1913 School Magazine
Dec., 19] 8.
Only one girl in the form', Robena Jackson, entered for the essay on the "Prevention of Cruelty . to Animals.." Un- fortunately she did not obtain a prize, but her work was highly commended. Of course, we hav,e not h'ad much time for sports, on account of our les -- sons, but the. results of the matc'h'es are very satisfactory. The Tem;l'is Cup, was won from 6th, much to their dis- may, by the narrow margin of -iwo· points. The tennis captain, Jean Dollar, has played very well , as have the other three girls also. . Our pla ce for basket ball is second to 6th. It might fairly be said' tha;t none were more surprise~ than ·we were ourselves at winning so many- matches. Our goal-thrower at firs t was Nett~ Frederick, but as she was absent we had to put in Nellie Hamilton, Who had_ never played .before. But sIre, as well as the rest of the team:, who also had never played with the exception of one- or two, played Up' beautifully. Our form captain for this year is. Edith Davey. She has looked after ,us. well, but ther,e is no need to keep order- now between the bells , because we have three mInutes to talk in, which' is a . great relief for our feelings. The majority of the girls ar·e leav-· ing at Christmas, and it seemls thait there will not he a very larg;e VI. B next year. E.D., J.Q. FOURTH FORM. Fourth Form contains 32 girls, most of whom intend to compete in the Junior Public Examination, to be held at the end of next year. The attendance of Late has not been y.ery good, owing to the vaccination craze, influenza, and mleasles. The vases hav1e been fairly well sup- plied with greenery and flowers fOir a great period or the year, and i tne class- room has been generally left tidy. Before br·eaking-up at midwinter, Fourth form invited the mistresses ana the school to an impromp:tu concert in the Assembly Hall. This was tne first attemlp:t at entertaining ever mad'e by our form, and we do not think that. we wel1e wholly unsucoessful in amus- ing our audience.
groaned under their weight of good things, but their sufferings were quickly reli eved (or transferred) , although the viE.it.ors ate sparingly and with great moderation- -before the match! After- wards , however, fresh attacks were made on the provis ions, and one may be sure that the appeti.tes of our team were, if anything, only .whetted py their victory, and the visitors (conGealing whatever feelings of chagrin the know- ledge "of their first defeat m'ay have aroused ), nobly did their d'uty by t he cream-puffs and other such delicious in- digestible edibles . Early in the year, the Old Girls in- vited us to a tea, and a very ,enjoyable afternoon was spent. Another invita- tion for a river picnic has just been received, to which we are all looking forward very much in anticip·ation of a very jolly time. P.H.,O.H. There are a gre,at many new teachers this year, and our form-mis tress; Miss Jensen, is also a new-comer. This year the whole form is work- ing up hard for the big examinations at the end of the year, th'e Junior Public and the Christmas Examinations. They are a very good examiple to the rest of the school, and it is cl1aracteristic of 5th' form' girls to be seen walking about with a book in hand, chiefly Livies and Xenophons. The class examina - tions a re just finished, and some of the girls have done very good work, especially Ena Eden and Bessie Forster in languages and mathemat ics 'respec- tively. In the earlier part of the year, t11;e whole school went to see "The Merchant of Venie-e" one night, and ·enjoyeQl . it very much. We hot1e everyone has profited .by it. It was a great disappointm'ent for us to como back one Monday morning and find our desks about two-thirds of tHeir ordinary size. However, we prefer them to the other new ones, and' by careful a rrangement the books -can be fitted in easily. V. FORM NOTES. Motto: "Tis only nobl e to be good."
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