1913 School Magazine

Dec., 1913.


The Library.

May 10th, in the School Assembly Hall. The members were entertained by a competition and a short music'al pro- gramme. On May 22nd a very succ;essful com- bined ball with the Old Bovs' Associa· tion took nlace in South BrisbaM 'Technical College Hall. " August 4th was the date of our An- nual Ball, w'hich took place in Web - ster's CafE~ Majestic. Although it was not quite as well attend'ed as usual, it was much enjoyed by those present. The Annual Tennis Match was played jn the school grounds on September 13th, the Old Girls being successfuL The final general meeting took t he form of a river trip on the "Beryl" -on Saturday, November 1st. Any girls wishing to join the Association should send their names in to the secretary. News of Old Girls at the University. ----------- F the past Grammar School girls who entered the University in its first year, the two scholars, Lila Mason and Ettie Baird are at present do ing their third year vf dassical honours and have hopes of -completing their third year next March. Florence Phipps is doing her third year in Science and Hilda Plant her third y ear in Biolog,y. In the seaond veal' of their course )1ilo.en Dodds, Vera Forrest and Minnie Smith; two students of classics and one ()f mathematics, ar,e the representatives of the Brisbane ' Gramm'ar School. M. 1Smith has just been awarded the Morrow Prize for an 'essay on "Leichhardt." This year Ivy Shield, Mabel Tinnis- wood and Claire Doran entered upon their University careers . Ivy Shield, holding a Government scholarship, is .doing the firs t year of a Science course. ' Mabel Tinniswood, who was awarded the Mackinlay scholarship, and Claire Doran are doing their first year Arts. E. Peel is doing 1st Year Science.

~~ - - T HE school library now con- , tains well over six hundred books , and is in a more flourishing condition than it has been for sO'me years' past, which is 'entirely due to the un- ceasing care and pains of Miss Mackay. We feel we all owe her a deep vote of thanks for the valua.ble time she has so willingly sacrificed. After we returned from the mid-winter holidays she set to work (aided in a very minor degree by some members of the sixth), at tile strenuous task of recataloguing: the library, which had not been at - tempted since Miss Cookson did' it some years ago. ·Since then, however, our: number of volumes has increased very largely, and also a number of the old ones have been found to be suffering from "senile decay," so that the task of recataloguing was by no means an easy one. 'When it was fin ished, Miss Mackay g'ave the Sixth a tea to com'mem'orate and , celebrate the auspicious event (to which Miss Williams and Miss Copas were also invited ), and she took the opportunity to relieve VI A of the "keys of office" and hand them over to VI B, with injunctions ,to "follow nobly in the footsteps of their p;redecessors." (N.B.--This we are endeavouring to do, tho112:h it is rather a difficult task !) Although ' our number of subscribers is increasing, there is plenty of room for .more, and we 'hope that the new quarter will see more girls taking' ad- vantage of the excellent opportunity of- fered them of procuring a book a week for the truly minute sum of 6d'. per quarter. P.H. Sports. TENNJS NOTES. ~~ ENNIS ha,' s been taken up'very T ' keenly this year, and Qut of 130 ' giT)s . attending the school, 120 belong to the Tennis Club. Additional interest was attached by the fad that the school this year again

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