December 1950 School Magazine

December, 1950

Brisbane Girls'·~ Grammar School Magazine

BHsbaiie ~'Girls' ' Grmnmar School Magazine''

December. · 1950

' We are nOt very talented in Tennis, being defeated by III F in the second Third Form heat, but our ·,Basketball compen" sates fcir that . Our four School team · representatives .(two in the B and two in the C teams) were in our Form team and we thank VI Form for the difficult and exciting game we played in the finals. Everyone did her share towards knitting a rug, which was sent to England, after being displayed with the rugs knitted by other Forms, on Parents' Day. To make that day successful; : we helped provide produce and handiwork for the stalls, ·and musical entertainment and drinks for the visitors. To all Junior and Senior candidates who are now feeling the strain of study, we wish every success in the forthcoming examinations . Our thanks to all our Mistresses and especially . to our Form Mistresses, Miss Weaver and Mrs. Toppe~, who have helped to make our first year a successful and happy one. We send our best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. me Our Form, III C, comprising twenty-eight girls, is taking a Commercial course. This year we have had the use of four different rooms for our classes. We were fortunate in occupying the VIth form r.oom for the first term. We found it a pleasant room with its French- lights opening on to the front verandah with its many beautiful pot-plants. Now, after a term in the Library, we are settled in the cottage with Form III E, and share with them the dis- tractions of the Terrace. As for Inter-Form Athletics, all we can say is that we hope to do better next year. This year we have certainly not distinguished ourselves in sport Our Inter-Form Basketball · match proved a great victory for the opposing Form, III D, but we improved our play in the Tennis matches, as we managed to reach the finals of the Third Form matches, where, unfortu- nately, we were outplayed by Form III F. In the Inter-School Athletics on September 2nd, two of our girls, Elwynne Meyer and Judy Eyles, were chosen for ball-teams. Many of the girls in our Form worked hard for the Athletics, but were not fortunate enough to be placed in

2. Education rr .,.·~· ·r!>h klflv1ng toppeci ~ J¥e~ 1 Fst ir'}J· the . half-yearly exam.ina~ions , ')¥,~ CITEt , cj.etermined, to l.![etgin ow;;,eup for the highest Third Fo~m A,y:ergg,e p~ · th~ nYJep:r,: , .· .: ~~ ; , 3; ;; G~h~ral Evert~ Qll.d qe~erO:l Tone of Society , 1 ; 1 ' ;/ ,'f~e ,Form ~?7 . ' siiyrra:l 1 , Hmes been e~acuc;rted fro~ . one room tQ another . At ._present ·we are settled m the Library Rbo~ (opE:m to (;:11 \r~~itor's : aU )P.e time; eviciently under- ~to9d, put we lif-e to ~e ., ~o~pitableJ General society is a patchwork of niil'd' , vice cfud shining virtue (?). We would 1i:ke ~t thi,s jun'df[~~~' oft~~ · ;;i;nshing Miss Lilley and the Staff ~., i~rfi ·. h~ppy ~~as .· va~b.tion, ' to express our sincere gratih.).de to :Miss Brophy for .gmding as through many troubles and enduring us ford 'year. Th~s acknowledgement is nqt affected o* , pretenhpus, though it moy look like overstatement. Three cheers . for Miss Brophy! ·'' } { ; ) '! ; : : 1 ' : : :!) ' .,, 1,WhatE;Jve:r. we :;;ay, however, we are proud of our Form and; )ts o:chie;vemer;tts, and to end ·"' ,,I "·: ''' :i Though .red >is' r ich and b lue is b right, Though orange warm a ttrads . the sight , None can our affections "sever ' '";' . ,. , , ,Frorri the · ; ,G~eeil" and 'Black Forever" ! ·: • ~ •: : r ) ... ~ . : :· "' : ; .. . IIIB Our first year at the School is coming to a close and we shall be very sad to leave our present home -the detention room- to embark upon the Junior year. But we do not think the members of the Stcuf wil1 mourn our absence ! Our apologies for any discpmfort we have caused them during th:1;L past ,year. ;m· ~v· (oi;.! ·Miss Weaver, who 1put us · :at our ease when i, we· firs t came, bewildered and l:nexperieni:::ed, is now touring Great Britain and the Continent. · Her .m Gmy letters sent-h ome have l:J~~.n verry in.t13resting and ex~itin~;. so we shaH~cP,lil _ looking forw9rd. ,tP lecture.s ab,out her trcrvels on he r reb,mjt;;.ea rly next ¥:~· · : llt, :·· ···)qx.. ·, ·.. ~· :rc


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