July 1954 School Magazine
July. 1954
BrisĀ·bane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
July, 1954
:BrisĀ·bane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
FAIRY THOUGHTS. As I open up my window, And see the green fields there, I wonder if the fairies Have danced out there, and where
A mountain ridge o'erlooks the plain, Where virgin gums stand tall and strong; A soft shy breeze disturbs the leaves, A jackass laughs loud and long. Cattle stray the gentler slopes Among green grass and flowers bright, Whose petals, gazing at ihe sun, Reflect his glorious light. A dusty road meanders there, The golden link between the farms; And gleaming roof-tops white we glimpse Embraced in leafy arms. Do farmers as they plough this vale Feel, as we do, a wonder deep At this place of peace and comfort sure In nature's tender keep?
The little goblins, who look so bright and gay, Have built their -homes on that wide expanse, That stretches far away. I hope to find some sprightly elves As I roam out there to-day, And imagine they'll be dressed in green, And have a pleasant way To show their dainty little fee t That palter o'er the village street, And help each weary pilgrim there, And find him food and clothes to wear. As I push my window open more, I see the hills I saw before, And think about those fairies dear, And then my mind begins to clear For as I stare o'er those sun-lined hills My heart with thoughts of fairies fills,
And as I close my window tight, I find its time to say goodnight.
Cecily Ellis VI
Cynthia Jolly IIIF
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