July 1953 School Magazine

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EDITORIAL The coronation . of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II , took place on June 2nd of this year. The boundless enthusiasm with which this event was celebrated throughout the Common- wealth of Nations has strengthened the bonds of common loyal- ty which unite us; we have been made to feel how privileged we are to be members of such a great union of peoples, and subjects of a Queen so universally loved and respected. Her example of humility and service has shown us that, to be worthy of such privileges, we must accept the responsibilities which accompany them, and try to extend to the less fortunate peoples of the world, blessings of liberty and security similar to those which have been our heritage. We may compare this great heritage of the Commonwealth with that lesser, but still great heritage which is left to us by those who have passed through this School during the last seventy-eight years. We must accept this tradition with humil- ity, endeavouring to maintain it worthily, that we may pass . it on, not diminished but increased, to future generations. The Queen's message to her people on the day of her Coronation holds a special meaning for us. We, like her, stand on the threshold cf a new life; we must soon take our place as citizens of a troubled world. If, in all that we under- take as a School, we keep such a~ example before us, we shall not fail through lack of inspiration.



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