December 1958 School Magazine

.Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Mag.azine

Dec:ember, 195a

December, 1958

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Mag.azine

We are also most grateful for the use of IIIC Form room each Friday lunch hour and would like to express our sincere appreciation to Mrs. Fisher for her leadership. K.S . STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT NOTES. At the beginning of the year it was decided by the Committee of the Student Christian Movement at this school to invite speakers from time to time· to address our meetings on possible careers for girls. In the course of the year, Miss P . Green told us about the work of a librarian, Miss M. Bailey about the opportunities for physiotherapy work, Mrs. O'Hare about kindergarte'n teaching, and Dr. I. Wilson about research work. Interest has been stimulated in the work of the .Australian Inlc!nd Mission by talks given by A.I.M. padre, Rev. Colin Ford and his wife. Slides illustrating their activities in North Queensland were shown by Mrs. f'ord one lunch hour. Talks on the Student Christian Movement have been given by M'iss E. Exley and Mr. Roy Hunt, while Rev . and. Mrs . H. C. Spijkerboer accompanied their talk on S.C.M. in Holland with photographs of camps they had attended there. Play readings and general discussions occupied our other Monday meetings. We wish to thank Mrs. Shepherdson for her leadership dnd all speakddfod . 26

<9riginal eol'ttributiol'tb

JANUARY Comes now the hot, dry wind Heralding the summer months;

A wind that parches earth o'er which it sweeps And turns, once more, the trees to limp grey green, The grass to dead brown stalks, The winter's creek to unconnected waterholes, Slow dying in the shimmering heat. Whilst in the cities, 'midst the buildings tall, The noontide sun high overhead, Pavement and road, O'erwhelmed by savage rays, soften and Crack; the motley hurrying crowds pass blindly to and fro,

While glancing shadows throw A phantom mime against a wall.

- janice johnston, VIA.

THE TREE Sparkling image, dream of delight, Vision of joy that enkindles with light The eyes of children, shining bright;

The Christmas Tree stands, so straight and tall; The glow of red candle, the gleam of gold ball, And the spirit of Nicholas fires us all To hearts of goodwill, of peace, and of charity Born out of love with the Christ of Humility, Evermore felt in the spell of the Christmas Tree.

- S'usan Williamson, VIE.


Yellow grass •

With death-dry fingers clings To ochre dust Around the sunken springs. Yellow grass With acrid .dryness mocks The starving mobs And feeble, tortured flocks. Yellow grass With summer-fragrance mild The manger filled Where lay the Holy Child.

- Rhonda Vickers, VIB.


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