December 1966 School Magazine




Registered at the G.P.0., Brisbane, for transmission by post as a Periodica l.

Published by Mrs. H. M. McDonald, Brisbane Girls' Grammar School and printed by Allan William Cramb, Albar St re2t, Wavell Heights, for The Read Press Pty. Ltd., 6 10-616 Ann Street , Valley, Brisbane. . •

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Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magaz ine

December, 1960

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

CJ/4e ._//l{_crgcrzine of CJ/4e J3risbcrn.e <;;jirfs' <;;jrcrmmcrr Schoof EDITORIAL The recent wild demonstrations of affection for President Johnson and his country on his visit to Australia were by many easily and wholeheartedly given. I t is not difficult to like a great, warm-hearted person like the President, who is leader of America, a powerful yet friendly neighbour who may provide Australia with security in case of war. But just as important as relations between countries are the re- lations between an individual and the people he meets in all walks of life. I t is easy to like people who are congenial to us, either because they exhibit qualities we admire, be- cause they are friendly and attractive, because they share our interests or because they are kind to us per- sonally. Such people are easily lovable . But it is said that to live the fullest possible life we must learn to accept and try to befriend the misfits - the unfriendly, the noisy, the brash, arrogant char- acters we find so repellent-so that there will be more understanding throughout the world. We must be compassionate to those who are uncongenial to us, or otherwise we are barbarous, showing only outward signs of being civilized. Such people were those who commanded the concentration camps and torture chambers in the last war. Many white people in various countries regard the coloured indigenous people of their lands as much worse than misfits. Australian aborigines, South African natives, American negroes-the one aspect by which they are looked upon as uncongenial is the colour of their skins, a purely physical characteristic, entirely unrelated to their character as human beings. I t must surely be easy for white men to overcome their prejudice against these races, and if this prejudice is not overruled, all their preaching about learning to extend friendship and foster more understanding in the world is little more than hypocrisy. -H.P. 9

TRUSTEES F. K. S. Hirschfeld, Esq., M.A., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.C.C.P, (Chairman) Judge G. Seaman, B.A. (Vice- Chairman) H . T. F. Bolton, Esq., F.C.A. (Hon. Treasurer) A. S. Gehrmann, Esq., M.E. C. J. Cavaye, Esq., F.C.A. J. R. Nosworthy, Esq. W. W. Thomson, Esq. Secretary to the Trustees: Mrs. M. Fardon. Assistant: Mrs. V. Simmons. Secretary to the Head Mistress: Mrs. C. Pashen


Head Mistress : Mrs. L. W. McDonald , B.Sc., Dip-Ed. (Q.), M.A.C.E.

Second Mistress: Miss M. C. Elliott, B .A. (Q . )

Assistant Mistresses

and Masters: Mrs. P. J. Winter, Dip . Phys. Ed. (Q.) '''Mrs . N. C. Mccowan, B.Ag. Sc. (Q.) '''Mrs. G. I. Logan Miss A. J . Sherrington, B.A. Q.) Miss A. E. Walton, B.A., Dip. Ed. (Q.) Mrs. E. L. Martin, B.A., Dip . Ed. (Q.) Mrs. W. F. Hoog Antink, M.O. French, German (Netherlands) Mrs. M. Kugelman, B.Sc. (Melb .) Dip . Ed. (Q.) Mrs. M. M. Williams, B.Sc. (Q .) Mrs. H. M. Chowdhury, B .A. (Q.) Miss D. M. Cribb, B.Sc. (Q.) Miss J. Jacobs, B.A. (U.N.E.) Miss M. A. Hardcas tle ''Miss N. A. Horton ,., Teaching part time. DANCING: Miss P. Danaher BALLET: Miss M. Hughes, A.R.A.D., Folo Seal, Advanced Teaching Cert. TENNIS: E. F. Moon, Esq., Mrs. D. Fancut t SWIMMING: Mrs . B. Yule, Dip. Phys., Ed. (Q.)

''Miss M. A. Maclean, B.A. (Q.) Miss D. M. Thomas, B.A. (Q.) Miss A. B. Paterson, B.A. (Q.) Mrs . I. Stenders, B.A. (Q.) Miss J. P. McNamara, B.A. , Dip Ed. (Q.) Mr. J. J. M. Timmermanns, Dip . Ed ., Dip. Art . (Netheralnds) Miss M. C. Popple, B.A. (Q .) Miss B. Frederick, L.R.S.M. (London), L.T.C.L. Miss B. Hebden, B.A. (Q.) Mrs. E . Florence, B.Sc. (Q.) Mrs . F. Ryland, B.Sc. (Q.) Mrs. K. Imhoff '''Mrs. J. N. Carseldine, B.A. (Q.) Mrs. D. E. Catt Mrs. E.- R. Horwitz, B.A. (Syd.) Miss M. A. H. Neil, B.A., A.Ed. (Q .) Miss H. F. Tuckett, B.App . Sc. Phty. (Q.) SINGING: Miss F. Edmonds, L.Mus. PIANO, VIOLIN: Miss E. Cor- mack, L.R.S.M. (London), L.T.C.L., M.R.S.T. SPEECH AND DRAMA: Mrs. P. Bailey, F.T.C.L. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. C. Needham, F.L.A.A.

