July 1951 School Magazine
July, 1951
~risbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
July, 195I
Brisbane Girls' Gramma.r School Ma gazine
In a Morris dance on the village green. However, there were nobler things To please the eyes of queens and kings; For them the lists rang loud and long, As valiant knights on chargers strong Met with a rousing clash of arms And never a care for bodily harms. And it's sad, that a bold and fearless knight Who made the tournaments his delight, Should fall near-prostrate, if you p lease, Speechless, and trembling at the knees, Of a pretty girl, with a smiling face Gave him a favour of silk and lace.
~ T'l I I
Now do we look on Rome of old, And Greece, as in the Age of Gold, When no one had to work all day But spent their lives in sport and play. The Grecian youths, so fair of face, Displayed in sport their skill and grace, In discus-throwing, or perchance In vieing to hurl the slender lance. The maidens turned their dainty feet To dancing for a pastime sweet. While burly Roman wrestlers sparred In contest fierce with no holds barred.
And now we turn another page And come into a graceful a ge :
When George the First, his line restored, Became fair England' s sov'reign lord . Then ladies pulled their waists in small And sported hair-dos two feet tall, While gentlemen without complaint Wore powder , patches, perfume, paint. The gallant nobles from the Court With sword and rapier boldly fought. Sometimes for love, or honour bright, To right the wrong, or wrong the right, And when the fatal stroke was made, One wiped the other off his blade, Picked up a fan and went to woo, Or dance at Court the whole night through,
Now set before our eyes we see Once more, the Age of Chivalry, Of gallant knights and lovely maids, a nd heroes of the great Crusades. The sturdy archers , clad in hose And hunter's tunic, played with bows And arrows, and I need not say That none ever stood in their way. But in gentler mood, they were often seen 32
And b lissfully his duels for get In the intricacies of a minuet. 33
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