December 1958 School Magazine

December, 1958

..Bl'isbane Girls" Grammar School Magazine

8l'isbane Gil'ls" Grammar School Maq.azine

December, !9Sg

-as Form Mistresses of Third Forms most heroically. Our best wishes go to Mrs. White, who, before her marriage in August to Mr. Peter White, was Miss Crouch. This year Third Forms have figured in oll branches of school activities. The most successful Third Form in the field of sport was JIJG, who won the Third Form Tennis Finals, ond later defeated IVC. The fina'ls of the Third Form basket- ball were also won by JIJG, who were later defeated by !VB. "Blues" were won :by Jennifer Corish of JIJD for swimming and Brenda Cox of IIIG for athletics. 1'he combined Third Form won the Inter-Form Lifesaving Competition. The most successful Third Form in debating was IliA, who were later de- .leated by the winner of the Fourth Form debates, IVA. The Third Form Picnics were held this year on the !I th October. JIJA, B, C, 'E ond G went to the Pine River. while Scott's Point weathered the onslaught of liiD and JIJF. Despite our sunburn, the day was unanimously voted a success. During October the whole school turned out "en masse" to view the amusing basketball match between the Staff Team and JIIA Team. The Staff (let it be .so:d with shame) were the victors . Altogether this year has been a most successful one in Third ·f orm, and we lock forward to yet another happy year in Fourth Form. BOARDERS' NOTES At the beginning of this year, we welcomed Miss Crooks back from her -overseas tour, and Miss Burnett and Miss Colledge as Resident Mistresses . Miss Green left to teach at Fairholme College in Toowoomba, where we hope she is enjoying her new life. She made us a gift of two badly-needed ironing :boards, which we greatly appreciate. We have again been very fortunate in attending some of the operas, plays ond better films in town, and have had memorable outings to such pla'ces as 'Lone Pine and Mount CooHha. Our thanks go to Miss Crooks and Mr. Newell for allowing us to have .enoyable film and dance evenings with the boarders from the Boys' School. We would also like to thank Mr. Newell for making it possible for us to use the swimming pool for periods on Saturday c::olternoons . At the Inter-Form Sports our teams against the Day Girls were the victors jn all but the Tunnel and Zig-zag Pass. The Day Girls were successful in the :swimming, basketball and tennis, and our congrc::otulations go to them.

Although Form notes are scarcely the place to introduce such ci sad and solemn note, we feel we must pay sorr>e tribute to that stalwrnt support of many generations-the Horse! This faithful servant was wantonly incapacitated by some V Former (unknown) , and, though it is now rehabilitated, we feel it is the beginning of the end ! Carrying out our policy of brightening our abode at all times and en- deavouring to use to the fullest extent our wonderful new mirrors, many V Formers are taking a "de-lighted" interest in their hair. As the cloak of Sixth Form .slips upon our shoulders and WE> prepare to reform ourselves so that we may dispense justice with clear conscience next year, we can look happily back over a yea·r which has, perhaps, bElen the most enjoyable one yet (for us). FOURTH FORM NOTES Our Junior year has passed very quickly and it is now time to record the· act ivities of the Fourth Forms throughout the year. During first term rugs were begun and eventually completE>d and sent away. Much enthusiasm and hard work in second term were devoted to pre- paring stalls for School Day, when the new library building wets opened. 0£ these, IVE's Garden Stall was a great attraction to visitors. Although a down- pour of rain provided a setba'ck io the opening ceremony, the afternoon's success was not marred. Another enjoyable event was the Fourth Form Dance, which was held in the third term. In third term, too, Forms IVE and IVA set out on their Form Picnics, which were again highly successful. In the field of sport, we wish to congratulate Sixth Form on winning the inter-form swimming. We also applaud IVC for scoring the greatest number of points in the inter-form athletics. The Fourth Form round of the tennis was won by IVC, who narrowly defeated IVD, ond, after a close match, !VB de- feated Sixth Form in the basketball final. IVA outpointed the other Fourth Forms in the inter-form de-bating, but, after defeating the Third form finalists, was defeated by VB. The Fourth Forms have had good representation in School te01ms. We would like to mention Deirdre Muirhead of IVC and Joan Simpson of !VB, who were members of both the A team basketball and senior athletics team. Lynette Lewis , IVC, again excelled herself by her fleetness of foot, a·nd Mrngaret McCallum, !VB, proved a worthy captain of the junior athletics team. Many other girls have won distinction, not only in sport, bui in art and music also. In the course of the year two Fourth Formers left us for overseas. Pat White, of IVD, now lives in Hong Kong, and Carol Llewelyn Scorey was farewelled by IVA on her return to England by ship. In closing, we give thanks and gratitude to the. staff for their continued help all the year. We wish for those girls who are not returning the very best of good fortune in the future. Finally, we wish Miss Crooks, all the staff, and the School a very happy Christmas. THIRD FORM NOTES With the end of the year approaching, most members of Third Form have· now become well-seasoned pupils of the Grammar School (as our school hats denote). This year there has been a very large enrolment resulting in seven Third Forms. We !honk all our teachers for a happy introduction to Secondary School life and especially our Form Mistresses who have fulfilled their duties 14


Geraldine Walden, VB


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