i I

Visiting Staff:


Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Thirty girls from the Upper School, accompanied by Miss Neil, Miss H. Tuckett and Miss D. Tuckett, enjoyed a Safari Coach Tour to Central Australia during the August vacation. The trip took them through Mt. Isa, Darwin, Alice Springs, Ayers Rock, Port Augusta and Canberra. Highlights included a tour through the Mt. Isa Mines Plant, conquering Ayers Rock and visiting Parliament House in Canberra. The girls in the Inter-School Gymnastics Competition again acquitted themselves admirably; the A team gained first place and the B team second in their respective sections. Rivalry was' keen in the Inter-House Competition but England, proving more agile than their opponents, emerged victorious by a narrow margin. The School gained recognition in Debating and Public Speak- ing this year. Elizabeth Kennedy gained third place in a Public Speaking Competition conducted by the Jaycees. We congratulate Elizabeth on her ·outstanding performance. Elizabeth was also a member of the School Debating Team with Peggy Kratka and Frances Davies. In the competition they did very well, losing only three of five debates, one of which was the semi-final lost to Lourdes Hill by a small margin. Congratu- lations to the team who worked very hard preparing for these debates. The finals of our own Inter-House Debating Competition will be held on 28th November (Junior) and 29th November (Senior) . The School Public Speaking prize will be competed for by Senior girls on 25th November. With Speech Night on Thursday 1st December we conclude another successful year in the life of the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. MISS BERYL BLANCHE STEEDMAN It was with deep regret that we heard at the end of 1965 of the death after a long period of declining health of Miss Beryl Steedman of Green Trees, Birkdale. Miss Steedman, .a Bachelor of Arts of the University of Queensland, was appointed in April 1914 to teach Commercial Subjects at the Brisbane Girls' Gram- mar School during the absence abroad of Miss Edith Swanwick. From 1916 to 1929 she taught English and History, at first to Junior, later to Senior standard. In 1929 she was appointed Acting Second Mistress and resigned from the staff as from December of that year. For some years Miss Steedman with Miss Mabel Ballantine conducted a Coaching School in Brisbane and then enjoyed retirement at her pleasant country home at Birkdale. 11

CURRENT EVENTS 1966 The second half of the year has been a busy yet interesting time with various activities in all sections of the School. The Choral Competition was an important event in Second Term. Up to sixty girls comprised the choirs of each House . The result was a win for Griffith House, now the proud owner of a fine painting. After examinations, all eyes were focused on the Inter- School Athletics on 29th July, when excitement always runs high. This year was no exception for the girls in both running and ball games teams had been practising hard. The result was that we gained a creditable second place. Our congratulations go to the Brisbane State High School who succeeded in winning all three divisions. The Inter-House Athletics on 4th August this year was won by Lilley House . "King Lear", the Senior play, was given an interesting inter- pretation by Peter O'Shaugnessy at the Albert Hall on August 9th. Careers Evening on 10th August was again a great success. Fourth and Sixth Form girls who attended appreciated the fact that it was held in our own School and also that most of the con- sultants were Old Girls . This is another occasion when our thanks go to the Parents and Friends Association for the work they do for us . On 19th August in the Boys' Grammar School Great Hall, the Sixth Form attended an interesting and informative lecture on Space developments. That night, Science pupils from Sixth, Fifth and Fourth Forms attended a Physics lecture at the Festival Hall. The School Dance was a very happy beginning to Third Term for Senior girls. We thank Mrs . McDonald and Staff members and the Parents and Friends Association for the work that made it a great success. In the same week, all the Sixth, some Fifth Formers and the School Orchestra were privileged to attend a concert given by a Woodwind quintet from the Adelaide University. As well as presenting some delightful music, the members of the quintet ex- plained to us the instruments and their functions. School Day this year was one to remember. Grouping in forms proved to be a great deal more successful than in Houses . The work of preparation, and more important the cleaning up, was done willingly. The money raised by the Forms is being used for school improvements and improving the running track, while other groups worked for O.P.A.L. and the Save the Child- ren Fund. 10

