December 1966 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magaz ine
December, 1960
December, 1966
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
CJ/4e ._//l{_crgcrzine of CJ/4e J3risbcrn.e <;;jirfs' <;;jrcrmmcrr Schoof EDITORIAL The recent wild demonstrations of affection for President Johnson and his country on his visit to Australia were by many easily and wholeheartedly given. I t is not difficult to like a great, warm-hearted person like the President, who is leader of America, a powerful yet friendly neighbour who may provide Australia with security in case of war. But just as important as relations between countries are the re- lations between an individual and the people he meets in all walks of life. I t is easy to like people who are congenial to us, either because they exhibit qualities we admire, be- cause they are friendly and attractive, because they share our interests or because they are kind to us per- sonally. Such people are easily lovable . But it is said that to live the fullest possible life we must learn to accept and try to befriend the misfits - the unfriendly, the noisy, the brash, arrogant char- acters we find so repellent-so that there will be more understanding throughout the world. We must be compassionate to those who are uncongenial to us, or otherwise we are barbarous, showing only outward signs of being civilized. Such people were those who commanded the concentration camps and torture chambers in the last war. Many white people in various countries regard the coloured indigenous people of their lands as much worse than misfits. Australian aborigines, South African natives, American negroes-the one aspect by which they are looked upon as uncongenial is the colour of their skins, a purely physical characteristic, entirely unrelated to their character as human beings. I t must surely be easy for white men to overcome their prejudice against these races, and if this prejudice is not overruled, all their preaching about learning to extend friendship and foster more understanding in the world is little more than hypocrisy. -H.P. 9
TRUSTEES F. K. S. Hirschfeld, Esq., M.A., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.C.C.P, (Chairman) Judge G. Seaman, B.A. (Vice- Chairman) H . T. F. Bolton, Esq., F.C.A. (Hon. Treasurer) A. S. Gehrmann, Esq., M.E. C. J. Cavaye, Esq., F.C.A. J. R. Nosworthy, Esq. W. W. Thomson, Esq. Secretary to the Trustees: Mrs. M. Fardon. Assistant: Mrs. V. Simmons. Secretary to the Head Mistress: Mrs. C. Pashen
Head Mistress : Mrs. L. W. McDonald , B.Sc., Dip-Ed. (Q.), M.A.C.E.
Second Mistress: Miss M. C. Elliott, B .A. (Q . )
Assistant Mistresses
and Masters: Mrs. P. J. Winter, Dip . Phys. Ed. (Q.) '''Mrs . N. C. Mccowan, B.Ag. Sc. (Q.) '''Mrs. G. I. Logan Miss A. J . Sherrington, B.A. Q.) Miss A. E. Walton, B.A., Dip. Ed. (Q.) Mrs. E. L. Martin, B.A., Dip . Ed. (Q.) Mrs. W. F. Hoog Antink, M.O. French, German (Netherlands) Mrs. M. Kugelman, B.Sc. (Melb .) Dip . Ed. (Q.) Mrs. M. M. Williams, B.Sc. (Q .) Mrs. H. M. Chowdhury, B .A. (Q.) Miss D. M. Cribb, B.Sc. (Q.) Miss J. Jacobs, B.A. (U.N.E.) Miss M. A. Hardcas tle ''Miss N. A. Horton ,., Teaching part time. DANCING: Miss P. Danaher BALLET: Miss M. Hughes, A.R.A.D., Folo Seal, Advanced Teaching Cert. TENNIS: E. F. Moon, Esq., Mrs. D. Fancut t SWIMMING: Mrs . B. Yule, Dip. Phys., Ed. (Q.)
''Miss M. A. Maclean, B.A. (Q.) Miss D. M. Thomas, B.A. (Q.) Miss A. B. Paterson, B.A. (Q.) Mrs . I. Stenders, B.A. (Q.) Miss J. P. McNamara, B.A. , Dip Ed. (Q.) Mr. J. J. M. Timmermanns, Dip . Ed ., Dip. Art . (Netheralnds) Miss M. C. Popple, B.A. (Q .) Miss B. Frederick, L.R.S.M. (London), L.T.C.L. Miss B. Hebden, B.A. (Q.) Mrs. E . Florence, B.Sc. (Q.) Mrs . F. Ryland, B.Sc. (Q.) Mrs. K. Imhoff '''Mrs. J. N. Carseldine, B.A. (Q.) Mrs. D. E. Catt Mrs. E.- R. Horwitz, B.A. (Syd.) Miss M. A. H. Neil, B.A., A.Ed. (Q .) Miss H. F. Tuckett, B.App . Sc. Phty. (Q.) SINGING: Miss F. Edmonds, L.Mus. PIANO, VIOLIN: Miss E. Cor- mack, L.R.S.M. (London), L.T.C.L., M.R.S.T. SPEECH AND DRAMA: Mrs. P. Bailey, F.T.C.L. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. C. Needham, F.L.A.A.
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