December 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Glrls' Grammar School Magazine

_t December, 1967

IIa - T,yrienne Knight IIb - Margaret Rich IIc - Sue Beeston 11d, - Ruth Neilsen IIIa -- Janet Petrie IIIb: Jan Stark II,Ic -'Thea Faragher IIId - Sus n Byth IVa - Julanne Watson IVb - Joanne Burton WOON,COCK HOUSE OFFICTALS House Captain : Rhyl Fraser Vice-Captains : ValAa Jrry,- $ni5:e Cummins ssnio5 3i3*: i33':?;i,;, "#faJ:fu*u,"* s.,io,I$:?:ri,l*"'ff"$.'.'#l?1il-l^H",H"""t"?u-,son . Junior Debating Representative : Jeanette Howmann Senior Save the Children Fund Representative : Anne Marlay Junior Save the Children Fund Representative : Judy Crokei House Mistressgs : Mrs. Stenders, Mrs. McGaw, Mrs. Kugelman, Mrs. williams Treasurer : Julie White F'OR.M CAFTAINS IVc - Margaret Gottlieb IVd - Jane Robertson SOFTBAI,I, TEAM {bry!1ml (Qqptain), _L._.$le!mgveg_ (Coach), J. Sellars, J. Dickinson, B. Bell, M. Martin, J. ward, D. Veiner, M. And.rew , 'p, Hurney. BASKETBALL A TEAM G. Hardy (captain), _R._Aydon, p. Hatton, D. stevens, J. ward., L. Kleimey€r, S. Byth. : Hawcrort (captain), T:ilffir*J?lTu'r.i'son, w. parkinson. SWIMMING TEAM H.alris -(Qgta11r). E. Ma_rri9tt,,L. _sp5r_nder, B. Trotter, b. Stevens, Kleinschmidtr_J._Foryenr !._pla\e, G,- Hood; R. Mcclune; S. B"iri*i Bingemann,_v. _r_Iufris, M. Ilarriot!,_ F. Allen, 'w. nixon, s. no"iio", Thomas, -s. ^McGahey, _G. grad=&id, B. 'palethorpe, -4. Biucei L. Collins, A. O'ReiIly, K. Love, S. Squire. LIFESAVINIG TEAM 9. Llurris, B._Palgthorpe JCapt?ins), s. squire, M. Thomas, G. Bradford, !, Sp_endgr, L. Collins, S. Mccahey, S: Beeston, K. Love, g. vt"iri"tii M. Marriott, I Bowen, L. Graham, E. Hockey, J. White,-H. j;;ktii; L. Gooma, J. Rqbrg_q,,R. F1qse1 H. Abryhu*i,"'F,. -spl"d"i., M. Miri#i C. Nielsen, M. Cooper, L.' Mugglestone. ,, DEBATING TEAM Kristin Andersen, Christian Matheson, Rebecca Kugelmas. . GYMNASTICS A TEAM Margaret Miller (Captain), Mapilyn Miller, Megan Thomas, Jane Davidson H. B. N. B. M. ,' i Va - Trudy Gunn Vb - Jayne Sellars Vc - Jaqueline Menzies Vd - Deborah Verner VIa -- Robyn Aydon VIb - Rosemary Henzell VIc - Penelope Berry VId - Barbara Harris

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