July 1954 School Magazine
Tuly, 1954
:BrisĀ·banE> Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Tuly, 1954,
BrisĀ·bane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
CURRENT EVENTS. The first term of this y ear was probably one of the busiest .and most memorable on record for our School. We should like to welcome the new mistresses who are Miss Anderson, Miss Glover, Mrs. Hiscock, Mrs. Kronfeldt and Miss Wood. Miss Sutton has returned from her trip abroad. We hope tha t Mrs. Logan and Miss Simonds, who left at the end of first term, will be happy in their new lives. Within a short time of the opening of School after the Christ- mas holidays, we were p lunged into the middle of preparations for the vis it of He r Majesty the Queen, which meant for some of us practices for the School Children's Display a t the Exhi- bition Grounds. One hundred and twenty of our girls took part in the eurhythmic dancing. The occasion of the Queen's pass- ing our own ::chool had more significance for us. Most a rtistic decorations were made by Mrs. Logan and her pupils and were supplemented by School pennants. The occasion was made happ ier fo r us beca use we were able to share it with Ipswich Girls' Gramma r School, who came up for the day. The portrait o f Her Ma jesty, g iven to us by the Old Girls, and now hanging in the Assembly Hall, will serve to commemorate this Royal Visit as well as the Coronation . This year's sporting season opened with the Inter-Form Swimming Carnival, held at the Valley Baths. The honours were taken by VI Form with IIIF second and IVD third. The Inter-School Swimming Carnival was held soon after our own. Our congratulations go to Clayfield College who had an ex- cellent win. Our team came fifth. The McWhirter Cup also , the prize for lifesaving, was won by Clayfield College, in which contest our team came fourth. Our Inter-Form Lifesaving Car- nival will be he ld in third term. Old Girls' Day, April 3rd, dawned fine and clea r, and all the matches were played according to plan. The Old Girls, this year's hostesses, organized stalls in the gardens and served afternoon tea. The Inter-School Basketba ll a nd Tenn is seasons com- menced a t the beginning of second term. In the matches which we h a ve played so far, against Ipswich Girls' Grammar and B.S.H.S. and Saint Hilda' s , we have been successful except in the "A" Tennis which was defeated by Saint Hilda's. The match against Somerville House was washed out by rain a nd has been postponed. The Inter-Form Athletics will be held on the 2nd July, and 1he Inter-School competition on the 24th, so tha t while the Form
teams are still practising diligently, the School teams will be in the making. This year we have been privileged to hear a recital at the School by the Misses Victoria Anderson and Viola Morris, who presented a delightful programme of songs including two Shakespearean lyrics from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "The Tempest," the p lays set for study for juniors a nd Senic rs this year. Another great thrill was to have Sir Laurence Olivier's produc tion, "Henry V," screened at our own School. On the 11th June Miss Rhoda Felgate gave a recital-demon- stration at the School. With the a id of a very accurate scale model of the Globe Theatre, Miss Felga te described the Shake- pearean stage, the functions of its various parts, and applied her points to several of Shakespeare's plays. Four players dressed in Elizabethan costume read for us scenes from "The Tempest' ' and "A Midsummer Night's Dream. " During the second term added in terest was g iven to our French studies by the French competition which was held a t the University. Two of our g irls won the ir sections, and a number of girls from the School were present at the "Soiree Pour Les Ecoles" to hear them recite, and to hear a group of Senior girls singing French songs. A very beautiful French poster was pre- sented to the school by the Alliance Francoise. As a result of an invitation from Somerville House this term, girls from Sixth and Fifth Form a ttended a delightful musical evening at the school. It was a pleasant change to be able to meet g irls from other schools, away from the competi- tive a tmosphere of a sports ground. Alterations have been made to the gymnasium and cha nging-rooms so that the Tuckshop now has a permanent home from which, every Monday and Friday, it dispenses cakes and cream buns to budding athle tes who should know better. On the 26th June Parents ' Day will be held. There are to be the baske t-ball and tennis fixtures between the School and St. Margaret's on this afternoon, so parents should find much t.o interest them in these matches, and in the other entertainments and displays to b e arranged. Money from the sale of articles made by the girls will go towards the School sweet-stall at the Fete in September. The School Choir, the Science, Debating and Dramatic Clubs all have a large number of hard~working and enthusiastic members, and these clubs are doing good work in providing interests outside School, which are both instructive and enjoyable. 11
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