December 1967 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Gramrnar School Magazine
December, 1967
Brisbane Girlst Grrammar School Magazine
December, 1967
who knew they weren't born gymnasts, but were prepared to "give it a go" , and Gtiffith carne third after an enjoyable after noon. The cultural achievernents which Griffith has been so proud of in the past, seem to have been somewhat forsaken for our greater success in the field of sport ! Our senior debating team was eliminated early, and our house choir lost its three-year-hold on the trophy. Our choir did reach a very high standard, how- ever, and we vrere onl;t one point behind the winners, England, whom we congratulate. \ile are very grateful for the conscientious work of Rosslyn Pashen, our conductress, and Corliss Gustavson, our pianist, last year's winner of the \Tright Medal. i This year, bv exchanging letters, we have become acquainted with Cecelia Ratsoai, from Lesotho ( Basutoland ) whom Griffith sponsors through the "save the Children Fund". \fle have re- ceived her school neu/spaper, and sent her a scrapbook depicting the Queensland way of 1ife, made bv \fendy McDonald," our Junior Save the Children Fund representative. ' f wouid like to thank Mrs. McDonald, our House Mismesses: Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Imhoff, Mrs. Floog Antink, Mrs. Knight, and Miss Paterson, and the house representatives, all of whom have worked with interest, and done much to inspire the girls , f am confident that 1968 will be as successful and enjoyable as this year has been for all of Griffith, as the present fifth form show much enthusiasrn and have demonstrated well their capacity for leadership. - A.H. LILLEY IIOUSE NOTES The yeat 1967 has proved to be a most successful and en- joyable one for the members of Lilley House, but without the help of the House Mistresses and co-operation of the girls it would not have been so. \We started the year well by winning the Swimming carnival, taking aIl three cups. Our congratulations go to the girls who shared the Individual Championship, tv/o of whom were members of Lillev House, namely Barbam Harris and Vicki Harris. Con- gratulations to Megan Thornas cf Gibson House urho won the Dr. Lockhart Gibson Memorial Prize and the School Swimming A Lup.
grateful to Helen Anderson, Katherine Todd and Gale Hood for their willing assistance, \(/e were pleased to welcome Mrs. Carseldine and Miss Piper to our house; we also enjoyed having Miss Brook attend one of our house meetings. The house ex- tends its sincere thanks to Mrs. McDonald and to our house mistresses, Miss McNam ara) Miss Hebden, Mrs. Carseldine and Miss Piper for their help and guidance throughout the year. Our special thantr
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