December 1966 School Magazine

December, 19611

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

Since 1928 the Edith Swanwick Memorial Prize, founded and named by Miss Steedman after her friend and colleague, has been awarded for English, Modern History and Ancient History in the Fifth Form at the Annual Presentation of Prizes . As a teacher Miss Steedman set an exceedingly high standard and her genuine love of her subject evoked a ready response from her pupils who remember her as an exacting, inspiring teacher and a kind, understanding, sympathetic friend, whose elegance of bear- ing and mind, courtesy and gentle manners left in their minds and hearts a lasting impression. Her colleagues and friends remember her with esteem and affection. All express to her closely-knit family circle, connected for three generations with the School, their sincere sympathy. -M.A.M. The few, so very few weeks we have left of this era in our lives are a time when every Sixth Former looks back on the twelve years she has known as her schooldays. No matter how she feels about the coming end of this era, the anticipation of a new life mingles with sadness. And the past year has been so full of activity and interest connected with our School, that it has been a satisfying and memorable year to bring our school life to a fitting end. The beginning of the year brought Peggy Kratka into our midst, and she has joined with such evident pleasure in our School and way of life that our A.F.S. sister will be missed by many when she returns to her own country. Ffrst Term set the tone for the hectic year ahead. Sixths were well represented in the Inter-House and Inter-School Swim- ming and Lifesaving. Barbara Meares won a well-deserved Blue, and others too put hard and consistent work and interest into sporting activities . Sixths were also well represented in the well- trained and enthusiastic softball and tennis teams . Many girls spent an enjoyable and interesting weekend at Dunwich on a zoology excursion under the guidance of Miss Tuckett . Some budding public speakers came to the fore in Debating activ1t1es, especially Elizabeth Kennedy, Frances Davies and Peggy Kratka, who formed our very successful School Team, and to whom we all offer our congratulations. 12 SIXTH FORM NOTES

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