July 1957 School Magazine
July, 1957
Brisbane Girls 1 Grammar School Magazine
July, 1957
Brisbane Girls 1 Grammar School Magazine
SPORTS ASSOCIATION President: Miss Crooks (on leave); Miss Macmillan. Vice-President: Miss Rooney. Secretary: R. Morrison. Treasurer : M. Geach .
The skipper allowed me to steer the launch for a while, and it was glorious, steering through the bright blue water, with porpoises playing on either side of the launch, and seeing the sun set like a red ball behind the islands, and giving them an orange tint. The tall trees on these islands were silhouetted against the darkening sky. It was a wonderful conclusion to a Very pleasant day. - NAVARRA HUMPHREYS, IIIB. ATHLETICS-AND THE AFTER EFFECTS \IVhen the annual ::ports are looming, three times round the track, fs just the sort of recipe, the record times to crack. A short tryout for relays, always heads the list, You take the flag and start to run, and then your ankle twists. :3o hobble to Assembly, and in the second verse, · { ou feel your head just spinning, and you're getting wor':.e and worse, ·{our legs· just turn to jelly at the "Amen" of the hymn, And the ceiling seems to tremble as everything goes dim When back to consciousness you come, you find you're on a bed, Your legs are sound, the picture's straight, away your painful head. So up you sit and back you go, to the lesson (which is French), Your pen nib strives to keep the line, as· all your teeth you clench, So first week's practice ends all right, with many more to come, And you wouldn't miss for anything,- The fainting's half the fun! -V. SKERMAN, III B. THE SEA What toppling wond'lrs of delight!
Committee: Miss Hutchison; Prefects: H. Duffy, C. Evans, N. Buchanan, V. Churven, W. Cooper, J. Fielding, M. Finlayson, M. Geach, R. Morrison, K. O'Connell, C. Readdy, J. Tunstall; K. Valle, J. Beak, J. Smith, J. Howcroft , A. Goddard, B. Beaumont, R. Johnson, L. Nichols, P . Sugars, A. Fielding , J. Simpson, J. Harrison, T. Hubbard, L Selby.
BEANLAND MEMORIAL LIBRARY COMMITTEE President: Miss Crooks (on leave); Miss Macmillan. Vice-Presidents: Mrs. Jackson, Miss Thomas, Miss Paterson. Secretary: G. Anderson. Treasurer: K. O'ConnelL
Committee: Miss Elliott, H. 'Duffy, C. Evans, C. Readdy, M. Neil, M. Geach,. A. Kobza, A . Hutton, J. Tremayne, H. WebstEtr, S. Will iamson, ). Vellnagel, S. Pechey, J. Coleman, J. Thompson, A. Simpson, K. Burnett, B. Bergland, S. de· Vidas, N. Johnson, E. Butz-Olsen, D. Brown. MAGAZINE COMMITTEE N. Buchanan (Editor); E. Lee, J. Marks (Sub~Editors); M. Golliker, R. Vickers , J. Gellie, M. Penman, M. Davis, M. Vallance, B. Jarrett, B. Sir!, F. Hart ,. V. Skerman, P. Moreton, J. Neilson, L. Tate. PREFECTS H. Duffy, C. Evans (Head Girls); N. Buchanan, V. Churven, W. Cooper, J. Fielding (Head Boarder), M. Finlayson, M. Geach, R. Morrison, K. O'Connell, C. Readdy, J. Tunstall , E. Lee (House Prefect).
FORM CAPTAINS IV C.-W. Hoffensetz. IV D.-A. Vidgen. IV E.-V. Jordan. IV F.-G. Spence. Ill A.-R. Mcinnes.
VL-H. Duffy, C. Evans. V A .-P. Stephenson. V B.-H. Ling. IV A.-R. Waddington. IV B.- M. Lowe.
Ill B.-R. Holt. Ill C.-J. Eglin ton. Ill D.-J. Rutledge. Ill E.-L. Best.
These misty seas of crashing might, Flanked by shores of gleaming sands Swept by winds from distant lands. A frothy mass of laughter bubbles Foaming and clinging to sea weed stubbles, Babbling through the rocky tunnels, Splashing out in eddying runnels . The lacy crests of tossing waves Rush echoing through the gloomy caves, While gulls flash by on graceful wings To skim the sun-drenched surface kings. Down in the sun~flecked depths below
M. Finlayson (captain), J. Smith (vice-captain), L. Nichols, G. Walden.
BASKETBALL TEAM K. Valle (captain), J. Beak, J. Johnston, J. Blackburn, N. Carr, P. Stephenson,. J. Prideaux. SWIMMING TEAM E. Deaville (captain), B. Bell, E. Howe, W. Pope, L. Greasley, M. Hughes" D. Jennings, J. Forster, M. Huxham, R. Johnson, E. Jessup, S. Smith, R. Mathers, K. Evans.
Colours richly flash and glow. Each a gem of LIFE-SAVING TEAM E. Howe (captain), E. Deaville, E. Jessup, A. MarshalL 35 -JENIFER KELLY, Ill B
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