Head Girl badge

silver badges from Wallace Bishop were not to be, and Valda and her fellow prefects were handed a modest assortment of ribbon, cardboard, and safety pins to fashion their own prefect's badge. The ensuing result was a far cry from Betty Lugg’s elegant brooch.

Valda Hendren’s (1944) Prefect’s badges – one given to her at School and the silver badge purchased by her after the war.

In May 2000, Valda Ridgeway (nee Hendren) donated two Prefects badges to the School, and in the accompanying letter, Valda explained the reason why she had two badges. "Because of WWII in 1944 when I was Head Girl, (metal) badges were not available from Wallace Bishop, so we were given a tiny piece of ribbon, cardboard and safety-pin to make our own prefect's badge - the enclosed is the result… After the war we were notified that badges were available if we wanted to purchase one – hence the enclosed has never been worn." (Letter from Valda Ridgeway, 04.05.2000)

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