July 1951 School Magazine
July, 1951
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazina
July, 1951
::Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
PAINT! PAINT'! PAINT! (with apologies to Tennyson)
SHADOWS Trees that intercept the moon's cold rays Cast spectral shadows on the forest ways. Uncanny forms that flutter, and are gone- And come once more a little further on Awaken fears in many manly hearts Timidity is one of women's arts- The hoot of an owl, in close proximity ·Brings ' thoughts of lions, and-Edibility. A scampering rabbit, hidden in the g loom Spells lions and tigers, and a Dreadful Doom. A falling leaf that takes you unaware Feels like the paw-pat of a Polar Bear . A grinning spider, hanging in the way Says, "Little man, you've had a busy day". You think he's right, and hurry home to bed, And thank your stars you're not entirely dead. A CAR-RIDE AT' NIGHT Night was come; the dark closed round, The scene with brooding mystery bound. Furtively the trees slipped by,
Paint, paint, paint On my new serge skirt I see, And I would that my ton~ue could utter The thoughts that arise i;:, me . 0 well for the painters there, For their overalls they may mar! 0 well for the School itself, Whose appearance is bettered by far! And the stately S.:hool stands on, Unheeding the havoc it's wrought. But, 0 for the touch of some turpentine Of some effective sort! Paint, paint, paint On my new serge skirt I see, But a wipe with a rag of turpentine Will drive it for ever from me.
-B. M., V .
Shadowed black against the sky. The far-off mountains misty lay Beneath a sky of black and grey;
And dark-toned clouds, wind-torn and riven, Lined all the wide-arched vault of heaven,
\Vhile the sea,wind, flying by, Sang to the earth its lullaby .
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