Evacuation and lockdown procedures Evacuation during school hours, on hearing the alert tone ( beep beep beep ), all staff and students should: • prepare for possible evacuation, but • not evacuate until the second tone. At the sounding of the evacuation tone ( whoop whoop whoop ),
• the sliding doors on the Hancock wing side of the building will be locked; • the sliding doors on the Gregory Terrace side will remain OPEN; and • all classes will leave all belongings behind and evacuate down the main staircase or the Grand Staircase and exit via the level 1 double sliding doors on the Gregory Terrace side. • All staff and students will use the footpath, and proceed directly to their designated areas in Victoria Park. • Students are not allowed to re-enter the building until the all-clear has been given by the chief warden or the deputy warden. • Return to the building will occur when the library staff open the level 1 sliding doors.
Procedures for before and after school: on hearing the alert tone ( beep beep beep ), all staff and students should: • prepare for possible evacuation, but • not evacuate until the second tone. At the sounding of the evacuation tone ( whoop whoop whoop ),
• the sliding doors on the Gregory Terrace side will remain OPEN; • and the sliding doors on the Hancock wing side will be set to LOCKED; and • all students will leave all belongings and evacuate down the main staircase or the Grand Staircase and exit via the level 1 sliding doors on the Gregory Terrace side. • Everyone will proceed to assemble on the footpath in the front of the School. • Library staff will unlock the building when the all clear has been given.
On hearing the lockdown alarm , staff and students must immediately undertake the following procedures: • All equipment will be left in classrooms and staff and students will proceed immediately to the main staircase [Western Wing end]. • All students are to spread down the staircase and sit IN SILENCE and remain SILENT. • Any mobile phones are to be on SILENT. • Once all staff and students are seated, the fire doors on every level will be closed by staff. • Everyone will wait in silence for the all-clear notification; and then • return to class.
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