond now months. perhops yeors ol woiting in this inlernol little school, to hove hoppiness snotched {rom her so soon-no. nol" The pent up emotions o{ the post weeks poured forth in greot gosping sobs. Her eyes welled with teors thot overflowed down her cheeks ond her shoulders shook os they hunched over the old desk. . Groduolly the force of her emotions eosed ond presently she looked up. Woter wos trickling throuoh o hole in the roof into o puddle beneoth. She wotched eoch drop os it Jell, forming ever-widening circles until they reoche& the outer 9ds.. "Just like o wor," she thouqht, ';involvins oll oround. Soon the whole world would be couglrt in the trosedy of wor. And then her Ii{e would be the sqme os thot of thousonds of other young sirls." The roin woter drioped more ond more quickly ond fell in o coscode of icy drop.- lhot turned the dusL on the floor into cr glutinous moss. The children were stonding under the little bork porch in o miseroble, shiverlng little bunch. Their eyes were wide qs they gozed of their schoolteocher. They were ofroid to stoy outside, but on even greoter feor prevented them Jrom cominqr inside where the storm of emotions in the young teocher's heort wos even more dreodful thon the one: ocross ihe heovens which wos only now eosing o little. She looked up ot the clock. One o'clock. She reoched over ond ronq the bell. "Come olong in children," she soid in o voice thot she did not recosnlze. She stiffled o sob rislns in her throot, stood erect ond soid, "Now children, the multipli cation toble ogoin, pleose." "Yes, Iliss Bennet." Five ones ore iive, five twos ore ten, {ive threes ore fi{teen . . . Judyth Motthies. 27 f l ! ! t 3risbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgczine Iuly, 1961 . "MASTER OF MELODY" A brilliont court bollroom in Hopsburq, Vienno-the lishts ol o hundred qlitterinq condelobro shine on the qold broid ond vivid colours of officers' uniforms, sporkling diomonds, ond the sheen of sotin, os the doncers swirl post to the lilting stroins o{ o Viennese woitz. Conducting the royoi orchestrc not with o boton, but with the bow of his own violin, is the mon who hos set ihe people of Vienno, the Austrion copitol, ond the whole o{ Europe dcrncing to the goy music o{ the woltz - Johonn Strouss II. Born in Vienncr in 1825, Johonn Strouss wos the son of one ol ihe most populor conductors of the doy. His fother, lohonn Strouss I, hod oJreody loured Europe with his own orchestro, chcrming people with his lovely woltz melodies. But ot home one doy he heord the shost o{ his own music-o Strouss woltz plcryed on o violin. Mystified-for hls children hod been for- bidden this instrument, though gronted piono lessons_he went to investigote. There before cr miror, swoying to his violin in typicol Strouss style, drowinq forih the liltlnq music of o Strouss woltz, stood the eldest of his flve children, Johonn. When lhe enroged fother demonded on explonotion, the boy exploineci thot by giving piono lessons to younger children he hod-eorned enough money to toke violin lessons himself. Strouss senior cngrlly iocked up the violin ond Johonn wos sent owoy to o business school. After spending severol miseroble yeors os o clerk, the youns Sirouss ciefied his {other by mokinq his debut os on orchestro leoder ot the oge of nineteen, ploylnq in o holl os foshionoble os hls fother's, ond includins his ;w; "o-po.iiio". in the prcsromme. At the end of one o{ these op e";;";; oJter nineteen encores hod been demonded lohonn ;;"" ; ;is" to the members of his orchestro ond inio the silencl flooteJ-o number not on the progromme-the most fomous oJ o11 the woltzes written by the eider strouss. when the rost note hoci softly died owoy the cheerlng oudlence rose ond rushed to the stoge to beor the young mon out on exultont shoulders. In o glow of prlde ond offection fclther ond son were reconciled. After his fother's deoth in 1849, Johonn succeeded him os conductor of his orchestro, ond in 1863 be become .or.ar.io, ot the orchestro for the Vienno court boils. ]ohonn strouss ]l wos the ockno.,vledqed moster of woltz compostion in the Viennese trodition. His beoutiful "Toles {rom tha Vienno Woods,, W"lir, recoptures the qoiety ond llshtheqrtedness of the pleos"." tlrrl ing.Viennese, os they donced in the Tonzpolost in the *otalA porklond beyond ihe city of Vienno on o summer niqht. ,,The 28 & rffi #' '& ]R & w $ l: Adrienne Buchonon, V.C Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Magdzing Srisbqne Girls' Grqnmcr School Mcgczine tuty, IgSt July, 196l Ariist's Life"' Woltz ond "The Voices of Sprinq,, ore other well_ known Strouss compositions. _ lut.pr_obobly his most fomous woltz is the beloved ,,Blue Donube". Its title come from the lost verse of o poem he hoJ jotted down in his notebook, which ended_,,on'a", ..htn.rr, blouen.Donau"-by the beoutiJui blue Donube. Th. ;;;;; llnsered with Strouss hountingly until they were ironsformed into the liquid, flowinq melody ltved the wbrld over. Thouqh known throuqhcut the world os ,,The Kinq of the WaIIz", lohonn Strouss II is olmost-equoily fomous for his brilljoni polkos, ond.on New yeor,s bof .rr.ry yeor his mem_ :Y ]:,"?