December 1953 School Magazine

After School--Days

Shop this Summer

.. Join STOTT'S

in an atmosphere

that would make

STOTT'S Full Day Course of S E C R E T A R I A L TRAINING qual i £i e s students £or ex- elusive office appointments

a penguin feel

at home

Yes, Allan & Stark keep in step with the times . . . . this Summer we add new glory to the Smarter End of Queen Street by bringing air-cooled shopping throughout almost the entire Store . Our experience over the past few years of air-conditioning· in certain departments, has brought home to us how uncomfortable it is to shop in this humid sub- tropica! climate . Additional air-conditioning p lant has now been ins ta lled to e nable you to shop p ractica lly a nywhere in Allan & Stark in a blissfully fresh air-conditioned atmosphere. You will cer tainly find shopping much more pleasant when it bringts you into cool, cool Allan & Stark where the first consideration is always customer comfort.


Stott's Business College Pty. Ltd. 290 ADELAIDE STREET. BRISBANE

Ccol A]r-Conditioned

ALLAN & STARI< At the Smarter End cf Queen Street

Phone : FA 1627

K.H.S. Kerr, F.A.S.A.


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