· I

December, 19611

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

Since 1928 the Edith Swanwick Memorial Prize, founded and named by Miss Steedman after her friend and colleague, has been awarded for English, Modern History and Ancient History in the Fifth Form at the Annual Presentation of Prizes . As a teacher Miss Steedman set an exceedingly high standard and her genuine love of her subject evoked a ready response from her pupils who remember her as an exacting, inspiring teacher and a kind, understanding, sympathetic friend, whose elegance of bear- ing and mind, courtesy and gentle manners left in their minds and hearts a lasting impression. Her colleagues and friends remember her with esteem and affection. All express to her closely-knit family circle, connected for three generations with the School, their sincere sympathy. -M.A.M. The few, so very few weeks we have left of this era in our lives are a time when every Sixth Former looks back on the twelve years she has known as her schooldays. No matter how she feels about the coming end of this era, the anticipation of a new life mingles with sadness. And the past year has been so full of activity and interest connected with our School, that it has been a satisfying and memorable year to bring our school life to a fitting end. The beginning of the year brought Peggy Kratka into our midst, and she has joined with such evident pleasure in our School and way of life that our A.F.S. sister will be missed by many when she returns to her own country. Ffrst Term set the tone for the hectic year ahead. Sixths were well represented in the Inter-House and Inter-School Swim- ming and Lifesaving. Barbara Meares won a well-deserved Blue, and others too put hard and consistent work and interest into sporting activities . Sixths were also well represented in the well- trained and enthusiastic softball and tennis teams . Many girls spent an enjoyable and interesting weekend at Dunwich on a zoology excursion under the guidance of Miss Tuckett . Some budding public speakers came to the fore in Debating activ1t1es, especially Elizabeth Kennedy, Frances Davies and Peggy Kratka, who formed our very successful School Team, and to whom we all offer our congratulations. 12 SIXTH FORM NOTES

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December, 1966

Brisbane· Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 19.66

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Second Term became fuller and busier as the school activities heightened. About forty tanned, scratched and h~ppy girls came back from the May holidays and the highly successful zoology trip to Heron Island with Mr. and Mrs . Winter, Miss Neil and Miss Tuckett . Reminiscences of this continued for many weeks. During the first week our School was hostess to Kelvin Grove High School and Brisbane Grammar School for the Inter- School S.C.M. Conference which was an enlightening and inter- esting experience. Perhaps next year more than one will be held, because the opportunity to think freely and discuss fearlessly should be fostered during · schooldays. Frances Davies and Eliza- beth Kennedy represented our School at an Australia-wide History Conference for students at Abbotsleigh in Sydney. Sixth Formers were well represented in the Singing Competition, and both Play Night and the Combined B.G.G.S.-B.G.S. play. We all saw an excellent production of "King Lear", and later heard Peter O'Shaughnessy's enlightening lecture on the same play. A Modern History Seminar at Brisbane Grammar School and a freshwater Zoology excursion were among other activities, while Athletics and Basketball practices occupied time for many · Sixth and Second Terms. Diane Allman won a well-deserved Blue for Basketball, Catherine Urquhart and Janet Webber won Blues for Athletics, and many others were awarded pockets. On the whole, Sixths participated keenly in sport. While taking part in the many School activities, we also pre- pared for the Second Term examinations which were a irial Senior, making a very busy time for all. After these, Dr. White- house from the University and Mrs. Horwitz and Mrs. Chowd- hury kindly took some of us on a very interesting Geography excursion to the near North Coast. Many were grateful for ad- vice given by former students at the Cairns Evening. The August holidays provided a very welcome rest for every- body, and the Safari through Central Australia by bus was a won- derful exciting experience for all who went . We came back refreshed and ready for the remaining eight weeks of hard work, and all looking forward to the Sixth Form Dance, which was held here in the gymnasium on the first Satur- day night of Term. The careful and thoughtful planning by all those on the Committee was repaid a hundredfold by the wonder- ful evening we had . We do hope future Dances will be as happy as ours. School Day took place a week later, and was a very en- joyable occasion for all, as well as being a very busy day. A 14

Fashion Parade, Coffee Shop, Doughnut Stall, and Amusement Area were organized by Sixth Forms, some working together, others separately. They were successful, both financially and in the enjoyment they provided for the organizers and workers as well as visitors. · Other extra-curricular interests were enjoyed, including the Folk and Dramatic Club, Crusaders and S.C.M. , in which many Sixths participated. Others worked hard in the production of Vox and the two School Magazines, to which dozens contributed fine work. Helen Pfeiffer , Sylvia Sekel and Ailsa Solley won first, second and third respectively in the German Poetry Com- petition, and Trudy Bennett brought honour to herself and the School by obtaining second prize in the Mary Helen Jackson Memorial prize for her original essay in Ancient History. As we have now really settled down to hard work for the coming Senior examination, we perhaps do not realize the varied range of activities in our School, which have widened our experi- ence, and knowledge, and interests. Mrs . McDonald and our Form Mistresses-Miss McNamara, Miss Elliott, Mrs. Ryland, Miss Thomas, and Miss Paterson, have been of invaluable help during the year , for which we sincerely thank them. · The parting of the ways draws near, and now re realize the great debt we owe to our School. Lifelong friendships have been made, new interests formed, tolerance and experience devloped, and a solid education gained, all of which will help us to face with intelligence and readiness the new life unfolding before each. As the years pass, and new experiences crowd on the old, may we never forget the happiness and friendship which here we have found. We quote: During the year we have been fully occupied "in books, or work, or healthful play." "in books" . Whilst most of us found as we prepared for examinations that "a multitude of books distracts the mind" Tina Nielsen VD won the Mary Helen Jackson Memorial Prize for her Ancient History essay. "in work"-"In various talk th' instructive hours they 15 FIFTH FORM NOTES

