December 1958 School Magazine
'Cite cm.agazine oj 'CI1e c.Bri.obane Girl.o' Grammar School
This year there have been some important milestones in i he history of our school. One of the most enjoyable of these was the opening of our library building, a permanent gateway io the world of books. We now have a beautiful home for the literary treasures collected over the years, which cater for the varied interests which are found in a large community. It is difficult for us to imagine how people managed with- out the wealth of variety schoolgirls to-day find in a library. Books provide interest, whether the reader be young or old, serious or frivolous, scientifically or artistically minded. If we use a dictionary correctly, we find it difficult to stop at the word we require . It is almost inevitable that another word -catches our interest and we become explorers in exciting, new country. Similarly, when we enter a library in search of a book 'about Shakespearean Tragedy, we are likely also to become deeply immersed in a volume of the Art of Picasso or of Archaeology in Egypt. In our enjoyment of such unexpected discoveries, we cannot help absorbing some of the information we find. Life becomes more interesting as we are thus able to converse w ith greater knowledge of more subjects. We unconsciously learn more of life itself, and with such knowledge our sense of criticism and judgment is sharpened and we become more useful citizens. Not only are w e personally enriched by the proper use of a library, but the community of which we are an integral part is the better for our presence. -M.G. 9
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