-qemoroted by o broodcost ol his *oltze. ""d p;lk;; ptoyect by the Vienno philhormonic Orchestro. . So- closely hos Johonn Strouss been identified with the woltz, ihot his porticulor style of composition is known throuqh_ out the world os the Viennese woltz. The music .f Sl;;;;; wcrltzes echoed in the boliroms of Vienno throughout th; ;; teenth centurv, ond it hos been soid thot no {omirv i" hi"t"iy iil" contributed more to th. "soi.ty of notionsj, thon tirey. Th; ;;;l; of Johonn Strouss II lives on to chorm oll qenerotlons, ond os long qs "The Blue Donube' i" ,.".r"".t...a, ni, ";; ;ill b; immortol. _H.A., VI.A LA TMTNE Attention! C'est le foctuer de lo poste Jo m'eJcnne .? Oui, Une enveloppe pour moil Quel est ie contenu? LAKE COOTHARABA We sot together, you ond I thot niqht And wotched the dork creep down into the wormth Of eorth's soft Jolds coressingly-with love. Sow the river shotter into stors With the rippling oui ol slow night tides Thot crept towords the mouth to meet the down Like quilty lovers to {ulfil o tryst. We wotched the doncing shodows, fire-flung Among the other shodows o{ the night, And sow the sporks leop lrom our Jire, ond Jlee Like erront imps beyond the bounds ol liqht . . . Ahl Time wos ours then, ond the World wos young- Tomorrow loy unknown beneoth the dork Embroce of night Togethor you ond L Wotched Down creep siowly from Coothorobo To chose our dreqms with dorkness to the west. Lynette Homilton, VI.B Une cqrte, une brochure, Une lettre de mon qmie? Enfin, je l'oi Ah nonl ma lettre est un ccmpiel Mqrsoret Ernst, VI.A M. Whittoker, VI.B WIND AUSTRALIAN NIGHT And now, the hush cI moonlight over oll As night enfolds the bushlond in her chorms. The gums roise up their ghcstly sliver orms, So pole cnd gleoming in their sjlver showl. And cruel hunters, hidden by the poll Of dorkness, mock night,s sleming co1m. This sound breoks thrcugh the criciet,s sibiient psoim, Wind, shrieking, Howling, rooring, Iouder qnd louder, \Mind, twisting, Twirlirg, l'uffering ond tossing, Wind, loshinq, Breokinq, destroying, onil murdering, Thot is the ongry wind, o11 power{ul. Wind, sighing, Mooning, whispering, so{ter ond softer, Wind, eddyinq, Slowly ond iozily flowinq, Wind, Irolicsome, Liqht, plo,yful ond kind Thot is the hoppy wind, oll gentle. The murderous dingo,s solitory coli. The dingc bores h:s sorrows ti the sk, In 1lis stronge sobbing, melcncholy moon. Only on cutcost con voice such o cry. Only o beost who must Jcrev.r room. Bewoiling ncw his fcrtune with o sigh, The dingo lives oport, ofeor,d, clcne. H.T., V].C Dionne Bornett, VI.A 3C Srisbcne Girls'Grcmmcr School Mcgozine July,.lg6t Erisbqne Girls'Grmmar School Mcgozine July, lg6l Autumn ,".o"YIy** HAS COME ! Gently hove her golden fingers touched the oronges, And h.-^r cool 1ingers turned the soJt green gross to brown. Sometimes the wind of the west sweps from the dry inlond, And then the skies ore blue, unmorred by sr_m.i,s "louj. Summer's heot ond goiety seem {or behind There reigns o freshness, o sense o{ something new, As her golden montle spreods over the lond. 1.P., VJ.D "FAIR IS FOUL, AND FOUL IS FAM- Block wos ihe niqht. The onclent ruins stood osainst the cloudless sky. The trees lowered oround a."p"*"s ii;" shodows on the cold sione wolls. The moon lent no tislrt-lo expose the evil of the niqht. - Suddenly, out of the inky blockness cqme o stob of liqht. It flickered oround mokins tire shodows ploy -."""f"nfv="" the woll. Five white fisures roomed behind tfiis hshtl;1r.iri", sileni1y, wotchfully. One figure dorted oui, piercinq screoms were heord, ond conlusion followed os the foims doited here ond there. G".;;, horrifyinq utteronces, choked exciomotions ond .o,ron"-ooin" filled the oir. A throttled sosp wos heord ". ,f f;.; ;;;; sufferer, snotched from his freedtm. A low voice in o sotisfied ione soid, ,,Got one_how mqny,s ]hi,:_ ,y.te steolthy movement os the shqdows *.;; ;;;'il;j. there