December 1966 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1966
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1966
The recent Gymnastic competition proved to be a hard- fought contest. Griffith's valiant effort in comin,g fourth resulted in blistered hands and bruised legs for her competitors. Our Senior Debating Team is in the finals and our Junior Team was narrowly defeated in the second round. Congratulations to all the Houses that beat us this year. Our great success lay in winning the Singing Competition. It was undoubtedly a result of our excellent pianist, Corliss Gustavson, our excellent conductress, Nancy Ernst , and the efforts of the choir itself, the members of which gave a great deal of time to rehearsals. Our victory must also be attributed to the amalgamation of last year 's first and second place-getters to form one House. This year we have worked in two directions for the "Save The Children Fund". The proceeds of our School Day raffle were donated to the organization and we have been given a new girl, Cecilia Ratsoai, from Basutoland ( now Lesotho), to sponsor instead of the girl we sponsored last year, Marianne Wintersteller, who is now self-supporting. The amalgamation of Griffith House and Mackinlay House to form one House has proved very popular and successful. There is, on the whole, a very strong house spirit and response from all forms has been enthusiastic. I would like to thank the girls of the House for their efforts, especially those who tried for teams, although their talents did not lie in those directions. I would also like to thank our House Mistresses, Miss Pat- erson, Mrs . Imhoff, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Hoog Antink for their hard work, guidance and encouragement throughout the year. The House joins with me in wishing them, together with Mrs. McDonald and all members of staff, a happy Christmas and New Year . LILLEY HOUSE NOTES Captain - Jill Edwards V ice-Captains - Cheryl Walker Susan Dow 1966 has proved an enjoyable and successful year for Lilley House, owing mainly to the enthusiasm and hard work of girls and House Mistresses . The Swimming Carnival provided an opportunity for many of the girls to show their skill in the water and their efforts were well rewarded when the House received the Lilley Swimming Cup for the total aggregate and the Burrell Cup for the 1 relays . Three House members - Barbara Harris, Alison Bruce and Vicki Harris were among the five girls who share the Individual Championship 22
Cup, and Barbara Harris, with Megan Thomas of Gibson House, won the Lockhart Gibson Cup. The lifesaving is still in progress and we are awaiting the outcome with interest . We were very pleased to see Miss Lilley at the Athletics and cheered by her presence , Jill Ed-1,vards and Barbara Harris led the Athletic Team to victory. Congratulations to Susan Byth for her first place in the 13 years High Jump and third place in the Under 15 Shot Putt in the Queensland Schoolgirls' Champion- ships . Our successes in the swimming and athletics flavoured our efforts in the tennis and volleyball competitions . The tennis team won a decisive victory from Griffith House and a hard tussle with Woolcock House resulted in victory for Lilley in the volleyball. The basketball and gymnastics teams were not as successful - the basketball team was defeated in the first round and the gymnastics team gained fifth place, a creditable performance as the Senior section was two girls short, owing to illness . The talent in Lilley House seems to be rather in physical activities than in cultural. We were defeated in the first round of the debating and the House Choir , under the direction of Lorraine Williams and Susan Dow finished in fifth place. School Day this year was organised by the individual forms and was a great success . An added attraction were the raffles held by the Houses in aid of the "Save the Children Fund". Lilley raffled a sheepskin rug which was won by Patricia Donald- son and the interest shown in this venture was indicative of its success . We are now preparing our Christmas present for our "Save the Children Fund" child in Basutoland, Michael Thakaso, with whom a regular and entertaining correspondence is main- tained. We deeply appreciate the help and guidance of Mrs . McD_on- ald and of our House Mistresses, Miss Walton, Miss Tuckett, Mrs. Florence and Miss Cribb. We extend to them our sincere thanks for their untiring efforts and encouragement throughout the ye_ar .
Elizabeth Kennedy
Captain -
Vice-Captains - Beverley Webber, Susan Guymer
At the beginning of this year, the girls of Woolcock and O'Connor Houses came together to form what has been a very successful Woolcock House - a happy eager house which has been consistently good in inter-house competition, never out- standing but never below-standard. 23
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