July 1960 School Magazine

Brillisnt Selectian of Warld Famous PIAH(IS I.I I including such fqmous nqmes qs ,,STEINWAY", ,,DANEMANN", ,,PETROF", "AUGUST FORSTER", ,,WEINBACH", ,,MIGNON" q'Nd "BEALE". See ond ploy them in our George Street showroms or write for full detoiis. CONFIDENTIAL EASY TERMS

383 GEORGE STREET BRISBANE Also Ruthven St., Toowoomba


Action Pictures Illustro.icns which }:ove on oppeoi creote ottenticn. They ore the silent scrlesmen. Your story in picture leoves nothinq untcld. \Me ore speciclists in Commercicl Photo- grcphy, Ccmrnercicl Art, I-ine onC Ficlf- Tone Blocks, S.erecs, Electros, Ncrmeplotes cnd Offset Neqotives ond Plotes. Rlnq 51 1,22i-2, cncl our representotives wiil ccrll cnC give you every assistance with ycur requirements. S. A. Best Pty. Ltd" GIPPS STREET, VALLEY Also qt TOOWOOMBA, NEWCASTLE AND SYDNEY

tlUm. $treet Economicol-eosy to use NEVER KNOWN TO FAII For Free Advice Write or Cqll ot & $on 176 ANN ST.. BRISBANE Cqnberrcr Buildings. Phone 2 4222 STREET'S CT]RtrS Are the most effective extermin' ctors on the mcrrket WHITE ANTS, BONERS. ROACHES Clecnly and permcnently eradicqled

Are invited to inspect

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frLingerie *Hosiery *Footwear *Outerwear A wide rcnge oI Winter clothing avcril- qble.



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