1913 School Magazine

"Dec., 1913-



ROWING NOTES. Since the inaug:uration of rowi ng classes ther e has , unfortunately, be en a falling' off in numbers, but the girls who still belong attend twice a week reglularly at the Brisbane Ladies ' Row- inJgI Club shed. At , vresenta follr-oar crew is being" tr.ained b y Miss Rober ts ' to comp·e te ag.ainst the Goy-te- lea Ladies Rowing Club, Southport. This club has a very- largte number of members, all of whom_ are pupils at the Church of England (St. Hilda's ) school f.or giirls. The personnel of the Girls' Grammar School crew is :-D. Park (stroke), J. Bancroft (3), M. Love (2), A. Moore (bow). This race will eventuate either on November 29th or December 6th, and! is being' eagerly looked forward to. At a recent reg'atta held by the Brisbane Ladies' Rowing Club, Doris Park and Mary Love were successful in winning a pair-oar race. It is to be hoped that next quarter more girls will take up rowing, which- has proved such a healthful and useful sport. The rowing club's motto is "utile dulci," which means, "the useful with the agreeable." J.B. GYMNASTIC NOTES. The gymnas ium has presented a busy scene lately owing to tHe compulsory system enforced this year. Gym's., 'like icompulsory military training, came In for their share of abuse from the dis - contented and lazy. This year the eight gym. squad's have' been allowed to g:o to the gymnasium for dinner-hour practioe, q.nd' most · of the g'irls availed themselves of this privi- le'~e . Unfortunately, some rabid socia- lists lived up to their principles by using~ the first gym. suits that came to hand; with the result that when the owners came to look for their suits they found the 'peg's occupied by some one else's, their own having' strayed' to the other side at the opposite end'. Will new- comers please use the pegiS of girls! who have left-not remove present glirls ' snits fo make room for their own? The exams. for g,ym. prizes will not be the usual class exam. only. The

noble work for the team, second only to our popular goal-thrower, A. Little, who has greatly distinguished herself lately. The third match D!,oved more succ essful than the former two, for we were w'inners after an exciting struggle, and won by 8-5. This gave the team some confidence and' hope, with the result that when the Ipswich: team came to play us on our own court we won by 46-7. Miss Hunt, who had coached the team since the beg;in- ning of the season, acted as umpire at the three home matches. On Septem- ber 14th St. Margaret's team, who had beaten us so badly at the first match, came to play on the Gramm'ar c'Ourt. The day appointed for the match hap- pened to be very wet, and the court was more fitted for swimming than for playing basket-ball, when the showers cleared off, so the match took place on the following Wednesday afternoon. The Sixtli Form entertained the visi- tors and the home team at afternoon tea in the studio. Contrary to the expectations of every one "the royal blue" won their third match with great rejoicing, as there was then a possibility of securing the cup for the half-yea:r. The last match of the .season was played agiainst the High School on the home court on October 25th, and re- suIted in a win for the Grammar School. In August and September the various forms collected teams and played against one another. The Fifth Form at first were unwilling' to enter, but were roused' to energy by J . Quinlan, who is to be congratu1ated ,on the team she gathered together after much trouble. The Fifth securel!' second place in the inter-form ,matches. The Fourth had' a glood team, which ought to do well next year, the middle court being very good and' play- ing' well to one another. The Third also have a very promising team, although they were rather unlucky this year. The Removepluckily sent in a t eam in the face of c'ertain defeat. The first inter- form match between the Sixth and the Fourth resulted in a draw. but the Sixth suceeeded in winning 'the final match, thus . securiIJIg firs t place in the form matches. L.M.

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