December 1951 School Magazine
December, 1951
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
December, 1951
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
BASKETBALL NOTES A very exciting and enjoyable match against the Old Girls opened the year's basketball season, and by good for- tune we were the victors by one goaL In spite of all our hard practice and Mrs. Rorke's coaching the A Team was narrowly defeated by Commercial State High in the final match. However, our congratulations go to the B team on their premiership win which they thor;q)Jghly , (ieserved. Now another season of basketball has p.os§ed, , for _some of us the last, and we look back wistfully on th~ · , many happy -hours we spent working and playing together. - The Inter-Form basketball shield was keenly contested and after several fierce tussles, · IVD proved their superiority in defeating VI form in the finals. Congratulations! IVD on a really well organised team. We wish to thank all those who have helped to make · the season such an enjoyable one, and we sincerely thank Mrs. Rorke for all her patient help and guidance. Criticism of the Team AUDREY MORWOOD, defence goaler, played excellent basketball throughout the season. Her fine defence play, es- pecially her jumping, proved to be a great asset to the team.
LESLEY ANDERSON, defence assistan t goalie, greatly iw.- proved her defence play towards the end of the season. While her attack play was always consistent. MARGARET ALLEN, centre, maintained a high standard of both defence c:ind attack play, and proved to be a very reliable team member. PAM NAPIER, attack wing played well in all the matcnes. Her attack play is to be commended, and her defence play has greatly improved. JOCELYN ILIF, assistant goalie, worked well with the goalie and attack wing. Her jumping was good a lthough her attack play could have been more consistent. JOY WARD, goaler, combned a high standard of catch- ing with good positional play, although her goaling was sometimes erratic. -J.C.B. CLAIRE BEAK, defence wing, proved a s trong link be- tween defence ahd attack courts. She has been a helpful captain. -M.W.R.
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"A" BASKETBALL TEAM A. Morwood, J, Iliff, J, Ward, L. Anderson, M. Allen , C, Beak (Capt.), P. Napier (absent). 24
"B" BASKETBALL TEAM S. Rooney, J, Malouf. R. Colledge, V, White, L. Beak, J. Collard (Capt.), L. Murphy 25
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