July 1960 School Magazine

J our F utr,,LT e Tltappiness ,&nd S.rurity dr7end on d,ecfsions made Now !

Z.h" nTl"gazine ofi 7h" %riobane Qtt"' Qrn^^ar S"host EDITORIAI, Throughout the history of mankind, the dominant feature has always been feat, and wherever there was fear there was hatred. Even in this enlightened age we cannot escape it. While it possesses uS, inter- national relations will never improve. The world is caught in a dark abyss of fear. Some men, distrusting what is different, have not overcome their innate dislike of coloured races. Instinctively, they subscribe to the idea that domination of the native peoples will conquer the fear which is controlling them. There is no easy solution to this heart-breaking problem, but one thing is certain, force will never be victorious. If man cannot yet love his brother regard- less of colour or creed, he must learn to do so by growing in wisdom and understanding. This can only be accomplished if we are ready to educate our minds and open our hearts to all that is beautiful, pure and true, while we are still young. Although we may never become heroic figures, we will not have lived in vain if we do all we can to spread the spirit of love abroad. In every generation, youth has been given a precious gift-the future. It is like an oyster shell which may contain a beautiful pearl, glowing and shimmering with an inward radiance. Whatever the years hold, the outcome depends upon us. It is a ma'nificent responsibility which each one of us shares. The material which we now hold is ready and waiting to be moulded. whether it leaves o,ri hands as a thing of beauty or a misshapen mass, rests with us.


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