December, 1966

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

i I I i I

past ." Out of lessons, however , we busied ourselves with knit- ting and making various articles to be sent away ., VC's as far as an aboriginal mission at Alice Springs . But the 'greater part of our activity was concerned with School Day preparations and the "fruit derived from labor was the sweetest of pleasures", VB's "La Ronde" netting $115. Late in second term the Zoology students went on an excur- sion to Point Cartwright "where the small eels that left the deeper way for the warm shore , within the shallows play, where gaping mussels, left upon the mud slope their slow passage to the fallen flood and sidelong crabs had scrambled their crooked race ." " in healthful play"-Early in the year "The torrent roar'd; and we did buffet it with lusty sinews ; throwing it aside." Con- gratulations to all who gained pockets . "Push on, keep moving" may well have been the Athletics motto and three Fifth Formers , Robyn Aydon, Valda Jury and Glenda Hardy were awarded Blues as a result . Many others participated in Gymnastics ( "It is the first that ever. I heard breaking of ribs was sport for girls") tennis, and basketball competitions for their Houses . Robyn Aydon VA was Intermediate Sports Captain. And so too the holidays were spent mostly "in healthful play" . Many Fifth Form girls went on trip to Central Australia with Miss Neil and Miss Tuckett and arrived home only just in time to be summoned to school with "You sunburnt sick (le) men of August weary, come hither ." "But the sense of duty pursues us ever" and "our grand business is , not to see what lies dimly at a distance" but to ask and then tell those unwilling Juniors to "pick it up ." And so it is that we say to Mrs. MacDonald, our Form Mistresses-Mrs. Imhoff VA, Mrs . Williams VB, Mrs . Stenders VC and Mrs. Horwitz VD-and our various teachers "Whatever disgrace we have merited, it is almost always in our power to re- establish our reputation" as the future Sixth Form. Wishing the Juniors and Seniors success in the forthcoming ordeal and "God bless us , everyone." FOURTH FORM NOTES Already the year is drawing to a close and it has been a very busy one for us indeed. 16

Looking over the many school activities , we find that Fourth Formers have participated in many ways . Megan Thomas and Erica Davies are to be congratulated with the other members of their team . for wonderful results in the Inter-School Gymnastics . Several Fourth Form members of the Athletics and Swimming teams distinguished themselves by their excellent performances, among them Megan, who gained a Swimming Blue. Four of our girls represented the School in the B and C Tennis teams, both of which won the finals. Others worthy of mention are Christine Matheson for her performance in "Arsenic and Old Lace"; Noela Newell, who came second in the Science Teachers' Association Competition; and Rebecca Kugelmas, who won the Junior Goethe Society Prize for German. Among the highlights of the year were the performance of "Julius Caesar" ; the Geology excursion; and our efforts on School Day. Lastly, we would most sincerely like ot thank our Form Mistresses - Mrs. Florence (IVA), Miss Hebden ( IVB) , Miss Neil ( IVC), and Miss Walton ( IVD), and our other teachers for their guidance throughout the year. We also want to wish them a very Merry Christmas . Good luck to all the Seniors in the coming examinations . This year has been a busy and eventful one for all the Third Forms . Many girls participated in the Inter-School Swimming and Lifesaving competitions and we would like to congratulate these teams on their successes. Third Formers were well represented in Athletics, Softball, Basketball and Gymnastic teams. We com- mend Barbara Jordan (IIIB ), Alison Bruce (IIIC) Linda Kleinmeyer (IIIA), and particularly Judith Ward ( IIIC) , who gained a Blue in A Grade Basketball . In more cultural activities Susan Allen ( IIIC) won second prize in the Alliance Francais competition and Anne Moores and Janet Robson ( IIIC) did well in the Goethe Verse Speaking Competition. Other Third Formers to be congratulated are the 17 THIRD FORM NOTES


Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar .Schoo l Magazine

December, 1966

December, 1966


members of the Madrigal Choir, who have been recently recorded by the A.B.C., and those girls-Sally Fraser (III:&), Diana Mar- shall (IIIC), Margaret Gottlieb (IIIC) and Wendy McCallum ( IIIC), who worked hard to make Play Night successful. We would also like to thank our Science Mistresses who ac- companied all the Third Formers on two interesting and inform- ative excursions to Cedar Creek and Pt. Cartwright. Especially we thank our Form Mistresses-Miss Jacobs (IIIA), Mrs . Kugelman ( IIIB) , and Mrs . Hoog-A1,tink ( IIIC) , who have guided us throughout our School year and helped, to a great ex- tent, in the organization of our various School Day Stalls . Lastly , we would like to wish all our Fourth and Sixth Forms success in their coming examinations, and Mrs . McDonald and all the staff a merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year. This year has been a particularly successful and enjoyable one for all the girls in Second Form. We would sincerely like to thank our Form Mistresses for accompanying us to the Recitals presented for the Schools by the Queensland Symphony Orches- tra, and also Mrs. Logan for arranging our delightful visit to the Museum where we saw an excellent display of wildflowers. Our Sports teams performed extremely well and outstand- ing efforts were those of Bronwyn Reynolds ( IIC) , who won her race at the Girls' Inter-School Sports ; Wendy Parkinson (IIC), who captained the Eighth Grade Tennis Team which won the premiership; Heather Andrews ( IIB) , who captained the Junior Athletic team; and Susan Byth, who captained the Eighth Grade Basketball and Junior Ball Games teams . Congratulations go to Thea Faragher ( IIC) , who topped the State in her Music examination, and Susan Byth, who won the Queensland 13 years High Jump . Lastly, we would like to thank our Form Mistresses- Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Catt , Miss Cribb, and Miss Sherrington, for all the valuable help they have given us during the year. SECOND FORM NOTES

Lynette Dunbar

Captain -

Vice-Captains - Penelope Abrahams, Barbara Morgans

This year, the former ten Houses of 1964-1965 were com- bined to form five larger Houses . England ( 1965) and Mackay ( 1965) joined forces and are now called England House with Mackay's House colour saxe-blue. House spirit has been strong throughout the year and England bas shared enthusiastically with others in all activities. The first of the Inter-House activities was the Swimming Carnival held at the Valley Pool. England House gained second place, and was successful in winning the Lieutenant-Colonel Plant Cup for the highest number of points gained, exclusive of the relay races. Barbara Meares , England's Sports Captain, won the Open Freestyle Championship, and shared with four other girls the School Championship Cup . In the Inter-House Athletics Carnival, held on the Boys' Oval, England was placed third. We were very pleased. that Mr. and Mrs. England were able to attend this carnival to share with us in our enjoyment . England reached the finals in the Inter- House Basketball, but, after a very close and exciting match, we were defeated by Gibson House, to whom we offer our congratu- lations . This year, Volley Ball was re-introduced as an Inter-House activity, but our team was defeated in the first round. Our Tennis team, unfortunately, was eliminated early in the competition by the eventual winners of the competition, Lilley House . In the Gymnastic competition, after very keen competition between Houses, England House came to the fore to win by a very close margin from Gibson House. This year's Choral Competition proved to be of a very high standard, and England House gained fourth place, under the guid- ance of our capable conductress , Maryanne Rowley, to whom w~ extend our thanks . Our Senior Debating team was eliminated in the first round, but the Junior Debating team has been successful in reaching the finals to be held at the end of Third Term. All England House wish the team the best of luck. At this year's School Day, each House held a raffle to raise money for the Save the Children Fund. England House was suc- 19

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Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Though we did not reach the finals, the Tennis team played well against strong opposition. In the Gymnastics competition, the hidden courage of so many girls came as a pleasant surprise as they performed daring antics on beam, bar and box, and we were placed second. Unfortunately we seem to be coming last in the Lifesaving competition. Because of the change in sponsorship policy whereby a family, rather than an individual should benefit , Gibson House has now accepted the case-history of Abhaya Kumar Parasnis, a destitute Indian boy. We trust our contact with Kwong Pak Kue, the Hongkong boy, has been of some help and we are look- ing forward to improving the lot of our new child, who at present is being cared for in one · of the Seva Samaiamr Homes , founded by charitable people in Madras . A raffle for a record brochure was organized on School Day in which we raised a considerable sum for the Save the Children Fund. Congratulations to all the girls who participated successfully in the various competitions and also to those who made a valiant effort. We should like to thank the House Mistresses-Miss McNamara, Miss Hebden, Mrs . Horwitz and Miss Jacobs, for their willing assistance. We also thank Mrs. Ryland for the help given in her association with the House during Second Term and her continued interest in Gibson . We wish Gibson House every success in future years and hope a fine spirit will develop . Captain - Susan O'Donnell, Christine Nosworthy This year has been a very eventful one. Although Griffith often failed to shine, we were always there. We have a great number of enthusiastic swimmers but, un- fortunately, few stars. However, we managed, as a result of much training, to come a creditable fourth. Lifesaving, on the other hand, seems to be a strong point. The competition is not yet completed but as points stand, we are running, or rather swimming, a close second. In Second Term the Basketball saw our Senior team win the first round, but we were beaten in the second. The Junior team, however , won their section. Both our teams were eliminated Robyn Nimmo Vice -Captains - GRIFFITH HOUSE NOTES

