December 1953 School Magazine
December. 1953
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December. 1953
SCIENCE CLUB NOTES Science Club has continued successfully this year, meet- ings being held every second Thursday. An interesting _com- petition was held for the best Science Scrap Book, the wn~ner being Heather Taylor, ~hose book w~s really outstand~ng. The use of the School proJector has provided a welcome v~nety in our programme, the films shown were muc~ appreciated, especially the one on the Digestive System, whiCh helped the Physiology girls much more than a mere diagram. A number of guest speakers have been invited and the t~lks by Professor Whitehouse, Ruth Leslie and Professor \¥h1te were greatly enjoyed. Science Club members have also taken a large part in making the meetings successful. Several of the girls have g·iven us informative talks on subjects as diverse as the tape- worm, hygiene and Mt. Isa. However , one of the most popu_lar forms of entertainment seems to have been the performmg of "magic,·, experiments by some of our members; , The~e. wer,~ informative as well as spectacular, for the magicians explained the chemical secrets of their trade. We would like to thank Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Ryland for their assistai1ce (especially for thinking of experiments when our imaginations were running dry), and Miss Crooks for the great interest she has shown in our Club. BOARDERS' NOTES As the jacarandas bloom on the avenue , and the year draws swiftly to its inevitable end, we think back over past happenings. The year began with a decided incr:ase _in the I:umbers of the boardina house . We welcomed MISs Simonds m place of Miss Pater~on who, although now a day-mistress , wit~ Mrs. Powell , has aided us throughout the year. Se~ior dormi- tory welcomed its members back with a fine showmg of new furniture, which is appreciated very much. On Inter-Form Sports Day we were unsuccessful, although we enjoyed the day immensely, and some of our o·irls later gained places in the School teams . We offer our 0 . . congratulations to Sixth Form, the wmmng team. We have had two enjoyable dances with the boarders from the Boys' School, and we do thank Miss Crooks and Mr. McLucas for making these possible , and Mrs . Sears for pro- is
letics and IV D gained first place in the Interform Swimming. Our cong-ratulations go to III for winning Basketball, Athletics and ·Tennis. We wish to thank Miss Crooks and Mrs. Sears for making it possible for us to see the film ' 'A Queen is Crowned,' ' shown on the School's projector. \¥e fully enjoyed and appreciated this entertainment. Now, as our own Public Examination looms ahead, we extend the very best of luck to VI in their Senior Examina- tion and also best wishes for the future . To Miss Crooks and members of the Staff we wish a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. III We look back upon a year of new and interesting- work as 011r first year at the School comes to a close. vVe should like to take this opportunity to thank our teachers sincerely for the guidance and help they have given to us. The Clubs connected with the School were well patronised. The plays produced by Forms III A, D and E provided enjoy- able entertainment for members of the Dramatic Club. The Third Form members of the School also took an active interest in the Science Club. In the Debating· Club, ·III B, after winning· the Third Form debating finals against III E, were defeated by IV D, who are now to debate ag·ainst Sixth Form. In the Interform Swimming, III D was the most success- ful of the Third Forms, coming fourth in the School. In the Interform Athletics, III B showed their ability by obtaining the highest number of points of the Third Forms, coming fourth in the School. After a close match against III C in the Third Form Basketball finals. III B were defeated by IV B. III C is very proud of Cynthia Cruikshank who, in the Inter-School Athletics, won the Junior Championship and rep- resented the School so well that she obtained a Blue. III E played very well in the Inte~form Tennis Champi.on- ships to reach the finals, but were defeated by VI Form. Our congratulations go to VI Form for winning the Inter- form Tennis, Basketball, Swimming and Athletics. Our best wishes go to all Fourth and Sixth Form girls sitting for this year's Junior and Senior examinations. Finally, we wish Miss Crooks and all members of the Staff a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 14
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