Head Girl badge

Perhaps the 1916 hatband resembled Eva Popper’s 1951 Prefects’ hatband

Sadly, we do not have visual evidence or an actual hatband from the 1910s’ era. However, we do know that there was a prefect group from our commencement and this evidence continued to flow once a school magazine was regularly published. Badges are the most common way to identify someone in a position of responsibility. Thus, in 1940, the first specially-minted Prefect’s badge was produced. One of the most beautiful Prefect’s badges in our collection is the badge of Head Girl, Betty Lugg (1940). Photographic evidence suggested this was the beginning of the Prefect’s badge. However, World War II was looming in the Pacific and it was to have far-reaching implications for all.

1940 Head Girl, Betty Lugg’s Prefect’s badge.

The Prefect body of 1941 and ‘42 proudly wore the beautifully crafted badge; however, on close inspection of the 1943 group, it is evident that the only Prefect with a Prefect’s badge was Margaret Hynd (1943) who had been Head Girl in 1942 and who had repeated VI Form. In 1944, the second last year of World War II, Head Girls, Valda Hendren (1944) and Alison Berry (1944) began their leadership journey in a very different way. Regrettably for Valda and Alison, the

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