cessful in reaching the quota, by raffling a pair of beach towels and a potted orchid. Throughout the year we h~ e received sev- eral letters from Ku-Ki Sun, a Korean girl sponsored by England House. We are now arranging to send her a Christmas parcel. Tina Nielsen is to be congratulated on winning with her essay on Ancient History, the Mary Helen Jackson Memorial prize in the competition run by the Queensland Assistant Mistresses' Association. We would like to conclude by thanking the House represen- tatives and the girls for their co-operation throughout the year. Our sincere thanks are extended to our House Mistresses-Miss Elliott , Miss Thomas , Miss Neil, and Mrs. Chowdhury, without whose help and guidance, this year's success would not have been possible . We wish the House a happy and successful future , and to the girls leaving school, every success in the future. - L.J.D., B.M., P.A.A. Although a strong House spirit has been difficult to culti- vate with such large numbers and so few meetings, Gibson House has done well. The girls of the Swimming team entered enthusiastically in- to the Carnival and gained third place. Although we were unfor- tunately eliminated in the Volleyball, having won the first round, the spirit was keen and the games were highly entertaining. After an exciting struggle , our Senior Basketball team was victorious and deserves our congratulations for the high standard of their play. The girls in the Athletics team ran with great enthusiasm but somehow their talents lay in other fields , and at the final reck- oning we were a sad fifth. Better luck next year! The Choir, under Susan Davies' excellent leadership, sang true to note on the day and we gained second place . So perhaps our abilities are cultural after all-the Junior Debating team won first place with an outstanding performance, while the Senior team was defeated narrowly in the semi-final by one point. 20 GIBSON HOUSE NOTES Captain - Catherine Urquhart Vice-Captains Inge Budtz-Olsen, Margot Greenhalgh

ii [:


'j II 11 Ii '?

very early in the competi- In Athletics, Griffith re- fourth ~Jlace.

tions in both Tennis and Volleyball. mained consistent and gained another 21

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

The recent Gymnastic competition proved to be a hard- fought contest. Griffith's valiant effort in comin,g fourth resulted in blistered hands and bruised legs for her competitors. Our Senior Debating Team is in the finals and our Junior Team was narrowly defeated in the second round. Congratulations to all the Houses that beat us this year. Our great success lay in winning the Singing Competition. It was undoubtedly a result of our excellent pianist, Corliss Gustavson, our excellent conductress, Nancy Ernst , and the efforts of the choir itself, the members of which gave a great deal of time to rehearsals. Our victory must also be attributed to the amalgamation of last year 's first and second place-getters to form one House. This year we have worked in two directions for the "Save The Children Fund". The proceeds of our School Day raffle were donated to the organization and we have been given a new girl, Cecilia Ratsoai, from Basutoland ( now Lesotho), to sponsor instead of the girl we sponsored last year, Marianne Wintersteller, who is now self-supporting. The amalgamation of Griffith House and Mackinlay House to form one House has proved very popular and successful. There is, on the whole, a very strong house spirit and response from all forms has been enthusiastic. I would like to thank the girls of the House for their efforts, especially those who tried for teams, although their talents did not lie in those directions. I would also like to thank our House Mistresses, Miss Pat- erson, Mrs . Imhoff, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Hoog Antink for their hard work, guidance and encouragement throughout the year. The House joins with me in wishing them, together with Mrs. McDonald and all members of staff, a happy Christmas and New Year . LILLEY HOUSE NOTES Captain - Jill Edwards V ice-Captains - Cheryl Walker Susan Dow 1966 has proved an enjoyable and successful year for Lilley House, owing mainly to the enthusiasm and hard work of girls and House Mistresses . The Swimming Carnival provided an opportunity for many of the girls to show their skill in the water and their efforts were well rewarded when the House received the Lilley Swimming Cup for the total aggregate and the Burrell Cup for the 1 relays . Three House members - Barbara Harris, Alison Bruce and Vicki Harris were among the five girls who share the Individual Championship 22

Cup, and Barbara Harris, with Megan Thomas of Gibson House, won the Lockhart Gibson Cup. The lifesaving is still in progress and we are awaiting the outcome with interest . We were very pleased to see Miss Lilley at the Athletics and cheered by her presence , Jill Ed-1,vards and Barbara Harris led the Athletic Team to victory. Congratulations to Susan Byth for her first place in the 13 years High Jump and third place in the Under 15 Shot Putt in the Queensland Schoolgirls' Champion- ships . Our successes in the swimming and athletics flavoured our efforts in the tennis and volleyball competitions . The tennis team won a decisive victory from Griffith House and a hard tussle with Woolcock House resulted in victory for Lilley in the volleyball. The basketball and gymnastics teams were not as successful - the basketball team was defeated in the first round and the gymnastics team gained fifth place, a creditable performance as the Senior section was two girls short, owing to illness . The talent in Lilley House seems to be rather in physical activities than in cultural. We were defeated in the first round of the debating and the House Choir , under the direction of Lorraine Williams and Susan Dow finished in fifth place. School Day this year was organised by the individual forms and was a great success . An added attraction were the raffles held by the Houses in aid of the "Save the Children Fund". Lilley raffled a sheepskin rug which was won by Patricia Donald- son and the interest shown in this venture was indicative of its success . We are now preparing our Christmas present for our "Save the Children Fund" child in Basutoland, Michael Thakaso, with whom a regular and entertaining correspondence is main- tained. We deeply appreciate the help and guidance of Mrs . McD_on- ald and of our House Mistresses, Miss Walton, Miss Tuckett, Mrs. Florence and Miss Cribb. We extend to them our sincere thanks for their untiring efforts and encouragement throughout the ye_ar .


