December 1951 School Magazine
December, 1951
Brj;;bane Girls:. Grammar School Maga~ine
December, 1951
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
CRUSADER NOTES We are thankful that for tte . past year we have had the opportunity of ·meeting each Wednesday lunch time in Chris- tian.-fellowship at Crusaders. . : ~ : · 'Our m~etings are ()pened by ·the singing of · favourite choruses, followed by prayer often ' taken !Jy one of the girls: Our leader, Mrs. Burgin, .!hen reads us a passage from the Bible :and this' is ··followed by a short talk; The meeting is then closed by prayer: i · :·.i·--wr; have been pl~ased to welcome many visitors to our: ntl:1etings this year. . Missionaries frorirlndia, New Guinea, and Borneo, apd prdminent Brisbane Crusad~r leaders h.ave c-ome to us. It was our great joy to welcome back to our meeting Miss North wli BOARDERS NOTES As we look back from this end of the year, over the months, we can see that there have been changes in the Boarding House. We have had three new resident Mistresses, Miss Colvin, Miss Gillam and Miss Whalley, Miss Whalley replacing Miss Colvin, to whom we sent our very best wishes when she became Mrs. Meyers. Our Athletic record has improved this year, and as there is still room for more improvement, we hope the record will be better still next year. On Inter-Form Sports' Day, our teams put up a very good display of team work and enthusiasm. We won three out of five ball-games and lost the relay race by a narrow margin. Our Basketball team was not so success- ful, but they are to be commended on the fighting spirit they showed. Congratulations to IVD which was the winning team on both occasions. As usual, we have pleasant memories of places visited and things seen. On one notable occasion, we were shown Eagle Farm Aerodrome and spent a very interesting afternoon through the courtesy of T.A.A. There have been picnics at Sandgate and Ferny Grove and, of course, the Form Picnics. And we have seen two productions of this year's Junior play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream", and also "Let's Make an Opera", and the film "Harvey", all of which were thoroughly enjoyed. And now, as the days creep on towards the exams., and there are to be seen pale figures, book in hand and rapt ex- pression on face, moving slowly about the School, we all reluctantly leave our books for a minute to say this :- "Thank you, all who have helped and guided us during the year, especially Miss Lilley, the Resident Staff and Matron. To them, and to all, goodbye for this year, and a very happy Christmas, and a bright and prosperous New Year." .i.: Cut-work Corners of T.ablec!oth:_:M: cfc:, V 20 •' ' , - LOIS MURPHY, IV B 21
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