July 1960 School Magazine
[.ifre hcrs fits Dcrngers "A monarch must be lhe happiest of men,' said Damocles. Bul when invited to sample the throne and enioy the riches around him he noticed, immediately above his head, a sword suspended by a sing le hair. The mora l'l However pleasant life may seem, it has its perils. Bul Queensland's own in- iurance office can help you to provide aga insl these to ensure ;ecurity for your family, a nd a comfortab le re. tirement to protect the va lue of you r o ro pe rty. Your local S.G.l.O. re. cresentative is well q ua Iif ied to advise and lrel' You' sG'6
$TATE INSURANCEoFFrcG U F E . ilR[. [tA Rill t. 0 [1] t BAl, Cnr" ta.rg_r,_d un$. {g9.ta1ae, Sts.. BR.ISBAN
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