Elizabeth Kennedy

Captain -

Vice-Captains - Beverley Webber, Susan Guymer

At the beginning of this year, the girls of Woolcock and O'Connor Houses came together to form what has been a very successful Woolcock House - a happy eager house which has been consistently good in inter-house competition, never out- standing but never below-standard. 23


di I

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar .School Magazine

Swimming was perhaps our least glorious event when we finished fifth. In Athletics however, we were much more success- ful, gaining second place overall and the England fnter-house Cup for Relays. Special praise goes to two of our number who proved themselves champions in Inter-School competition - Valda July and Bronwyn Reynolds. The Junior Basketballers were more successful than their Senior counterparts when they reached the final. The Tennis team was a good one though not sufficiently good to thwart opposition. The Volleyball team played Lilley house in the finals and was narrowly defeated. Susan Guymer was our most suc- cessful gymnast , being named Senior Individual Champion. The team came third. At present , Woolcock is winning the Lifsaving Competition and we hope that this position will be maintained. Our thanks go to Alison Hill, Jeanette Howman and Laurel Richards for their invaluable assistance in the Choral Competition where we were placed third. The Senior Debating team has been more successful than the Junior one by reaching the final. On School Day, Woolcock raffled a wall mirror, donated by Mr. Mawhinney, and a beautiful doll , dressed by Mrs . Hill . We extend our sincere appreciation to both these generous people. The money raised was sent to the "Save the Children Fund", under whose guidance we sponsored Mutirel Kalem, our Pakistani friend. Co-operation has been a key word in Woolcock House this year and we have always had willing girls capable of any task. We are also greatly indebted to Mrs . McDonald and to our house mistresses, Mrs. Stenders, Mrs. Kugelman, Mrs . Williams and Miss Sherrington for their help and guidance and encouragement in all that we undertook. A great deal of talent and ability in the Junior members of the House augurs well for success in future years. I therefore feel confident in the hope that Wool- cock will proceed from strength to strength. - E.J .K. BOARDERS'NOTES Barbecues and ballet, dances and diversions, examinations and expectations, picnics and pictures - a mixture of bitter and sweet , such has been our lot this year. To share these experiences with us we have had two new mistresses, namely Miss Hardcastle and Miss Gerrard. Unfortunately Miss Hardcastle was absent for several weeks . Miss Jull, an old girl and future boarding mistress, did relief duty. At the beginning of second term our A.F.S . student, Peggy, spent a week as a boarder . We hoped she enjoyed our company as much as we enjoyed hers. 24

Marie Robinson, "Miss Boarder, 1966", was crowned by Miss Whittaker and Joanne Woolcock named " Princess" of the Junior School. In the boarders annual Tennis competition, Fifth Form proved themselves to be the champions by winning both the doubles and singles . Boarders again showed their willingness to part1c1pate in inter-house and inter-school athletics and swimming, being well represented in both and performing very well indeed in Boarders versus Day Girls events . Boarders have also been active in Drama and Mime, Debating, Madrigal, Gymnastics, Tennis and Basketball . Special mention must be made of the Presbyterian Choir which sings at St . Paul's every second Sunday. The highlight of their year was the broadcasting of a service, in which they sang, by National Radio . We would particularly mention Carolyn Ker who sang a solo beautifully, and the choir's conductor, Janice Page . To conclude a successful year , the Boarders' Stall raised $560 which will be used to provide further amenities for the boarders. We would like to thank Mrs. Catt and the Staff for th_eir well appreciated advice and assistance during the year and wish them and all boarders the best for the future. - A.B.C.D. SOFTBALL NOTES, 1966 This is the second year that a team was entered in the Q .G .S.S.S.A. softball competition. The team's hard practice and the experience gained from numerous unofficial matches proved very valuable to the team and resulted in two victories and a draw. We would like to thank Mrs. Winter for the time she sac- rificed and the support she gave the team throughout the season. We would also like to congratulate St . Peter's College for their effort in defeating Brisbane State High School and winning the pennant . With the enthusiasm in the lower forms , future teams should prove equally strong. Team Criticism Susan Brown ( first base )-Susan has improved greatly through- out the season and rarely allowed a ball to be overthrown on first base . Her batting was strong. Susan Byth ( Right outfield )-Susan has a strong consistent throw but her batting is fair. Margaret Haken ( Third base )- Margaret's movements on the field could be faster . Her batting was consistent. 25

ii 'II 'I'

