December 1951 School Magazine
December, 1851
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Mag azine
December, 1951
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
IMPRESSION FROM THE BOND OF POETRY "In a hieroglyphic 'tis written-'tis spoken in a tongue unknown" Latin "Did no one say the way is long. And crave a little rest." Athletics practices "Work - work - work Till the brain begins to swim; Work - work - work Till the eyes arE) heavy and dim!" Week before exams. "Is standing with a voice of power." Prefect giving lines. "The guests are met, the feast is set." Boarders' midnight celebrations . "Here, where men sit and hear each other groan." After a lGsson in the Gym. "What is the tale you are telling? What is the drift of your lay? Howlers. "0, yea, and some were mute as death." Exam results are out. -Mar~aret Steele, IIID
DAWN Wild wings awake, and soaring upward Are lost in the ultimate freedom of the air to skyward. The rippling waters croon softly now no more To the wistful night, But glow with latent splendour anticipating light. SUNRISE There's a glow on the dim east horizon, And the busland now stirs and awakes, For the light in the east means dawn's coming, And the bush comes to life when day breaks. The light in the east now grows stronger, And the wind stirs the boughs of the trees, And the calls of the birds as they waken Are borne clearly to me on the breeze . The young sun peeps o'er the horizon, And tips the white clouds with bright gold,
-B.M., V
And all of the timid bush creatures Are awakening-this sight to behold.
Like a mantle thrown off is the slumber That wraps the whole land ere it wakes, And the bush population is moving, For the bush day now starts when day breaks.
- Gweneth Johnson, IliA
For Heav'n's sake let us sit upon the ground, And tell sad stories of examinees. How some have been dismayed, some incorrect, Some haunted by the facts they can't recall, Some fainting in exam, some sleeping then, All fail 'd. or within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a girl Our brain resides, and there the antick sits Scoffing our work, and grinning at our toil Allowing us a breath, a little scene To hope, to fear, to think we know our work, Infusing us w ith vain and self conceit As if th' exam which looms upon us now Were easily passed, and humour'd thus Comes at the last and with a little pin Bores through our great conceit and-farewell hope.
-Clemence Hedges, V
SEASCAPE A ship, like some Aquatic Mercury Slips over the moody waves, And is caught
By the spotlight of the gods, The saffron-tinted afterglow, In the centre of the stage;
Facing the footlights of the glistening sands. 3-!.
"A Tormented Mind"-NOELA MORRIS, V 35
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