Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2023
More than Equations and Measurement M A THS IS A TOOL FOR THE SKILLS OF LIFE Jiya Dhanani (9L) and Anna Hodge (9L)
Geometry: while at a distance, the idea of shapes and finding perimeters and areas may seem easy, as you delve deep into the world of geometry and explore the many different ways to arrive at the same conclusion, you need to draw on an understanding of the many rules and theorems which make geometry suddenly click! Algebra: we enjoy this topic because it allows us to find a more logical approach to solving a problem instead of simply the ‘guess and check’ method. It also lets us develop important life skills that will help with data analysis and statistics, which are useful in many occupations. Not only does maths equip us with essential life skills to solve problems, but a creative approach can also be taken towards this subject. The creativity of mathematics stems from beyond the numbers and symbols—it grows from the way we choose to interpret these equations and is one of countless paths we can select to solve it mathematically. In maths, there is also no ‘correct’ way to solve a problem; in fact, frequently you will have to go down multiple paths and turn back before reaching a conclusion. A recent example of this was when we split into groups to solve a problem. One group had completed the problem one way and found half of the answer, and the other group had travelled along a completely different path and arrived at the other half of the answer. When we placed our pieces of the puzzle together, the solution was apparent. Just like in life, sometimes, travelling down multiple paths is vital in solving a problem! We are both in Year 9 and already Mathematics at BGGS is an enjoyable and challenging experience. We can’t wait to continue our studies, delve deeper into each topic, and learn more, each and every day.
Mathematics is one of the most important and relevant core subjects that we study—it prepares us for the real world and equips us with problem-solving skills that will have a significant impact on our lives in the future. Furthermore, it is not at all limited to just numbers and symbols; in fact, it allows us to take a creative perspective and approach to mathematical equations and solve them using our own method. It’s common knowledge that maths is one of the most universal subjects studied in school. But unlike other subjects, language does not affect what is taught as there is only one language of maths. Although some cultures use different symbols to represent numbers, a number is a number in every language, the symbols used in mathematics are universal, and languages do not change how equations are evaluated. From algebra to geometry to ratios and rates, this subject showcases a variety of diverse topics throughout the year, which is why we love maths so much. No matter the topic, mathematics aids us in many shapes and forms in our daily life. For example, having the knowledge of how to exchange and share money is a vital skill as business owners, and bankers work with money all the time. As well as this, problem-solving skills learned in maths can easily be translated into our daily lives, and are vital in learning how to look at a problem and solve it. Of all the endlessly interesting topics that Mathematics has to offer, our personal favourites are geometry and algebra. We find these subjects highly intriguing because they can be approached in a creative and logical way that can branch beyond numbers.
GAZETTE • ISSUE 1, 2023 ISSUE 1, 2023
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