s one," plerced the siiilness, ond qnothe, f"t. ** decided. - The white flqures hovered round q lorge, block box. It is the centre of their will. Cne by o"" tt" ,ri"il-. *.r"ilurrq.J into its depths, there to owoit thLir doom. ScrtisJocilln fi"#;; in the eye of every tood-hunting boorder. Morsoret Colledqe, VI.D. AUSTRALIAN IDYI.I Windy whispers gently wofting O'er the treetops touched with liqht, Corelessiy the sprite streom sollies, Cloudless cleor's the sky ond bright. From q dim ond unknown dorkness Seems to Ilcot {rom height to vo1e, Liqhtly liltinq elfin loughter, Borne by dreo'mJilled, fcriry soils. By the brook thot's bobbling, bubblinq, Horizon-strewn, mcjestic mountolns Etched ogoinst on ozure deep Lie, o mogic mist enchonting Lightly lingers o,s they sieep. And the sun in molten modness Miqhtily from yeors cwoy, Bothes this scene serene with qlodness To complete o perfect doy, Boiling on iis brimming woy, Myriods o{ unseen creotures Scomper, scurry, never stoy. Mqrgcnet Doyle, V.A @ J. Ronkin, V.A ac Chorlotte Cummings, VLA JZ Brisbcne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mqgazine July, 196l July, I96I Erisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgazine OUR SCHOOT IN FIJI My former school, in Fiji, is situoted on o hilly ploce three miles owoy from the moin town of Nodi. It is o foirly biq buildinq with one floor ond o bosemeni There cne seven closs roms which ore biq enough to occom_ modote fl{ty students. Aport from these clcrss rooms, there ore o librory, on home-science room, o science loborotory, o type-writing room, o theotre ond o stoff's room. The uni{orm for qirls ond boys ore white frocks qnd white shirts ond-shorts respectively. There is no speciol kind of shoes mentioned os o port of uniform. The girls usuolly weor blqck sonCols cnd boys weor blqck or brown shoes. At 8.30 o.m. the school besins. On Mondoys ond Fridoys the school ossembles in front of the schoor. Aftei trr" pr"v..,-"" lr4ondoy, the Notionol Anthem is sung qnd on friaoy,'tn. Notlonol song of Indio is sung. Then the principol mokus some cnnouncements ond gives qdvice, if necessory. . on oiher doys of the week the students go stroiqht into the closs room os soon os the bell qoes. The proyer is soid within the closs room. In the closs room, the qirls sit in ihe front ond the boys in the bock. Siudents ore not ollowed to chonqe .;"1. ;;iy doy. Eoch siudent is siven o desk ond o choir ond h_- o; =h; is expected to keep them neot qnd cleon. After the roll-coll, the normol closs work begins ot 9 o'clock. After three periods, eoch lostins for thirty-fiv;;";i.., there is o breok of fifteen minutes. Then the lessons go on for onother two periods before there is one-hour of lunch-recess. After eotinq thl lunches, ih; ;;;; either ploy footboll or ony other qomls. Some qo 1" ih; librory, some tolk while others sii in the closs-rooms doing some qtudy. The qirls either ploy boskelboll or so to the fbrory. Some study while others tolt. During the recess no one is ex_ pected to enter the clqss-rooms ond tolk there. During the ofternoon sessions there ore three periods of work. O{ these three periods only two ore book work or.rJ-tn. third one is either gdmes, sordeninq, debotinq, ,i"s;;*"J screening documentory films. At 3.25 p.m. the school breoks olf for the doy qnd the studenis go home. Aport from this routine work, our schoor tokes port in vorious other items. It celebrotes the festivqls of other ieliqon..-- Th; moin oim in doing this is to enoble the students to leqrn some_ thinq of other relisions os well. Every yeor the school conducts mony competitlons in speech qivlng, solo singing, stomp collecting, photo toklng ond essoy writing. Sports ore olso held durinq the yecr. At the closing o{ the yeor, the school holds o Schcol Doy. Cn this doy ihe winners of vcrious competitions receive prizes. The prizes ore mostly donoted by the {ormer students of the school. Aport from these, the school orgonizes mony hobby clubs crs well. They ore dromotic club, science club, corresponding club, scouts ond guides club. The president of eoch club is one of the sto{f of the schcol. Ail students qre glven the riqht to choose ony club they wish but they ore not oilowed to be in none. The nome of our school ls Shini Vinchonond Hiqh Schoo'. It is nomed o{ter o Soint. Students of oll reliqions ore odmitted into the school. The motto ol our school is- Arise! Awoke! And Stop Not Ti]l The Gool Is Reoched. Sorojqni Goundqr, Vc. Jone Herbert, IV.E
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