Brisbane G;rJs' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966



Captain - B. Meares SWIMMING NOTES

Team-spirit was the key word at this year's Inter-House and Inter-School Swimming carnivals. On March 11th; the Inter- House swimming competition was held at the Valley Baths. It was a most successful afternoon with Lilley House dominating the scene in winning the Lieutenant-Colonel Plant Cup for the highest aggregate points and the Burrell Cup for relays. England House was successful also in winning the Lilley Cup for the aggregate points less the relay. The School Championship was won by Barbara Meares and the School Championship Cup was won by Alison Bruce, Vicki Harris, Megan Thomas, Barbara Harris and Barbara Meares. The Dr . Lockhart Gibson Memorial Prize, run on different lines this year, was won by Barbara Harris and Megan Thomas. It was run as a separate carnival in our own pool and was an individual rather than a House competition. The Inter-School Swimming Carnival, held on 18th and 19th March, was most successful and satisfying. Our congratulations go to St. Margaret's for their outstanding performance in winning the main trophies and in breaking several records. Our large team trained very hard under the excellent supervision of Mrs. Winter aided by Miss Hardcastle. Fortunately, the girls had had the benefit of competing in a six-way meet at our School - pool on Saturday, 12th March, and thus they were "experienced" swimmers when the day came. Our sincere thanks go to the schools who provided the keen competition. 27


: 0

L. Kleimeyer, J. Dickinson (Res.), D. Verner, J. Ward,

Back (Left

~;tt) -



S. Tilbu,ry, M. Haken, M. Gilchrist, (Capt. Coach), S. Brown.

Front -

R. Purvis.

Absent -

Lynda Kleinmeyer ( Pitche~ )-Lynda's pitching was good and fast throughout the season but she is inclined to hit fly balls. Robyn Pi:rvis ( Centre outfield )-Robyn's fielding was good but she 1s slow to move to the ball. Her batting could be im- proved. Sally Tilbury ( Left outfield )-Sally batted well in most matches and her fielding was reliable. Deborah Verner_ ( second base )-Deborah has a good consistent throw but 1s slow to tag at second base. ]udith Ward ( Catcher )-Judith rarely missed a ball behind but her throw to second base is weak.. ' -M.G. Margaret Gilchrist ( short stop - Captain and Coach )__:Maro-aret has ~een a very reliable and conscientious captain . 0 Her coach~ng has been excellent and has given the younger mem- bers m the team valuable assistance with tactics. Her play was very good throughout the season. -- P.J.W. 26

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1966

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

LIFESAVING TEAMS - 1966 Standing 8 Team (Left to Right) - G. Bradford (Res.), C. Nosworthy, S. Donaldson, J. Thomas. Absent - R. Nimmo . Seated : A Team-8. Harris, 8. Meares (Capt .), 'S. O'Donnell, M. Thomas. Each member of our team did her very best and we success- fully filled third place ( spurred on by the spontaneous barracking from the School), behind St. Margaret's and the Brisbane State High School. To celebrate our success, Mrs. Winter held a bar- 6-que in the Gymnasium. It was the perfect end to a wonderful season. -8.D.M. LIFESAVING NOTES This year has seen a quite new approach to the Inter-House competltlon. Each girl must attempt an award. A record num- ber of awards was recorded in 1st term by IV and VI forms, and the Royal Lifesaving Society has presented the School with a special pennant for outstanding performances. The II, III and V forms have now to do their awards this term, and then the Inter-House competition will be finalised . On the 2nd April, the Inter-School Lifesaving competition was held at Clayfield College. Our teams had worked very hard under the keen supervision of Miss Hardcastle and Mrs. Winter and were placed fifth in both the "A" and "B" divisions. There is still room for a lot of improvement but the girls are showing a keener interest in this sport. Our congratulations go to St. Margaret's who won both divisions in the competition. -8.D.M. 28

TENNIS A TEAM - 1966 (Left to Right) - J. Sharp, 8 . Hawcroft, M. Gilchrist, J. Kerr (Capt.)

TENNIS NOTES This year has been one of the mo~t su_ccessful i~ the hist?ry of the school's tennis, each grade winnmg its respective Premier- ship. In the finals the "A" team defeated Clayfield College, the "B" team had a victory over St. Margaret's, the "C" team won against Somerville House, while the 8th Grade team narrowly defeated St. Aidan's. We again express our sincere thanks to Mr. Moon for _his hio-h standard of coachino-. Miss Hardcastle has been the first s;orts Mistress for som; time who has shown a vital interest in tennis and the teams appreciate her enthusiasm. Our grate_ful thanks a~ to the Parents and Friends' Association for preparing the afte;noon teas , and to the girls who assisted in umpiring. Criticisms Judith Sharp has a reliable service, volley and forehand her backhand could be improved. Judith has played consistently throughout the season. Margaret Gilchrist is generally reliable but lacks concentra- tion. She would improve with more practice. 29

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