December 1967 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Gran:llnar School Magazine

December, 1967

December, 1967

Brisbane Glrls' Grammar School Magazine

the responsibility associated r,vith the for School concerts. Of the Staff she gave them of her best.

organising of and taining expected the best, and she

tress experienced members of staff were able to learn much from her. In the Common Room Miss Maclean is remembered with admiration and affection as a staunch colleague. Her warrn friendliness, her wide reading and varied interests added breadth and depth io her association with other members of the staff. For many years she acted as Business Managet of School Concerts, took a-lively interest in the judging of the Esther Beanland Sewing Cornpetition, and was an adjudicator of the annual Knitting Com- petition. - The staff , who kner,v her many-sided ability, were not there- fore surprised.- though the Fourth Forms v/ere amazed . - yhqn, for e rfiott time, on& during the absence of Mrs, Todd, she assumed full responsibility for thefu Latin classes . \7e remember her with gratitude and happiness in many ways, and we all wish her good health and the quiet ioy of a well- earned retirement. VALE E MRS. RYLAND At the end of L966 the school farewelled Mrs. Ryland. Mrs. Ryland had been with the school since L952, three of these years of service being spent as a visiting part-time mistress. Mrs. Ryland was held in great affection by staff and girls for she had the gift of being a sympathetic listener, possessing a great patience and-understanditg. Equally characteristic of her was the of humour that so o{ten created around her a very htppy - indeed, a merry atrnosPhere. Her work was always of a very high standard, and many of the Old Girls of the school owe much to her early training. SIXTH FORM I\IOTES As the last of our Inter-School competitions draws near, and sporting activities cease, we Look ahead to studies, the Senior Examination and an unknown futute in a new type of world. Behind us, however, lies a year full of activity, fun and friendship, in work and sport, a yelar which will long remain in our memories. \ile would like to thank Mrs. NlcDonald, our Form Misffess, Miss Thonras, Miss Elliott, i{rs. Kugelman and Miss McNamata, and orher members of Staff for their help and encouragement during the year. The year's activities began early and no sooner were we back at School than teams had to be selected and early morning train- ing sessions started. These all paid dividends and many Sixths

Although n9t an OId Girl of this Grammar School, Miss Nlacmillan l.ut always been closely connected with ihut A5o.iu- tiono "an-q for years has been an honor ary rnember. Sn.- trit -u renrarkable lnemor)' for faces and names of girls whom rh. has taught, .for lh. really knew thern, and she rrrrrib.6 *unv ;f ;h;; arnong -h.t friends today. The record that she is .o*Jl]i"g ^U""i any- old girls and their present activities continues to gro]*, ;a nothing rvould give her greater happiness than ro be "inuna"t.d with letters from still more girls *fro have passed i6r";* ;h; School. Miss Macmillan has left us officially now, but she is still with us, -and all who have knor,vn her will r,vish her rnany more y"u., oi health and happiness ,anil close conract with the "School,'L;; ;; the same tirne, rnore leisure than she used to harr..- Thank you, Miss Macmillan, from us all. V.4X.E - MTSS M. A. MACX.E,AN At the end of last year the School regretfully said farewell to yet another of its most devoted membJrs of ifr. slaff, Mirt Marion Maclean. \We have aIl missed her very much. Miss Maclean began her long association with the School in Jtlyr Ig2& - when th. uras nppolrt.a i -u Tempo rary Mis6ess, serving in that capacity until ihe end of the yrit f., J aniury', !?39, she was appointed to the perrnarr.ri staff ur" Senioi Mathematics Misffess. In December, 1,965, she t.lirq,risheJ fr}l- time work but rernained on the staff. at a part-time mistress until her retirernent in December, 1966. ' Miss Maclean inspired her pupils with a love of her subject and showed them the meaning. bf ^itrt.llectual int"grity Bur she was rnore th?q a very fine teaclrer of A{athematics: -she taught h.; sl:bject to girls, - and- those who were fortunate .norrgh ; -pr;; through her hands valued the warm hurnan i.tutiomhtp which she so easily established in the classroom, She was intereit.J i" well-being as people,- and although she ser u.ty hdfi ,iandurd, of r.rtortr< and conduct, she*.was always ready to giu. oT h.r rfi;;rht and understanding. Those tutrr. qualiiies were srrongl;'l;;- dence in het wotk as a Form Misiress, putli."i ^;{;-;i Fifth and sixth Form level, u"J trtl.iv- ur'" u House Mirtr.rr." io,rng., and



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