1913 School Magazine

Chapman &Company "Where the fashions (orne from" Queen St., Brisbane

The outstanding feature of the Hosiery and Gloves from CHAPMAN'S is VALUE. High and lasting quality, combined with ex· ceeding reasonableness in price. This excel· lent and ever· increasing value is just what makes the cultivation of the habit of always going straight to .. Chapman's" for eve ry · thing in dress a good and wise accomplishment

No. 52 - Transparent Lisle Hose. wit h double Garter tops. in white. black. tan and even- ing shad.es. 1/3 to 3/11 pair. Plain Cashmere Hose. Sum- mer weight. tan and black, 1/11 to 5/6 per pair. Morle y's .. Sanitary " Plain Black Cotton Hose. 1/- to 2/11 per pair ; or with extra wide tops. 2/6, 2/11 per pair;

No. i-Silk Hose-Pure Silk Hose. with self or coloured clocks in white. tan. black. and Evening shades, 8/11 , 10/6,

12/6 to 17/6 per pair. Pure Silk Hose with Cash- mere feet. 7/11, 8/11 per pair Pure Si lk Hose with Lisle tops and feet. in white. black. and tan only. 7/6 and 8/6 each


Dents' Super Quality Gloves No.2-Dents' 3-Button Kid Gloves, in' Black, Tan, 'Grey. Beaver, Pastelle, White, etc., 2/ 11 , 3/11,4/11, 5/ 11 per pair. Dents' Mosquetaire Kid Gloves, 8, 10, 12. 16. Button Lengths, in· White, Black, and colours, 4/11, 5/6, 6/11, 7/6 to 12/6 per pair. CHAPMAN & CO. "WHERE THE FASHIONS COME FROM" QUEEN ST. BRISBANE

No. 3-Lace Lisle H ose. exceptionally neat and exclusive designs in black, white, tall and evening' shades. 1/-, 1/3, 1/6 to 3/11 per pair. Also with woven feet. 1/ 11 to 4/11 per pair. Lace Cashmere Hose. Sum· mer weight. 1/11 , 2/3 to 3/6 per pair.

No. 4-- Spun Silk Hose. in black. white. tan. and Evening shades. 2/11 . 3/6 to 7/6 per pair; or with Clocks or Cashmere Foot. 4/11 , 5/11,7/6 per pair.



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